For any student looking for undergraduate final year project ideas for agriculture you may want to check out this article.
We have put together sample undergraduate project ideas for agriculture. You may browse through to pick or choose a research topic for your agriculture project work.
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Agriculture is a broad research field with several sub-fields as you can see above. However we randomly picked some Project Ideas, Topics for Agriculture from our academic research library.
1. Effect of Planting Date and Variety of Cowpea [Vigna UNGUICULATA (L.)Walp.] On Green Pod Production
A study was carried out in 2012 in a Sudan savanna ecology in Ghana aimed at identifying the optimal planting dates and suitable cowpea varieties for green pod production. Six planting dates were considered starting from the onset of the rainy season (20th June, 30th June, 12th July, 25th July, 2nd August and 12th August), and four improved cowpea varieties released by Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as Baawutawuta, Padi-tuya, Songotra and Zaayura. The experimental design used was a factorial Randomised Complete Block with five replications. Growth and yield parameters including plant height, stem diameter, number and weight of leaves….
Studies have shown that poverty rates in Northern Ghana are two to three times more than the national average. Poverty, low income generation, and chronic food insecurity remains a critical challenge among the people in this region. Smallholder farmers in northern Ghana have limited access to the assets that would facilitate a shift from low productivity subsistence farming to modern commercial agriculture. The major constraints to their livelihoods include lack of infrastructure and insufficient access to agricultural technologies and inputs. The inadequate access of these technologies has brought about the low use of inorganic fertilizer by smallholder maize farmers in northern Ghana. The objective of the study….
Food production, majorly revolves around women who are most times not privileged to have some inputs at their disposal. The use of improved technologies in production no doubt increases food production but women are not empowered to make use of these technologies in Umuahia Agricultural Zone, Abia State. This study therefore, analysed the rural women‟s use of technologies in Women in Agriculture (WIA) programme in Umuahia Agricultural zone of Abia State. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 247 women involved in Women in Agriculture (WIA) programme in Umuahia Agricultural zone of Abia State. These data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics….
4. The Use of Ionizing Radiation from 60co Gamma Source in Controlling Moldiness in Dried Cocoa Beans
Mouldiness in stored cocoa beans in Ghana and the production of aflatoxin have been studied. Based on actual weight of discarded beans, mouldy beans have been estimated to constitute 0.13 % and 0.00002 % of marketable beans at the farm ers’ level and the buying agents’ depots respectively in the Tafo District. This is contrasted with an estimated value o f 0.16 % obtained in a questionnaire type study involving farmers. Estimated mouldy beans at the Tema port was 0.69 % per year (based on the cut test) representing a financial loss of $1,688,637.19 per year at S989/T should the mouldy beans be discarded….
5. Growth of Cocoa Seedlings as Affected by Different Growth Media and Different Polybag Sizes
A study was conducted to determine the effects of different growth media and different poly bag sizes on the growth of cocoa seedlings in the nursery. The experimental design was split plot design with three replicates. The treatments were soil (S), carbonated rice husk (CRH), cocoa pod husk (CPH), cocopeat (CP) , sawdust (SD), S+CRH, S+CPH, S+CP, S+SD, CRH+CPH, CRH+CP, CRH+SD, CPH+CP, CPH+SD, CP+SD and the three polytene bag sizes were 12.5 cm x 18.5 cm (small), 10.0 cm x 35.0 cm (medium) and 17.3 cm x 23.3 cm (large). For the media mixes, the combination by volume used was 1:1. Number of leaves, plant height…..
Fish and fisheries products serve as significant sources of food and incomes for numerous people, particularly those from developing countries (FAO, 2018). Fish is highly nutritious, containing approximately 70-84% water; 15-24% protein; 0.1-22% fat; 1-2%, minerals; 0.5% calcium; 0.25% phosphorus; and 0.1% vitamins A, D, B and C (Abraha, et al., 2018). Consumption of fish and fisheries products has been known to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory diseases, certain cancers, dementia and psychological problems (Hosomi, Yoshida, & Fukunaga, 2015)…..
