Social media and the internet have changed the way that information is disseminated to the public. Once upon a time, information was only accessible through the institutions of the State and the flow of information between governments and citizens tightly controlled. Since the internet we have seen this model turned on its head completely, as the costs of recording and distributing information dramatically dropped and the steady rise of citizen journalists, bloggers and online activists began...
MTN as a South African company was license to operate in Nigeria in February, 2001 and is undoubtedly one of the leading telecommunication companies in Nigeria with its presence in over 21 countries of Africa and the Middle East. With over 54 million subscribers in Nigeria, MTN Nigeria is unarguably the biggest GSM service provider in the country that keeps expanding its business frontiers and recording unprecedented turnover in Nigeria and even beyond. MTN Nigeria over the years has creat...
The aim of the study was to identify the effects and challenges of decentralization and social service delivery in Lira Sub County, Lira District In order to achieve this goal, the objectives of the study were to examine the role of decentralization in enhancing the delivery of social services in Lira Sub County, assessing the relationships between decentralization and social service delivery in Lira Sub County and finally to establish the challenges facing decentralization towards achieving ...
The study was conducted to assess the “impact of motivation on the performance of public primary school teachers in the Republic of South Sudan: a case study of Yei County Public primary schools”. It was guided by the following objectives; to asses the role of motivation in enhancing performance of teachers in public primary schools in Yei County, to establish various motivational tools used to boost the performance of teachers in public primary schools in Yei County, and to analyze the c...
This study presents the findings on the effect of alcoholism in family development. The methodology was of a qualitative study which was comprised 30 focus groups exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents (15-17), young people (18-24 years of age) and adults (25-35) towards alcohol in NanKulabwe in Kampala. The study was aimed at finding out the knowledge, attitudes and practices of participants in relation to alcohol use and abuse; identifying drivers of alcohol use and...
The study focused on the effect of prolonged drought in Napak district in North-eastern Uganda. It was noted that the cause of droughts is easily understood, but hard to prevent. Depending on the location, crop failures, famine, high food prices, and deaths can occur. One of the scariest parts of a drought is the onset time. The findings noted that the measures of prolonged drought was; It was noted that prolonged drought has several impact on community welfare; Drought can have serious healt...
Decentralization is the shifting of power from the central government to the lower units of government. (Devolution of powers). Decentralization is aimed at providing local access to services advice and information. It allows decisions to be taken in areas which they affect. This main aim of the research was to find out the impact of FAL program in HAT DisrtrctThe specific objectives being, to find out how learners’ needs in the F AL classes are identified in FAL in Hai district, to establi...
The study set out to investigate the relationship between decentralization and the performance of local Government personnel. The study had three objectives: To examine the impact of decentralization on the performance of local government personnel in Nakawa Division, to find out challenges of decentralization and the performance of local government personnel in Nakawa Division and to find out solutions to the challenges of decentralization on performance of personnel and strategies put forwa...
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of domestic violence on girl child education in Lira District. The objectives of the study were to investigate whether drunkardness affects girl child education in lira municipality; to find out the extent to which unfaithfulness affects girl child education in lira District and to assess the effect of poverty on girl child education in lira District. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the major respondents and int...
The research was carried out in Kalisizo town Council Rakai district with a sole motive of giving out the role played by decentralization policy towards poverty reduction. The research also established the factors which enhance the causes and effects of poverty to the population of Rakai district specifically Kalisizo Town Council. This included; establishing solutions to reduce poverty in the town council. Another important factor to note is that the research would bring out the hindrances t...
The background of the study explains the history of mass media back beyond the dawns of Tourism to the people that figured out that they could reach audience through communicating through a written word. Research objectives was. l . To examine the public perception on article and feature news for print media existing in Zanzibar in relation to tourism development.2. To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the print media in communicating with the intemal and external public in the count...
ABSTRACT This dissertation was carried out in Kansanga parish, Makindye Division.
ABSTRACT Agricultural knowledge and information play a major role in agricultural development, particularly in food production in Uganda which improves the household income NAADS aims at improving access to marketing formation, bring technology close to the farmers and all other facts that concern agriculture. Introduction of modern storage like raised stores, farmer extension delivery, and modern farming. There is improvement in livestock management as a result ofNAADS program. One of the in...
ABSTRACT The research study title, “Decentralization and service delivery in water sector”, was conducted to examine the relationship between decentralization policy and service delivery in the water sector in Bukwo Sub-county, Bukwo District under the objectives being; to establish how decentralization policy has impacted on the service delivery in the water sector, the challenges facing water sector in a decentralized setting and possible solutions to decentralization policy in trying t...
ABSTRACT Service delivery and decentralization are vital for effective operations of local governments. The significant weights are based on the important prospects that are defined in Malakal County service delivery process. However the research provides an important milestone that help to establish a well guided understanding of weakness and strengths in decentralization policies and process and how, if any might results in, better service delivery for stockholders which increase the state�...