Since independence, oil imports in Kenya have been rising mainly to sustain the nascent transport, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and maritime sectors among other uses in the country. The growth in the country’s oil import bill has however been closely related to public spending in the health and education sectors which experienced shocks owing to the growth in expenditures apportioned to the rising volume of oil imports. Given the significance of the social pillar of the Kenya Vision 2...
Current account is one of the components in the Balance of Payment of a country. It covers all the transactions that involve the real sources (goods, services, income).It comprises the international balances of transactions in trade of goods and services, factor income and current transfers. Current account balance is significant because it is key economic indicator of country’s external performance. Despite this voluminous literature, there is hardly any consensus as regards the determinan...
Information technology has changed the traditional ways of doing business to a digital and electronic way that has led to globalization. The banking industry has been forced by the wave ofelectronic payment system in the business environment to change from its traditional ways such as: long queues as customers waited to be served, delay in the clearing house as representatives of different banks waited to settle their dues and manual work that resulted to errors. The main purpose of the s...
ABSTRACT Kenya is seeking to meet the Sustainable Development Goals-2030 agenda. The serious challenge to this course remains the soaring debt obligations, capturing a significant portion of the national budget. Kenya has been borrowing externally at higher rates and continually expanding the debt ceiling. The government will therefore in future spend a significant portion of its revenue repaying the debts at the cost of important local investment. The government is therefore limited to full...
ABSTRACT Group based lending has been synonymous with most borrowers of the lower economic end in the developing world and this is no exemption to borrowers in Kenya. For a long time low income earners had been left out and were previously unbanked. The microfinance model through group lending has ensured inclusion of these players to the economy. Group lending is done through self-organised groups of individuals mostly between 5 and 20 who lack mainstream collateral but can co guarantee eac...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish impact of compliance review audits on financial performance of donor funded organizations in Nyeri County, Kenya. Donor funded organizations are supposed to conform to grant and loan conditions established by donor organizations and communities. One shortfall that has greatly affected the implementation and success of the donor funded projects is accountability and poor information relays to the donors which in the end demoralizes the donor...
ABSTRACT The performance of commercial banks in Kenya has been declining in the recent years evidenced by decline in return on assets and return on equity from 3.99 percent and 24.7 percent in 2016 to 3.5 percent and 22.5 percent in 2018. This trend indicates a challenge in the entire banking industry regarding profitability. Agency banking was introduced to increase the reach of banks to enable banks to reach the unbanked. Agency banking can therefore enhance market share and performance of...
ABSTRACT Most SOEs are faced with a challenge of poor financial management as reflected in misuse of financial resources and inefficiencies in internal control systems. At the same time, most state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have consistently been making losses and some of the reasons cited are lack of sound financial management, poor reporting and tracking systems, lack of internal control systems and audit teams. These challenges result into the need of determining the interaction between fi...
ABSTRACT Financial performance of insurance companies has been declining due the decrease in profitability as a result of the rise in competition, changes in technology, deregulation and as well as globalization. The collaboration between insurance companies and financial institutions to distribute or cross-sell insurance products, through Bancassurance which provides a one-stop-shop platform whereby customers can access insurance services among other financial solutions, is the only platfo...
ABSTRACT Resources are scarce. Public and private entities must ensure that available resources are allocated efficiently and utilized for the intended purposes in order to achieve strategic objectives. In Kenya, the principles of public finance are enshrined both in the constitutions and various legislations, the most important of which is the Public Finance Management Act. While both National and County governments are expected under law and by the citizenry to pursue optimal financial per...
ABSTRACT The non-performing loans ratio among Kenyan lenders rose to a 10-year high in the third quarter of the year 2018 as commercial banks struggled with loan defaults in a tough economic environment. The rise has mainly been driven by business borrowers and has affected largely banks in tier 2 and 3, a research report by Standard Investment Bank showed. Businesses in the country have struggled with a tough operating environment this year as credit growth ground to a halt on the back of a...
ABSTRACT Technological changes and innovation in any economy play a pivotal role in reducing operational expenses and increasing total factor productivity. The Kenyan banking sector is characterized by operational inefficiency in the factors of production as evidenced by high operational expenses. The inefficiency in the factors of production can be reduced through adoption of new technology and innovation. This study examined how technology and innovation can remedy the inefficiency by inv...
ABSTRACT The trading with derivatives has developed over a long period of time though the greatest impact has been felt over the last three decades. Derivatives markets have changed overtime from trading with the simple contracts to very advanced and exotic instruments. Though Kenya has been lagging behind in the derivative markets development, a lot of ground work has been put in place for the trading with legislature in place and the CMA putting up a department to oversee the development. ...
ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an essential part of any economic system and it is an incentive that allows economies to grow. However the positive results of FDI are not accessed by all countries, communities or sectors. The performance of commercial banks in Kenya has been found wanting for the last five years with some banks reporting profit warnings and two banks being placed in receivership in the year 2015. Similarly, foreign direct investment in Kenya has been fluctuating....
ABSTRACT Human resources are the source of achieving competitive advantage because of its capability to convert the other resources (money, machine, methods and material) in to output (product/service). The competitor can imitate other resources like technology and capital but the human resource are unique. People are one of the most important factors providing flexibility and adaptability to organizations. People (managers), not the firm, are the adaptive mechanism in determining how the fi...