7. Profit Efficiency of Small-Scale Rice Farms in Patigi Local Government Area, Kwara State
This study examined the profit efficiency of small-scale rice farms in Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria based on the data collected from 150 small scale rice farmers in the study area which was selected using a three-stage sampling method. The Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Profit Function, Descriptive statistics, Gross margin analysis were used to analyze the data obtained for profit efficiency, socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and constraint faced by the rice farmers in the study area and; profitability of rice farming in the study area respectively….
8. Economic Analysis of Pig Production in Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria
Agriculture is a crucial sector that provides employment opportunities for majority of Nigerian, and is responsible for more than one-third of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), FAO (2012); Adetunji and Adeyemo, (2012) and Finlutell, 2013). The livestock sector is also crucial to the national economics development as it is the main supplier of the highly essential animal protein (Timidayo 2017, Ogbu, 2010). The livestock sector is also crucial to the national economics development as it is the main supplier of the highly essential animal protein (Timidayo 2017, Ogbu, 2010). The livestock sub-sector provides 53% of daily protein intake….
9. The Effects of Soil Degradation to Sustainable Agriculture in Chongwe District, Zambia
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of land degradation on agricultural land use, planning and management in chongwe, Zambia and specifically determined farmers’ considerations of land suitability for selected types of agricultural land uses in varying cropping zones, investigated farmers’ local environmental knowledge of land degradation indicators and finally documented farmers’ land management strategies and practices for soil and sustainable Agricultural conservation. Data was collected using an open ended questionnaire, along a road transect cutting across upper, middle …..
The research on “The Forms and Effects of Soil Degradation on Agricultural Land” was calTied out in Bor town Jonglei State, south Sudan. The major areas of the investigation were discussed to known the causes of soil degradation and adverse impacts on farming land and what solutions to be put in place to minimize the occurrence of soil degradation. Methods like photography, interviews, questionnaires, and observation were used for effective and efficient data collection. At the period of study, the level of soil degradation…..
Indigenous chicken (IC) farming contributes to the livelihoods of many smallholder farmers in Kenya. It constitutes 80% of the poultry population in Kenya. Kakamega and Makueni are Counties where most of smallholder farmers rear IC. However, IC production has been constrained by several bottlenecks including; unimproved genotype, diseases and increased mortalities resulting in low productivity. A strategy by scientists and stakeholders, production technologies such as; improved indigenous chicken (IIC) genotypes and fabricated chick brooders have been developed and disseminated to the farmers…..
Green house experiment was conducted to study the effects of organic manure, lime and inorganic fertilizer on the nodulation and growth of Soybean (Glycine max(L) merrill) on an acid ultisol in southeastern Nigeria. The organic manure was poultry manure, the lime was commercial lime and the inorganic fertilizer was NPK(15 : 15: 15). There were 7 treatments and a control. The treatments were 100kg/ha inorganic fertilizer (NPK 15: 15: 15)(F1 );200kglhainorganicfertilizcr(NPK 15: 15: 15)(F2); 1 ton/halime (F3), 2 tons/ha organic manure (F4); 100kg/ha inorganic fertilizer (NPK 15: 15: 15), 1 ton/ha lime, and 2 tons/ha organic manure (F5); 200 kg/ha inorganic fertilizer NPK (15 : 15 : 15), 1 ton/ha lime and 2 tons/ha organic manure (F4) and I ton/ha lime and 2 tons/ha organic mauure (F7). The control receive zero application of inorganic fertilizer NPK (15: 15: 15), organic manure and lime….
13. Determination of Best Time to Introduce Finisher Diets in Broiler Chickens in Humid Tropics
This experiment was conducted to determine the best time to introduce finisher diets in the humid tropics. Four treatments (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th week) were tried in this study that lasted for 9 weeks. A total of one hundred and eighty birds were used for the experiment. The birds were randomly assigned into 4 treatments that were replicated three times with 15 birds in each replicate. The following were measured, growth performance, carcass quality and cost benefit analysis. On growth performance, the result of body weight in grams were as….
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i was willing to ask you a question if we are using latest machineres for farming i know they are benefiting us but also effecting our land and envirnoment do you agree with me