Journalism and Media Studies Research Papers/Topics

Ethical Dilemma, Journalism Practice and Remedies.

The ethical dilemma comes in different shades. It ranges from editors and journalists slanting a story to cover real issues by giving prominence to a good side of a story without balance, helping the government and other officials in disinformation propaganda to launder the image of the government, and receiving gratification to downplay news stories. The list is endless. Ethics is primarily being bound by a moral principle. The journalism profession has come a long way with its embedded mora...

Evaluating the Accuracy of Social Media News Reports

The emergence of social media has led to the emergence of new generation of content creators and distributors. Some of these creators have also delved into the business of news production and distribution online. Online news reports come with a lot of imperfections because of the flexible or outright lack of professional gatekeeping. This has led to the emergence of fake news. Based on the Uses and Gratification theory, this study evaluates the accuracy of online news reports, audience reliab...