ABSTRACT Sugarcane farming has been practiced the world over since the Persian farmers discovered the “reeds that produced honey without bees” between the 6th and 4th Centuries in India. Since then, sugarcane farming has been practiced in various tropical regions of the world with the major driver of the industry being the world’s increasing demand for sugar. This has led to the expansion of arable land under sugarcane cultivation, with a myriad of problems presenting themselves ecolog...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken in Kijabe location where small-scale farmers depend on rain fed agriculture and over the years, frequent crop failure due to rain shortages has become common. Climate scientists predict increasingly dry conditions in much of Africa due to climate variability. Small-scale farmers’ efforts to adapt have shown both unfavourable and positive effects and hence the need to be explored. This study therefore examined the small-scale farmers’ adaptation strategi...
ABSTRACT An increase in the size of population leads to changes in land use and land cover as the growing community seeks more land for agriculture, settlements and infrastructural development. Land use and land cover change (LULCC) alter natural drainage systems, impact on surface runoff and affects infiltration capacities of an area; factors which contribute to flooding. Management of floods begins by mapping flood prone areas and understanding the vulnerability factors. The main objectiv...
ABSTRACT Environmental degradation has been common phenomenon in various ecosystems in various parts of the world. This is a result of an interaction of multifaceted nexus of social-economic, technological and institutional factors which are either natural or human induced. In East Africa and Kenya in particular degradation of ecosystems is common as characterized by occurrences such as sedimentation in lakes. Lake Baringo in Kenya is one such ecosystem that is currently threatened by degrada...
ABSTRACT Small-scale farmers are the centre of concern about globalization because they are the largest employment and small business group among the world‟s poor. More than 80% of Kenyans live in the rural areas and earn their livelihoods in agricultural-based activities. More than 50% of Kenyans live below the poverty level and struggle to meet their basic needs. Therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze of poverty alleviation initiatives among small-scale farmers in rural Naivas...
ABSTRACT This study investigated soil fertility knowledge and how it influenced the selection and effective use of various soil fertility technologies among smallholder farmers in Chakol Division of Teso District in western Kenya. Chakol Division has a high population density of approximately 427 persons per km2 while absolute poverty levels for the district stand at 56%. Poverty levels have been worsened by poor agricultural production while continuous cropping of land with little restoratio...
ABSTRACT French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production areas are in close proximity to Nairobi and around Mount Kenya. These include Kirinyaga, Machakos, Nyeri, Naivasha and Thika. Production of the crop is majorly hampered by pests. To manage these, farmers are known to mainly depend on synthetic pesticides as a sole control measure which at times results to produce exceeding maximum residue limit set by the importing markets. Pesticides leave residues in and on the produce, contaminate soi...
ABSTRACT This study was set to examine positive deviance in the adoption of agroforestry technologies by some farmers in Kadibo Division, lower Nyando river basin in Western Kenya. The study was necessitated on understanding that despite widespread effort by extension agents to diffuse agroforestry practices in Kadibo Division, only a few farmers have been able to acquire and sustain the practices. Given this background, the study sought to assess approaches to successful adoption of agrofor...
Abstract This research set out to investigate challenges and opportunities to collective action in managing communal natural resources derived from Shompole wetland in Magadi division, Kajiado district. Magadi division is classified as a semi-arid area with annual average rainfall being less than 500mm. Hence the wetland is a critical dry grazing resource to the pastoralists in the area whose livelihood depends, fundamentally, on livestock. The swamp has traditionally provided a seasonal graz...
ABSTRACT Every year breast cancer kills approximately 40,000 women globally (American Cancer society, 2006). Globally, breast cancer incidence is on the rise, especially in developing countries and from 2000-2006, breast cancer was the most diagnosed cancer among women in Kenya and 80% - 90% of those women presented with stage 3 and 4 of the disease. In order to more effectively promote breast preventive medical care programs, it is important to identify the key determinants of women’s beh...
ABSTRACT The study examines the prospects of integration of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and conventional drought prediction and preparedness practices, with an overall aim of applying the two approaches as a Drought Risk Reduction (DRR) strategy in Mbeere North Sub-County of Embu County, Kenya. The objectives of the study included: To examine the perceptions of the Ambeere community on drought and its impact on the livelihoods; To document the main indigenous drought prediction and preparedness...
ABSTRACT Ngare Ndare sub-catchment is located in the Ewaso Ngiro North Basin. The sub-catchment was purposively selected since it is hardest hit by conflicts that have persisted for a long period between diverse water users. The trans-boundary nature of water resource also necessitated the catchment approach as opposed to administrative units. The objectives of this study were to (i) Establish the causes, nature and magnitude of water resource use conflicts in Ngare Ndare sub-catchment, (ii) ...
ABSTRACT Researchers have found that to achieve efficient and sustainable solid waste management, it is important to involve all stakeholders in the process. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of stakeholder participation on domestic waste management in Biashara residential area, Ruiru sub-county Kiambu County, Kenya. The study had the following objectives: To establish the influence of stakeholder participation strategies on domestic waste management, To determine the infl...
ABSTRACT This study sought to find out Community Driven Development (CDD) home care programs for the physically challenged youths in Kibera informal settlement. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out the extent to which the CDD home care programs were accessible to the physically challenged youths, the benefits of CDD home care programs and the challenges the physically challenged youths faced in accessing CDD home care programs in Kibera informal settlement. Social action theory was us...
ABSTRACT Kenya holds a huge honeybee population and the ability of honey production is high due to different ecological conditions. Beekeeping therefore has the potential of promoting economic development by supplementing household incomes from selling of honey and other products from the hive. Investment in bee farming contributes to environmental conservation because it helps reduce pressure cropping exerts on agricultural land. Many dry areas of Kenya usually face acute food and nutrition ...