Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Stress Management Strategies And Their Influence In Enhancing Discipline Among Secondary School Students In Elburgon Division, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Educationists are currently paying more attention to the effects of stress on students in relation to school discipline. Inability to cope with stress culminates to indiscipline behaviour that has rocked many schools in Kenya. Stress management strategies are a set of techniques and programme intended to help people experiencing stress to acquire appropriate measures to avert harmful behaviour. The purpose of this study therefore was to determine the influence of these stress manage...

An Investigation Of Early Memories.

An Investigation Of Early Memories.

Carinus Nursing College : An Historical Study Of Nursing Education And Management Using The General Systems Approach, 1947 1987.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this dissertation is to research aspects of the historical development of Nursing F..ducation and Nursing Management at the Carinus Nursing College from 1949 to 1987; to determine and explain how the College has adapted and coped with historical change and to determine whether proposals for the future can be made. Research has been done by applying the general systems theory and by using the standard methods of historical analysis. Data has been collected by means of o...

The Role Of Anger In Managerial Effectiveness

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the role of anger on managerial effectiveness. To this end, a sample of male managers in a South African financial organisation completed questionnaires on the experience of anger, the expression of anger, and Type A behaviour. Managerial effectiveness was assessed in terms of the behavioural dimensions of the organisation's assessment centre and performance appraisal, as well as a managerial achievement quotient. A factor analysis computed se...

Factors Influencing Substance Abuse Among Youth In Lamu County A Case Of Faza Ward- East Sub County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing drug and substance abuse among youth in Lamu County. According to NACADA (2015), about 200,000,000 people worldwide abuse drugs. Despite NACADA’s and other groups’ interventions, drug abuse is on the increase; with over 30% of youth in Kenya abusing various types of drugs. In the first chapter of this paper, the researcher presents an introduction to the study and also a brief explanation of the problem that promp...

Selected Psychosocial Factors Affecting Wellness Of The Elderly: A Case Of Homes For The Elderly In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Changing family values and migration into cities has seen many Kenyans live away from their aging parents making it hard to fulfil their traditional role of caring for them. This has contributed to the rapid growth of homes for the aged in the country especially in Nairobi County. The purpose of the study was to investigate selected psychosocial factors affecting wellness of the elderly persons admitted in homes for the elderly in Nairobi county.The study focused on three psychosoci...

Influence Of Parental Factors On Children’s Career Choice: A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Isinya Sub-County, Kajiado Kenya

ABSTRACT Career selection is one of many important choices students make in determining future plans, therefore the importance of career choice among senior high students cannot be over emphasized. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which some selected parental factors influence career choices among form four students in Isinya Sub-County in Kenya. The study sought to establish the relationship between these selected parental factors and the student’s career choice....

Factors Influencing Divorce: A Case Of Mwiteria Circuit In Imenti North- Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Divorce is unexpected experience among married men and women that cut short their life dreams against the divine intended purpose for marriage and family as a unit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing divorce among Christian couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of infidelity on divorce among couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit, to evaluate the influence of domestic violence on divorce among couples in...

Factors Influencing Marital Stability Among Elderly Couples Within Westlands Sub-County, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Globally marital unions are constantly facing myriads of challenges putting relationships in a crisis mode. The study was to explore factors influencing marital stability among elderly couples aged over 55 years in Westlands Sub-county of Nairobi. This study used the following study objectives; To explain the extent to which factors in the management of conflict influence marital stability among elderly couples in Westlands sub-county, Nairobi, Kenya, To describe the factors of quali...

Challenges To Drug And Substance Abuse Cessation Efforts Among Students In Secondaryschools: A Case Of Machakos Town, Machakos County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate into the challenges experienced in drug and substance abuse cessation efforts by students in secondary schools in Machakos County. The following were the four objectives of the study; to investigate individual challenges experienced by students in secondary schools in Machakos Town in their effort to stop abusing drugs, to establish family challenges experienced by students in secondary schools in Machakos Town in their efforts to stop ab...

Selected Factors Influencing Adjustment Of Retirees: A Case Of Ministry Of Industry, Trade And Cooperatives, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Retirement occurs when one leaves formal employment to other engagement that may not be part of their previous work. It can also be seen as cessation of one stage of life to a new one. Most studies have concentrated on allocation and disbursement of pensions and the experiences of the retirees. Few studies have identified factors that influence the adjustment of retirees from civil service in Kenya. The objectives were to establish the influence of pre- retirement preparations on ad...

Influence Of Self Disclosure, Perceived Stigma, And Social Support On Students’ Attitudes And Intentions To Seek Counseling

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of self disclosure, perceived stigma and social support on students’ attitude and intentions to seek counselling. Four hundred and ninety nine (266 male and 233 female) undergraduates of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, aged 18 to 28years (mean age= 23.90, SD= 2.70), participated in the study. Attitude was measured using Attitude Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale while Intentions was measured using Intentions of Seeking Counselling...

Moderating Role Of Emotion Regulation On Relationship Of Event Centrality And Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Internally Displaced Tiv Persons

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the association between trauma centrality, emotion regulation strategies, and PTSD symptoms. It was also aimed at testing the nature of association between event centrality and PTSD could change as a function of emotion regulation strategies (moderation). Participants were 859 internally displaced Tiv persons (male = 434, females = 425), randomly selected from two major temporary camps of the displaced Tiv persons in Markurdi, capital of Benu...

Teachers’ Knowledge Of Identify Suicidal Behavior Risk Factors Of Adolescents In Public Secondary Schools In Nyandarua South District, Nyandarua County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to find out teachers’ knowledge of suicidal behavior risk factors of adolescents in public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua South District, Kenya. The study employed a concurrent triangulation research methodology; both descriptive cross sectional survey and naturalistic phenomenology designs were used. Probability and non probability sampling methods were used to sample 73 teachers and 11 teacher counselors respectively. The study used 50% of the total popu...

Psychological Empowerment Of The Youth’s At Tsungirirai Welfare Organization In Norton

ABSTRACT The study of psychological empowerment have been neglected locally,regionally and internationally. Different empowerment programs that have been introduced worldwide have failed to address the matter from a psychological standpoint. Negligence of psychological empowerment programes globally has therefore contributed to high rate of unemployment amongst the youth’s.The fact that the youth’s are the most disadvantaged group drive the researcher to carry out a study that targeted th...

91 - 105 Of 263 Results