Sociology and Psychology Research Papers/Topics

The New Hierarchical Model of Human Needs

As of today, we  take into account the fact that the human person does not always act rationally at first glance, and also began to better understand possible causes for it. But even with all the research we've done, there's still a lack for the human motivational map model that can bring together all the knowledge we've gained. And the main purpose of this article is to give the most complete explanation possible of the needs of a human person in one motivational map model. Taking as a basi...

Pornography: A Poison and Canker Worm to Sexuality (Dangers/Effects and Way Forward)

The recent high level of the use of internet-enabled technology has enormously changed the way adolescents encounter and consume sexually explicit material. Once they possess a personal computer and/or a Smartphone, the internet is all available for them. This implies that the growth of the internet has come easier and more ubiquitous access to pornography, and the effects are becoming more prominent every day due to the accessibility, affordability, and lack of accountability associated with...