Project Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

Governmental Organization Water Projects and Social Development in Rulindo District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was an investigation of the effect of water projects provided by Non- governmental organizations on the social development of the people of Rulindo District in Rwanda. According to the Rwanda Ministry of Health, Rulindo District was singled out as one of the districts most affected by problems related to lack of water and sanitation. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to analyze how Water for People Projects have provided safe drinking wat...

Community Participation and Road Projects in Bosaso, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study was set to assess the effect of community participation on the road projects constructions in Bosaso Somalia. The study problem was based on the poor roads network on the road projects in Bosaso. The study objectives included to establish the effect of community self mobilization on road projects, examine the effect of community monitoring and evaluation on road projects and to determine the effect community decision making on road projects in Bosaso, Somalia. the study u...