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TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGMENTS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLISTOFTABLES ixLIST OF FIGURESACRONYMS xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 11.0 Background to the Study 11.1 Statement Problem 31.2 Objectives of the Study 31.2.1 General Objective 31.2.2 Specific Objectives 41.3 Research Questions 41.4 Scope of the Study 41.5 Significance of the Study 4CHAPTER TWO 6REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 62.0 Introduction 62.1 Causes of single Parenthood 62.2 Effects of Single Parent...

An assessment of the impacts of early marriages on Societal development. The case of Manicaland from 2010- 2016.

ABSTRACT In a way to enhance the eradication of early marriages in Zimbabwe the research was conducted on the impacts of early marriages on societal development. The research was conducted in Manicaland Province. The research objectives was to explain the causes of early marriages, impacts of early marriages, challenges faced in trying to eradicate early marriages as well as the effectiveness of legislative frameworks put in place to solve the problem of early marriages in Zimbabwe. It goes o...

The Subjects Of Motherhood And Marriage In The Autobiographies Of Maya Angelou.

ABSTRACT The autobiography is the medium Angelou chooses to recount the defining phases of her experience as an African-American. In fact, she uses it to define her identity – who she is, her culture, and her past, present and future. Maya Angelou has a collection of autobiographical texts, which chronicle her life from infancy to adulthood. In these collections, she recounts the hard and good times of her life. This essay discusses how Angelou uses the subjects of motherhood and marriage...

A Critical Examination of the Legal Framework On Gender Inequality In Uganda

Abstract The study assessed the effectiveness of legal framework on gender inequality in Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives to examine the forms and causes of gender inequality, in Uganda, to analyze the legal framework on gender inequality in· Uganda, to examine the extent to which gender inequality laws have been enforced in Kawempe division. The study will largely doctrinal. A number of methodologies will be applied. These will include reviewing the available literature, us...

Representation of Gender Roles in Selected Ankole Marriage Songs

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.1 Introduction1.2 Background to the study 11.3 Statement of the Problem 21.4 Objectives of the study 21.5 Research Questions 31.6 Literature Review 31.7 Justification Of The Study 61.8 Scopeofthe study 61.9 Methodology 71.9.1 Introduction 71 .9.2 Methods for data collection Library Research Observation Interviews 81.9.3 Methods Of Data Analysis Translation Linguis...

The Influence Of Print Media Campaigns On The Fight Against The Defilement Of The Girl Child A Case Study Of The Daily Monitor

ABSTRACT In Uganda the child is held in high esteem as a source of pride and prestige, wealth from the girl child's dowry, security from old age and domestic labor. At the same time, children are seen as property of the family and clearly subordinated to their families and clans/ child upbringing emphasizes parental power, obedience and long hours of work. There is discrimination against children based on gender and birth older, and many parents, teachers and others in charge of children are...

Bridewealth Payment And Male-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence In Ghana

ABSTRACT Physical aggression, psychological mistreatment and sexual abuse against women in intimate unions are public health concerns globally. They constitute infringements on human rights, and are a huge economic burden to nations. Research suggests that individual level factors and women’s subordinate position to men predispose them to male-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV). In sub-Saharan Africa where marriages are near universal, little is known about the cultural context wit...

The Contribution Of International Non Governmental Organizations To Promoting Children’s Rights To Education In Tanzania: A Study Of World Vision In Dodoma Region.

ABSTRACT This study is on the Contribution of International nongovernmental organizations on promoting children’s rights to education in Tanzania, the study takes World Vision Tanzania in Dodoma Region as case study. Broadly the study aimed at examining the contribution of World Vision in promoting children‟s rights to education in Tanzania. Primarily the study was based in providing an overview of the state of children‟s rights to education in Farkwa and Mundemu wards by examining the ...

Challenges Of Accessing University Education By High School Graduates In Marsabit Central Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT According to MoEST (2008), it’s observed that access to university education has tremendously improved in current years. The enrolment moved from 59,195 in 2000-2001 to 1333,710 in 2007-2008 academic year. However, that increment has not been experienced in the areas of semi-arid lands (ASAL). The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges of accessing university education by high school graduates of Marsabit District. Survey research method was used to gather information ...

Divorce Proceedings Under The Matrimonial Causes Act Cap. M7. Lfn 2004 At The High Court In Nigeria; Precedents And Procedure

This article aims to guide a new wig and to arm him with the basic knowledge of interviewing, preparing and filing of a divorce process and as well as emphasis on the entire procedure including stage to stage guide in divorce proceedings in High Courts of Nigeria. VICTOR. U UZOCHUKWU LP.

Effect of Length of Marriage The Sources of Marital Problems Among Married Female Students Of Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of length of marriage on sources of marital problems among married female students of Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. The population of married female students was 145; the sample was 103 of married female students. Descriptive survey designed was used. A simple random sampling method was used to select the married female students from the targeted school. Six hypotheses were raised and tested using Chi-square for data an...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to identify interpret and understand the causes of early marriage perceived by Adults in Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State with a view to recommend appropriate measure to be taken in order to enhance their welfare in terms of education and thus empower them to become relevant and potential citizens of the contemporary Nigeria. The investigation was conducted solely with the purpose of findings out the attitude of the Adult on early marriage of girl...


INTRODUCTION  Marriage is the cardinal social instructions of human race its origin dates back to the creation of man himself. This can be traced in the biblical account of our first parents Adam and Eve that lived in the Garden of Eden as recorded, that God made a woman from the rib of Adam and brought her to the man (Adam). Thus man now said “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh it was for this reason that a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his ...

The Relationship Between The Level Of Marital Satisfaction And Marital Infidelity In Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: Marriage is the main fabric of society. As such factors that influence marriage negatively should be dealt with effectively to ensure that marriage is preserved. This research sought to establish the relationship between marital satisfaction and marital infidelity. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative design methods for data collection and analysis. The population was married individuals from Nairobi County. The sample comprised 102 respondents from Central Nairobi ...

Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Law On Divorce In Uganda A Case Study Of Kampala

Table of Contents Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... i Approval .............................................. ,. ................................... :'.:···················································· ii Dedication ..................................................................................................................

181 - 195 Of 959 Results