Agricultural land is an important resource for farm households as it forms the base for their livelihoods. Therefore, the manner in which households utilize this resource influences to a large extent their food security situation. This study sought to establish the impact of agricultural land use on household food security in Kisii Central sub-County, Kisii County. To achieve this objective the study focused on the following; examination of the various land use activities, assessment of the f...
The role of agricultural extension is vital to the diffusion of new technologies, but extension is currently not very effective in many African nations, with conventional extension approaches having minimal impact. In Kenya, there have been gaps on the availability of studies and documentation of the specific extension approaches and their influence on the acquisition of knowledge and skills for improved farm productivity despite the various extension efforts and resources put in place in man...
Abstract Continued food insecurity is a major global concern especially in Africa and Kenya in particular. The threats of the desert locust and the novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic have further accelerated this challenge. Despite her vast productive land, Kenya has been importing staple food particularly maize while her citizens have been pleading with the government to provide food especially maize flour. The youth on the other hand, cannot adequately employ the agricultural skills de...
Abstract Continued food insecurity is a major global concern especially in Africa and Kenya in particular. The threats of the desert locust and the novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic have further accelerated this challenge. Despite her vast productive land, Kenya has been importing staple food particularly maize while her citizens have been pleading with the government to provide food especially maize flour. The youth on the other hand, cannot adequately employ the agricultural skills de...
Abstract This paper is based on the results of a study that was carried out to determine the impact of agro-ecological zones (AEZs) on the influence of the key factors that affect household food security through a case study in the Embu County of Kenya. The Embu County was chosen for a case study because it is endowed with most of the various types of AEZs found in Kenya. The three agro-ecological zones covered in the case study were the Sunflower-Zone (UM 4 and LM 3), the Coffee Zone (UM 1-...
Abstract Land fragmentation is a common agricultural phenomenon in many countries where a single large farm is subdivided into a large number of separate small land plots. This paper is based on a study that was carried out to evaluate the impact of land fragmentation on food security in three agroecological zones (AEZs) of Embu County in Kenya from January to November 2016. The study used data collected from 384 farm-households that were randomly selected from three AEZs in the Embu County,...
Abstract/Overview Gender disparity is a general global and regional concern. Locally, nearly 80% of Kenya's population depends on agriculture for its livelihood. However, agricultural production has been declining due to constraints such as gender participation in crop production leading to poverty and food insecurity in the country. Generally gender mainstreaming is essential for increased food production. Most studies have attributed food insecurity to physical, economic, technological and...
The Agricultural Sector is important for supplying foods to the world's population. A country's resourcefulness in developing its agricultural sector is an indication of its ability to provide sufficient food for its population. In Ghana, agriculture involves crops, fisheries, livestock and all other related activities. However despite its role, food security still remains a challenge in the Wa West district. The study sought to find out the role and nature of Agricultural extension services ...
This study assessed the effect of the Credit with Education scheme on beneficiary household livelihood and food security in the Kassena - Nankana Districts. Primary data was collected by means of administrating semi-structured questionnaires to a sample of fifty beneficiaries. Secondary data was collected from District and Regional Assemblies, MoF A offices, libraries and through the Internet. The results indicates that the CwE scheme has improved beneficiaries household livelihood as 82.2% o...
Abstract/Overview Globally, land tenure comes in different methods such as inheritance, renting, purchasing and land being offered as gift. Such practices have so far encouraged land fragmentation leading to small holdings which are uneconomical in terms of land use practices resulting into low yields. Such low food productions from small holdings in Ugunja coupled with poor food access from other sub-counties cannot sustain households up to the next harvest hence the problem of severe pe...
Abstract Illicit brew accounts for 60% of alcohol drunk in Kenya, with detrimental effects on health and food security. This study aimed to determine health consequences of illicit local brews on household food security was conducted in Bumula and Kanduyi Sub-Counties, Kenya. Correlational survey research design was used. The 726 respondents were sampled by stratified random sampling where household heads and key informants were purposefully sampled. Interviews, structured questionnaires, an...
Abstract/Overview Edible caterpillars have nutritional and economic value, thus providing food security at the household level during their harvesting seasons. Despite the significant value of these insects, they are harvested seasonally, and there is little or no documented research about the edible caterpillar species and their phenotypic characteristics, their host plants, and the effects of ecosystem utilization on the insects. This study explored the phenotypic characteristics of edi...
Abstract/Overview Lake Flies are edible insects with the potential of contributing to food security in that they are an alternative protein and micronutrient food source in freshwater lake regions. The main challenge in exploiting the lake flies is the difficulty in the collection. This study was conducted to identify sustainable traditional collection practices and forecasting techniques of lake flies and was implemented in Rusinga and Mfangano Island in Kenya. The ethnographic study emp...
Abstract/Overview Ruspolia differens Serville (Orthoptera: Tettigonidae) is a highly nutritious and luxurious insect delicacy that is consumed as a food source in many African countries. However, the nutrient profile of R. differens in different geographical regions have received limited research interest. Here, we provide comprehensive evidence of geographical impact on the nutrient profile of R. differens and its potential to meet the recommended dietary intake of the population. Our ...
Abstract At the global level, land degradation is on the increase thus threatening millions of livelihoods particularly in the drier ecosystems. More specifically, land degradation is a major concern in Kenya and more particularly in the drylands of Embu County. Soil fertility has been steadily declining, resulting in low agricultural output and endangering smallholder farmers who rely mostly on subsistence agriculture for a living. Selecting appropriate Regenerative Agriculture (RA) technol...