Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Private Sector And Economic Development In Beledwein District

ABSTRACT The research aimed at assessing the impacts of private sector on economic development of Somalia, beledwein district, hiran region as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used .The qualitative techniques was presented by use of tables and converted to percentages according to the themes, the data collection method used include questionnaires, observation and the data was descriptive in nature. The objective of the study was to examine the major effects of p...

The Effects of Agoa and Eu-Acp Trade Preferences On Ghana’s Bilateral Exports: A Comparative Study

ABSTRACT Ghana has been a recipient of several trade preferences fashioned to increase its export earnings and diversify its exports. Among these trade preferences are the notable EUACP and AGOA adopted by the EU and US respectively. The study draws motivation from the relative sparcity of literature that seeks to investigate the effect of these preferences on individual developing countries and the inconclusiveness of existing studies. The main objective of the study is to find out if the E...

Estimating The Cost of Emissions at Toll Booths: Case Study of Tema and Frafraha Toll Booths in The Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Global demand for easy mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important concern in transportation network planning and decision-making. As a result suitable methods are required to assess fuel consumption and emissions reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and decarbonisation. This thesis looks at the contribution of toll plazas to transport CO2 emissions as it is at these specific locations that bottlenecks and congestio...

The Impact of Taxation Revenue on Economic Growth in Nigeria 1986-2018

This study analyzed the impact of taxation revenue on economic growth in Nigeria, the specific objectives include: Analyse the trend of taxation revenue and economic growth in Nigeria; examine the relationship between taxation revenue to economic growth in Nigeria; and determine the direction of causality between tax revenue and economic growth in Nigeria.The research made use of Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) as the dependent variable and Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT), Company Income Tax (C...

Oil Price Shocks and Oil Sector Stock Prices in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates the impact of oil price shocks on oil sector stock prices in Nigeria using a high frequency data between January 2000 to December 2010. The empirical results indicates that no significant effect of oil price is found on oil sector stock prices but there are significant effects of such macroeconomic variables as interest rate, exchange rate and real gross domestic product on oil sector stock prices in Nigeria. Therefore the volatility in oil price does not nece...

Optimal Extraction Of Natural Gas In Tanzania: Empirical Test Of Hotelling’s Principle

ABSTRACT There are huge expectations that Tanzania’s current natural gas discoveries and extraction would provide significant growth in the economy. However, there are no empirical studies conducted to provide the understanding of the potential and efficient resource extraction paths, shadow prices, cost components and behavior of gas extracting firms, whether firm’s are operating in a manner predicted by Hotelling’s theory and its dynamic optimality condition. We use panel Feasible Ge...

The Effect of Household Waste Disposal on Household Health Expenditure in Ghana

ABSTRACT Improper disposal of household waste induces diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid among others which have consequences on healthcare expenditure in a developing country like Ghana. This study investigated the effect of household waste disposal on household health expenditure in Ghana and as well examined the socio-economic and demographic factors that influence healthcare expenditure among Ghanaian households. The study employed the Tobit estimation technique and da...

Effects Of Telecommunication On Economic Growth In Hormuud Telecom, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study of the effects of telecommunication on economic growth Mogadishu state of Somalia was carried out on Hormuud Telecom. The study had three objectives. To examine the impact of Homiuud Telecommunication Company on improving people’s standard of living in Mogadishu. To establish the contribution of Hormuud Telecommunication Company on employment creation in Mogadishu of Somalia. To assess the relationship between Telecommunication and economic growth in Somalia The study ...

Inflation And The Cost Of Living In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study focused on inflation and cost of living (measured by the annual public expenditures in USD) in Uganda (1996-2011), its objectives were: to establish the trend of inflation in Uganda (1996-20 11), to establish the trend in the cost of living as broken down by public expenditures on health, education and agric., vet., and forestry. The hypothesis of the study was there is no significant relationship between inflation and cost forestry of living. Time series analysis such...

The Effects Of Modern Technology On The Level Of Employment Opportunities In Financial Institutions: A Case Study Of Equity Bank (Eqty) Katwe Branchmakindye Divisionkampala District

The Study was meant to investigate the effects of modem technology on the level of employment in financial institutions. The study was guided by the following Objectives; to find out the effects of modern technology on the level of employment opportunities in financial institutions, to find out the challenges facing modem technology in financial institutions in relation to employment opportunities, and to find out possible solutions to the challenges faced by modern technology in financial in...

The Impact Of Warehouse Facilities On Service Delivery, A Case Study Of National Medical Stores.

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to find out the impact of warehouse faci lities on service delivery in public organizations in Uganda with National medical stores as the focal point. The study was guided by three research objectives. to examine the impact or '"archousing fac il it ies on service delivery in national medical stores, to examine the factors hindering warehousing fac ilities from fac il itating effective service delivery and ways of improving warehousing faci li...

Tax Policy And Foreign Direct Investment In Rwanda Between 2008-2012: A Case Of Kigali City.

ABSTRACT This study determined the relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali City, Rwanda. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, three research objectives were formulated and these included: To determine effectiveness of tax policy in Rwanda; to determine the level of foreign direct investment in Kigali; and to establish whether there was a significant relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali city, Rwanda. The research ...

Micro-Credit Service Provisions And Urban Women’s Economic Well Being A Case Study Of Makindye Division Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of isoinen in Makindye l)ivision. the study was guided by three objectives: (1) finding out the level of microcredit sen ices. (2) finding out the level of economic wellbeing and (3) finding out the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of women in Makindye Division. The stud> involved quantitative approach specifically the descriptive cor...

Foreign Direct Investment And Empployment: "A Case Study Of Three Selected Foreign Direct Investments In Juba County"

ABSTRACT The research examines and establishes the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDis) and employment opportunities in the case study Juba County, South Sudan. It was based on the followi~g objectives at ways of attracting the FDis, how government benefits from FDis and how FDis also benefit from their business. Lastly, challenges facing the FDis in the area were also looked into. In the literature review, what different authors and theories have stated have been analyzed su...

The Effects Of Public Health Education On Hiv/Aids On The People Of Banda, Nakawa Division In Kampala District.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the effects of public health education on HIV/AIDS on the people of Banda, Nakawa Division in Kampala District. The research had some objectives which it aimed to achieve, among which are: i) To establish the effect and impact of public health education on HIV/ AIDS control. ii) To find the reasons why people and their families are not able to make informed decisions on HIV/AIDS. iii) To identify the need for public health education in controlling HIV/AID...

106 - 120 Of 580 Results