African Studies Research Papers/Topics

Urban Expansion And Its Effects On Peri Urban Agriculture In The Wa Municipality Of Ghana

ABSTRACT From a small district capital in the early 1980s, Wa the capital of the Upper West Region has grown to the status of a municipality. The phenomenal urban growth and its accompanying expansion have had a profound effect on the peri-urban communities. These communities have had their livelihood activities negatively affected but the extent to which the urban expansion has affected agricultural output and peri urban farmers’ coping strategies has not attracted much academic attention...

Value Chain Mapping Of Shea And Honey As Non-Timber Forest Products In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Shea fruits and honey are important non-timber forest products which provide income for most rural poor people in Northern Ghana. However, little attention is given the shea and honey sector in Northern Ghana regarding its management, use, value addition and market. The study was therefore carried out to determine the yields of honey and densities of shea trees, local uses and market opportunities of shea and honey, local conservation practices for sustainable harvest of shea and ho...

Stakeholder Participation In Corporate Social Responsibility Development Projects: A Case Of Newmont Golden Ridge Ltd In Birim North District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of Newmont, in the Birim North District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The operations of Newmont in the area directly affect eight communities, four are purposively selected, Abirem, Maamaso, Resettlement and Yayaso, for study in this work. The corporate governance philosophical approach that Newmont proffers to provide CSR interventions in the affected communities is through participation. This CSR delivery a...

The Effects of Climate Change on Livelihoods And the Determinants of Adaptive Capacities Among Smallholder Households in the Bongo District

ABSTRACT                     Extreme weather events such as floods and drought in Africa are considered a major indication of climate change. Current climate change projections indicate progressively severe negative impacts on many countries across the world with the most severe impacts affecting the world’s poorest countries with the weakest capacity to adapt. Crop yields in Ghana are estimated to reduce due to projected decline in rainfall and upsurge in temperature. ...

Comparative Analysis Of Microfinance Systems In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The importance of the operations of MFIs on the income of households in northern Ghana cannot be over stated considering the prevalence of poverty in that area. This research compared the microfinance systems in the Upper West Region of Ghana to determine their relative impact on households’ income and asset value. Data collection was done using an interview guide and a questionnaire and data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, multiple regression, multinomial p...

Views of Community Members on Women’s Participation in Local Governance in the Builsa North District of the Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examined the question of women’s participation in local governance in the Builsa North District. The main objective of the study was to examine the views of community members on the extent to which women participate in local governance in the Builsa North District. A survey design was applied in the study. Questionnaire, Key Informant Interviews guides and Focus Group Discussions guides were the main tool and methods used to collect empirical data respectively. Data anal...

The Role Of ICT Tools In Educational Delivery: A Study Within The Tamale Metropolis.

ABSTRACT Technologies can improve educational delivery in schools. This study examined the role of ICT tools in lessons in thirty (30) public basic schools in the Tamale Metropolis. Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory anchored the study. The study as a mixed method, adopted cross-sectional design. Simple random, cluster and purposive sampling were used to select a sample size of 398 to participate in the study. Questionnaires were used for the quantitative data and semi-structured interview...

Socio-Cultural Practices Promoting The Incidence Of Bushfires: A Study Of The Sissala East District In The Upper West Region

ABSTRACT Bushfire serves as a natural instrument for generating re-growth and new life enabling fire dependent species to survive, maintain biodiversity and habitat structure. This study examined the nature of the prevalent socio-cultural practices inducing the incidence of bushfires and the effectiveness of the preventive measures put in place to curb it in the Sissala East District. Multiple methods were employed in the study including interview schedules, personal and focus group intervie...

Governance And Livelihood Effects Of Ghana’s Bui Dam Displacement And Resettlement

ABSTRACT This thesis is an investigation into the structures and process of Ghana’s dam displacement and resettlement project in improving the livelihoods of displaced people. It is premised on the fact that displacement and resettlement failures are largely as a result of poor governance structures and processes that inhibit displaced people who are the primary beneficiaries of the resettlement process from making inputs and authentically participating in the process. The study is a singl...

Prospects And Challenges Of The Shea Industry In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Recently, the shea nut/butter has emerged as a promising economic commodity and has gained international recognition because of its curative properties. It is the potential of the industry that has informed this research. The study basically sought to find out the performance of the shea industry, prospects and challenges in the midst of Government intervention in the industry, the opportunities for further developing the shea tree as a cultivar, appraise the opportunities and poten...

The Role Of Traditional Bone Setting In Primary Fracture Care In The Upper West Region: The Cases Of Jonga, Gwollu And Doung Bone-Setting Centres.

Abstract For majority of people in rural areas, traditional bone setting is the first port of call as well as last resort if orthodox medicine fails. However, traditional bone setting has not been given its due recognition. For instance it is ignored in reports on the state of Ghanaian medicine. Also, some allopathic practitioners contend that traditional bonesetters do try and error and thus are without skills. This study examined the role of traditional bone setting in primary health care ...

Assessing The Impact Of Teacher Training And Development Programs On Junior High School Students’ Performance At The Fiapre Circuit Of The Sunyani West District

ABSTRACT Thisresearch was carried out to assess the impact of teacher training and development programs on students’ performance in five schools in the Sunyani West District in the BrongAhafo Region of Ghana. The sample size for the study was 60 participants representing 12.12% of the target population.The necessary data were obtained from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were generated from questionnaires and interview while secondary data were obtained from textbooks, articles...

Language And Gender: The Construction And Reproduction Of Gender In Dagbanli

Gender is an issue of social and interpersonal relationships between males and females, a problem of differences in roles and values, and inequalities in opportunities, access to resources and power. These relationships, differences and inequalities are located in social and institutional structures and practices, but they are also firmly rooted in language. Language is a locus for the manifestation of gender because language and its usage convey not only factually objective meanings bu...

Social Representation In Ghanaian Cinema

All societies tell stories. Story telling can take many forms like myths, histories, films and many others. Storytelling can be seen to serve many different social functions from entertainment to cultural, social or religious instructions. These stories are consumed by people of different backgrounds like, race, sex, age and class. Cinema, television and the related media fascinate their audiences in a variety of ways, but entertainment is what most people want when they pay for leisure ...

Placing Nana Susubribi Krobea Asante In The Context Of Ghana’s History And Development 1933 - 2014

ABSTRACT Biographical works are essential ingredients in historical writing and interpretation. They essentially interrogate how a person’s life reflects the larger process during the person’s lifetime. Biographies of many prominent Ghanaians such as Kwame Nkrumah, K.A. Busia, J.B. Danquah, Kwegyir Aggrey, among others have been given tremendous attention in academic circles in Ghana. Various aspects of the lives of these people who played significant roles in the country’s history and ...

91 - 105 Of 157 Results