Animal Production Research Papers/Topics

Characteristics of lactation curves of the Kenya Alpine dairy goats in smallholder farms

Abstract/Overview Lactation curves are a graphical representation of the milk production profile of a doe from par- turition to drying up. Their shape provides information about the productivity of the doe and of- fers a means of explaining features of the milk production patterns of each animal. A total of 2732 daily morning milk records from 610 does of the Kenyan Alpine dairy goats’ genetic groups (50% Alpine, 75% Alpine, 87.5% Alpine and > 87.5% Alpine) and local goats (0% Alpine) k...


ABSTRACT: Chick production from developing embryo is a profitable business in Nigeria due to the high demand of protein. The constant failure of electricity supply in Nigeria obstructs operation of incubator and reduce its performance. This study developed solar powered poultry egg incubator. The dimension of the designed incubator was 610mm×607mm×1649mm with capacity of 150eggs. From the design calculation the sizes of the solar panel, charge controller, batteries and inverters requir...

Malikwu Integrated Agro Services Business Plan for 150 Fattened Pigs

Here is a Business Plan on Pig Fattening. The aim of the project is to raise 150 weaned piglets from 8 to 10 weeks of age to 16 to 18 weeks. The animals will be raised on one type of house and be sold after attaining a live weight of 25kg, with an average carcass weight of 20kg. Table of Contents  Introduction   Product Market Management Team  Financial Plan  Objective  Keys to Success  Chart: Highlights   2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY  2.1 Company Ownership  2.2 Set-up Summary  3.0 PRODUCTS...

Growth Performance And Carcass Quality Of Broiler \ Chickens As Influenced By Proprietary Source Of Feed

ABSTRACT This study investigated the quality of selected popular poultry feeds available in Nigerian poultry feed market, using growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens as indices. Day old broiler chicks were fed with diets obtained from four different commercial feed manufacturers (coded FTE,GFE,PFE and SFE to protect the manufacturers) and control diet (formulated in conformity with recommended nutrient requirements for broiler chickens) over an eight week trial period .

Microbial Load, Cholesterol Levels And Sensory Quality Of Hard-Boiled Commercial Eggs

ABSTRACT Microbial flora and load, Cholesterol levels and sensory quality of attributes of hard-boiled commercial eggs being hawked along Lagos-Horm Road were monitored in this study. The bacteria isolated from the eggs include; Achromobacter sp. and Staphylococcous aureus. While the eggs sampled from Ibadan, Ogbomoso and Ilorin had lower microbial load (20 - 33 X 104 CFU/g). On the average a 56g egg was found to contain 235mg Cholesterol. The results of sensory quality evaluation showed that...

Effect of dietary alternative lipid sources on haematological parameters and serum constituents of Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings

Abstract The worldwide increase in aquaculture production and the decrease of wild fish stocks has made the replacement of fish oil (FO) in aquafeed industry a priority. Therefore, the use of terrestrial animal fats and vegetable oils, which has lower cost and larger supplies, may be good as substitute for FO. This study investigate the effects of total replacement of FO by two terrestrial animal fats (pork lard and poultry fat) and three vegetable oils (palm kernel oil, shea butter oil and s...

Effects of dietary lipid source on growth, digestibility and tissue fatty acid composition of Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings

Abstract One of the major problems facing aquaculture is the inadequate supply of fish oil mostly used for fish feed man- ufacturing. The continued growth in aquaculture production cannot depend on this finite feed resources, therefore, it is imperative that cheap and readily available substitutes that do not compromise fish growth and fillet quality be found. To achieve this, a 12-week feeding trial with Heterobranchus longifilis fed diets differing in lipid source was conducted. Diets were ...

The Use of Cassava, Sweet Potato and Cocoyam, and Their By-Products by Non – Ruminants

Abstract As the search for alternative sources of energy for non ruminants continues, this review was undertaken to examine the potential value of cassava (Manihot utilissima Pohl.), sweet potato (Ipomea batatas Poir.), cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium Schott.) and their by-products as dietary supplements for non ruminants. Studies on these roots and tubers showed that, on a dry-weight basis, contained 2.0 – 7.9% crude protein, 0.3 – 3.1% crude fibre and 72.4 – 77.9% starch. The practi...


Biosecurity: a veritable tool in livestock production and control of diseases. Biosecurity refers to measures that are taken to stop the spread or introduction of harmful organisms to human, animal and plant life. The measures taken are a combination of processes and systems that have been put in place by bioscience laboratories, customs agents and agricultural managers to prevent the use of dangerous pathogens and toxins

Conservation of Local Genetic Resources: Case of Consumer’s Preference for Indigenous and Exotic Chickens in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria

The study assessed factors determining consumers’ preference for indigenous and exotic strains of chickens. Questionnaire was administered to 150 respondents in Abeokuta Metropolis. The result showed that 29.65% of the respondents made their preference for indigenous chicken strain based on multiple choices of husbandry practices (feeding, health management, and housing). Preference for indigenous strains based on health grounds was 13.60%, while 10.80% had their preference based on housing...