ABSTRACT This study investigated the reasons for and the problems associated with the low quality and the unemployment saga of the marketing graduates that have impeded the growth of tertiary marketing education in Nigeria. Marketing which should take the centre stage in the holistic development of the nation has continued to play a second fiddle with consequent loss of professionalism in marketing practice and in marketing education. This study also grappled with the problem of lack of stude...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the impact of sales promotion strategies on sales volume In Kenya a case study of MKL Company limited. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of the sales promotion strategies employed by multichoice Kenya limited on the increasing sales volume in the organization, to identifY the sales promotion strategy (ies) used by MKL, to establish how to improve sales in MKL, to identify changes faced by MKL in implementing sales promotion...
ABSTRACT The study was set out to investigate the effect of sales training on sales performance in the hospitality industry. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the characteristics of a good sales training program in the hospitality industry, to determine the caliber of staff to be included in a sales training program and to establish the importance for sales training program in the hospitality industry. The study findings were that characteristics of a good sales t...
ABSTRACTFor any organization’s survival constant maintenance of customer relationship is vital. One of the modern ways of enhancing this effectiveness is the use of automatic taller machine other wise know as branchless banking. Although the usage of this machine is too mechanical. For the purpose of collecting and secondary source of data collection was used. To this end, for any organization to maintain and facilitate effective customer relation in banking industry automatic teller machin...
PROPOSAL Privatization is a very broad sense may be defined as the transfer of ownership and control right over a firm from the government owned industries to the private sector. Commercialization in the other sense is said to be the withdrawal of government funding from parastatals to enable it operate commercially to fund for its existence of operation. This research work is aim to investigate into the benefit of privatization and commercialization on the Nigeria economy “Marketing focus�...
ABSTRACT The study was set on consumer behaviour and cultural values in BRARUDI S.A The objectives were to establish the different cultural values affect consumer behaviour of people in BRARUDI S.A, the relationship between the cultural values and consumer behaviour of people in BRARUDI S.A and also to establish other factors that offer consumer behaviour. The methodology used were research design, survey population and sampling Research design referred to collect enough information from resp...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... .iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle PageCertificationAcknowledgementTable of contentsCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Statement of the study1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.6 Limitation of the studyCHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature Review2.1 Concept of sales promotion2.2 Objectives of sales promotion2.3 Sales promotion planning strategy2.4 Factors determine the selection of sales promotion2.5 Concept of consumer products2.6 Types of consumer p...
TABLE OF CONTENTCHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of problems of the study1.3 Aims and objectives of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.5.1 Theoretical scope1.5.2 Geographical scope1.5.3 Industrial scope1.5.4 Time scope1.6 limitations and constraints to the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of past research reports on the subject matter (empirical review)2.2 Review of braineral test (theoretical reviews)2.3 Summary o...
ABSTRACTThe project aim at knowing personal selling as a promotional tools in marketing of industrial goods, which provide for detail information about all activities that is going in industrial goods/ products, and also touch the parts of promotional activities like sales promotion, public relation, advertising and publicity which is useful to solve marketing problems. This project explains all process involve in oil companies in order to make successful selling activities. However, it also ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgementAbstractTable of content CHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of the problems1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Importance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.6 Limitation of the studyCHAPTER TWO2.1 Literature review2.2 Nature and scope of marketing 2.2.1 Importance of marketing 2.4 Retailing mix2.5 The concept of marketing in retailing2.6 The difference between marketing and retailing concepts2.7 Hypo...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgmentTable of contents CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of problems1.3 Aims and objectives of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.6 Limitations and constraints to the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Concept of competitive market Environment2.2 Characteristics of competitive market2.3 Strategies for meeting competition2.4 Concept of promotion2.5 The promotion tools2...
TABLE OF CONTENTTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgmentTable of ContentsAbstract CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Statement of problems of the study 1.3 Aims and objective of the study 1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study 1.5.1 Theoretical scope 1.5.2 Geographical scope 1.5.3 Industrial scope 1.5.4 Time scope 1.6 Limi...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle Page Certification iDedication iiAcknowledgement iv Table of Content viCHAPTER ONE: 1.0 Background of the study 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Problems of Study 21.3 Aims and Objective of the Study 51.4 Scope of the Study 6 1.5 Limitation of Study 61.6 Definition of Term 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Defini...