Counselling and Psychology Research Papers/Topics

The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health Issues among Transgender Individuals in Kenya

Abstract: Psychosocial wellbeing is important for an individual to live a balanced and healthy life. Transgender people, due to their gender ma-conformity, face a myriad of challenges, including stigma, violence, discrimination, and trauma, which negatively affect their psychosocial wellbeing. In the recent years, transgender individuals have become more visible and have continuously brought to light the issues they face. This study sought to examine the relationship between adverse childhoo...

Influence of Perinatal Loss on Emotional Well-Being and Self-Esteem among Mothers in Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of perinatal loss on emotional well-being and elf-esteem among mothers in Nairobi County, Kenya. The objectives were: to establish the influence of perinatal loss on a mother’s emotional well-being and self-esteem after experiencing a perinatal loss and to establish how socio-demographics correlate with emotional well-being and self-esteem of mothers after a perinatal loss. The study sampled 65 mothers chosen using the stra...

Effectiveness of Religious-Based Rites of Passage Programme in Mentoring Adolescent Boys in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract: This study involved a sample of 25 boys who had participated in the rite of passage, 7 members of the clergy and 5 focus groups from Nairobi region of PCEA. The main purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of the religious based rite of passage programme for boys’ circumcision in mentoring adolescent boys in the PCEA. Specific objectives were: to describe the content of the Christian rite of passage programme curriculum; determine the attitude of the boys towards t...

HIV Information Presentation and Behavior Change among Clients Attending HIV Clinics in Selected Sub Counties, Gulu District

ABSTRACT  This study Investigated about HIV Information Presentation and Behavior Change among Clients Attending HIV Clinics In selected sub counties, Gulu district. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to Identify the varIous modes of delivery & information on HIV In the HIV clinics in selected sub counties, Gulu district; ii) to establish the effectiveness of the various modes of delivery & HIV Information in bringing about behavior change In the HIV clinics in selected sub...

Attachment and Aggressive Behavior among Somali Adolescents in Selected Schools in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study determined Attachment and Aggressive behavior among Somali Adolescents in selected schools in Kampala, Uganda it was based on the following objectives which were to examine the demographic characteristics of the respondents as to, age and gender, to deterhilne the level of attachment among Somali Adolescents in Selected Schools in Kampala, Uganda, to determine the level of aggressive behavior among Somali Adolescents in Selected Schools inKampala, Uganda and to establish i...

Reproductive Health Education and Teenage Pregnancy in Secondary Schools of Central District, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT  This study was done to examine the effect of Reproductive Health Education on Teenage Pregnancy in Secondary Schools of Central District, Zanzibar. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to assess student’s exposure to sexual intercourse and family planning; to determine the student’s exposure to reproductive health education; to establish the cases and causes of teenage pregnancy among students and to determine the influence of reproductive health education...

Parental Socio-Economic Status and Drug Abuse Among Students in Secondary School -Kampala District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was set to find out the influence of parental socio-economic status and drug abuse among students in selected secondary schools of Kampala District. It was guided by four specific objectives, that included i) identifying commonly abused drugs in schools; ii) parental socio economic status; iii) prevalence of drug abuse and iv) the relationship between parental socio economic status and drug abuse among students. The study used a descriptive correlation design that use both...

Information, Education and Communication Strategy on HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Teenagers in Kabale Municipality Kabale District

ABSTRACT The AIDS Support Organization (TASO, 2007) in conjunction with population Council conducted a study and their findings were that HIV/AIDS support programs were centered on adults and children. Against this, the researcher conducted a study in Kabale Municipality Kabale District to assess the effect of information, education and communication on HIV/AIDS prevention among teenagers in Kabale municipality — Kabale district. The objectives were to examine the influence of information o...

Personal Power and Marital Satisfaction among Married Staff in Kampala International University Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study set to find out the relationship between personal power and marital satisfaction among married staff at Kampala International University, Kampala District. It was guided by five specific objectives, that included determining of the i) profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, education level, marriage order, number of children, marriage duration and headship of family; ii) determining the level of personal power; iii) the level of marital satisfaction; iv) the diff...

Stress Levels, Health Seeking Behaviors and Academic Performance of University Students. A Case Study of Kampala International University (Kiu), Uganda.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between stress levels, health seeking behaviors and academic performance among students of KampalaInternational University (KIU) Kampala, Uganda. The study was guided by three stated objectives: To determine the relationship between stress levels and academic performance among students; To examine the difference between the levels of stress experienced among male and female students; To establish relationship between health ...

Students’ Self Concept And Academic Achievement In Relation To Music Education And Music Performance: A Case Of Nairobi Secondary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT This Study aimed at investigating the relationships between Music Education, Music Performance and secondary school students‘ Self Concept and Academic Achievement. Researchers believe that music helps in enhanced brain activity which increases student‘s ability to perform certain academic tasks. There are, however, inconsistencies on how music influences Self Concept and Academic Achievement. The researcher aimed at seeking to establish the relationship between each of the inde...

Efficacy Of Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention For Treating Gambling Disorder Among University Students In Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial

ABSTRACT With the high uptake of gambling in Kenya, especially among University students, it is inevitable that some of them may end up suffering from gambling disorder. Apart from compromised psychological health, disordered gamblers experience difficulties in their financial and social wellbeing. Currently, there is lack of evidence based interventions for gambling disorder that have been developed and empirically tested in Kenya. This research sought to establish the efficacy of Brief Mot...

Influence Of Selected Self-Awareness Aspects On Vocational Choices Among Youths In Taita Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite studies revealing that self-awareness is important when choosing a vocation, few studies have been conducted on influence of various aspects of self-awareness on vocational choices especially among youths. To address this gap, the study determined the influence of awareness of selected personal aspects (strengths, interests and values) on vocational choices among youths in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The study was guided by Frank Parsons’ (1854-1908) trait and factor theory...

Effectiveness Of Counselling Services On Academic Performance And Retention Rate Of Undergraduate Students In Selected Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Counselling is an essential pillar in student support services. However, there is a shortage of empirical data on the effectiveness of counselling services in enhancing academic performance and retention rate in all universities in Kenya. The study focused on establishing the effectiveness of counselling services in improving academic performance and retention rate of undergraduate students in universities in Kenya by employing the common factor and self-determination theories. The s...

Relationship Between Adversity Quotient And Recovery Outcomes Among Cancer Patients Attending Palliative Care In Nyeri And Nairobi Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Diagnosis of cancer profoundly affects every aspect of an individual’s life.These include the psychological,physical, spiritual, interpersonal,and economic aspects of the patients’ functioning. This may negatively interfere with the cancer recovery outcomes. AdversityQuotient (AQ) isa person’s resilience when faced with obstacles,the ability to bounce back to his/her normal functioning. It has been suggested that AQ could be an important aspect of recoveryand promoting it may b...

31 - 45 Of 103 Results