Abstract Despite the fact that the National Police Service (NPS) is mandated to protect the lives and properties of the people as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution, it continues to face unprecedented pressure to improve its services to the public. Despite several changes being witnessed in the recent past, including annual recruitment of personnel, increased recruit training duration, acquisition of sophisticated weapons, advancement in technology, and most recently the merger of KPS and...
Abstract Adequate supplier evaluations reduce the cost of projects. Therefore, inadequate supplier monitoring can lead to high costs, non-performance risks, and poor quality of the deliverables. The study examined the influence of supplier evaluation management practices on the supply chain performance of selected Kenyan county governments in Nyanza Region. The study used a number of methods, first utilising a descriptive and correlational research design. The study targeted 112 staff in the...
Abstract The study focused on the effect of pre-contracting procurement practices on the supply chain performance of road authorities in Kakamega County, Kenya. Implementing and adopting the procurement Contracting practices in public institutions have continuously faced challenges due to their complexity and lack of resources, which directly impact supply chain performance. Institutions are operating in a competitive business environment with many players, and massive changes are taking pla...
Abstract Attainment of education related millennium development goals in Kenya is largely hinged on availability and appropriate use of financial resources to acquire supportive inputs to the education process. Two years away from the deadline, the promise of Education for All (EFA) is still a challenge that stands out among the disadvantaged poor populations who cannot finance their own education. Even when they start school, they have to drop out due to push out factors related to costs of...
Abstract/Overview The volatility nature of the business environment mandates the use of competitive strategies in order to compete. This necessitates the adoption of competitive strategies by financial institutions in order to remain profitable. There are limited studies on the influence of competitive strategies on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. This, as well as other growing banking challenges, has an operational and management impact on the bank's performance. However, there...
This study adopted an endogenous model to analyze the potential role of corruption control in the impact of taxation on capital flight in East African countries. The study used the generalized method of moments (GMM) with panel data from 2009 to 2022 to estimate the study regression model. The estimation results show that taxation and corruption control have positive and direct impact on capital flight. While, the interaction between taxation and corruption control have a negative and indirec...
Abstract: Within the last decade, China has emerged as the single largest bilateral lender to Africa, being only comparable to the World Bank in terms of volumes. However, despite its growing presence, China has become infamous for lack of transparency in its lending practices; there is no accurate data regarding its outstanding debt stocks, debt flows, and most importantly, its lending terms and conditions. Using a set 37 original loan contracts between China and 10 different African countr...
Abstract: Studies on the Rise of Rwanda and development are not a new concept at all. However, most of these studies do not present concrete criteria for determining how the country has marketed herself as a regional hub for international conferences. This study attempts to fill the academic gap by examining other international conference cities and identifying the similarities or/ and differences they have with Kigali City. To achieve these objectives, this thesis employed a qualitative res...
Abstract: Bilateral and multilateral blocs play a fundamental role in advancing economic, political and socio-cultural integration among member nations. In this regard. BRICS was formed mainly on an economic theme. In Africa. South Africa is the only member of the BRICS. Some of the reasons of the country joining the bloc were prospects of enhancing global trade and market access, foreign direct investment and to increase its bargaining power. This study interrogated why South Africa was mot...
Abstract: Kenya's 2010 constitution declares equity to be an underlying princi ple of governance, which is constituent with its provision for devolution. While institutionalization of equity is acknowledged by the previously marginal ized, this is often not the case with beneficiaries of the old order. In order to efficaciously implement the letter and spirit of Kenya's constitution devolution, it is important for Kenyans to understand that while nature vastly differentiated their country, s...
Abstract: This study seeks to examine the potential of economic diplomacy for the promotion of intra-African trade, with a focus on the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region. The study focuses on the following research questions: Do the different member states of COMESA apply economic diplomacy? What has been the impact of economic diplomacy COMESA member states? What is the way forward for economic diplomacy among COMESA member states? This study will apply a mixed m...
Abstract: Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are considered an integral avenue for the pursuit of Kenya‟s development agenda. They are seen as a vehicle through which the government encourages and involves the private sector through investments in projects and services, give better value for money and transfer significant risk and management to the private sector. The adoption of the PPP arrangement by Kenya was prompted by the increasing demand for quality and affordable services from cit...
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to examine the role the private sector plays in attaining economic self-reliance in Kenya. Currently Kenya is in a debt crisis due to unsustainable external borrowing. The study was guided by two theories: institutional differences and new theory of management. The study employed a mixed methodology. The study seeks to find how through the PPPs Kenya can attain economic self-reliance as well as create a sustainable approach to detach from extern...
Abstract: Cash transfers have increasingly been regarded as best practice for social protection mechanisms in developing countries. In Kenya, the pilot program of cash transfer introduced in the year 2004 focused on Orphans and vulnerable children with the aim of mitigating the effect of Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immuno Virus (HIV) on children in the nation. In Malawi, the Social Cash Transfer was rolled out in 2006 on a pilot basis in response to chronic hunger an...
Abstract: There is a growing recognition of the south to south migration in developing countries, shaping the relationship between diaspora remittance and national development. It is for this reason that the study was justified on the basis that many studies on remittance are derived from the Global north than the Global south. The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between diaspora remittances to Kenya’s national development focusing on the Global south. The study was guid...