The right to life, as it pertains to humans, is fundamental and serves as the basis for other rights. However, this right has been violated and challenged in various ways throughout history. While some advocate for the respect of human life, others seem indifferent to actions that threaten this fundamental right. These opposing viewpoints are broadly categorized as “Pro-life” and “Pro-choice.” Pro-lifers support maintaining the dignity of human life and oppose acts like abortion, ...
Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to identify why the birth of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) a decade ago has been greeted with such apathy in implementation by many organizations. Though mired in controversy over its theoretical roots, lack of empirical research in the field, and lack of a common definition and its validity, IMC is a good marketing promotional method. It enjoys many merits that are a boon to organizations or corporations that embrace it for promo...
CONTENTS Chapter Page 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Reasons for Choosing the Topic .......................................................................... 1 1.2 Relevance of the Topic ........................................................................................ 2 1.3 Life and Works of Robert Nozick ........................................................................ 3 1.4 Acknowledgem...
ABSTRACT Ethics as an aspect of axiology has always existed strictly as a human affair. This had given rise to the conclusion that human centered ethics, in its conception and articulation is insufficient in the face of the present day environmental problem; since humans neither consider the natural world nor its wild living beings as entity worthy of moral consideration. With the three main components of Taylor’s ethics, namely: the beliefsystem, the attitude of respect for nature and th...
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE - - - - - - APPROVAL PAGE - - - - - - CERTIFICATION - - - - - - - DEDICATION - - - - - - - ACKNO'CVL,EDGEMENTS - - - - - TARLE OF CONTENTS - - - - - ABSTRACT - - - - - - - GHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION - - - 1.1 Background of the Study - - - - 1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - 1.3 Purpose of the Study - - - 1.4 Scope of the Study - - - - - 1.5 Significance of the Study - - - - - 6 Methodology - - - - - - 1.7 Definition of Terms - - - - - CHAPTER TWO: HISTORICAL B...
Kant's main idea, whatever sense can finally be made of it, depends on his fundamental two-worlds doctrine. He locates determinism in the empirical world or world of appearances, and freedom in the world of things-in-themselves, the world of reason. It is important that the latter world is not in time.
ABSTRACT This study emerged out of the need to understand the contemporary global tension and agitations for freedom and self expression at all levels. Such quests that have resulted in so much agitations, terrorism and even outright wars in diverse places are also a result of the great increase in human self-consciousness in recent times. People and nations are becoming highly conscious of pursuing their own identities and destinies as they deem fit without undue interference from any quar...
ABSTRACT The overall context of this study is Hegel’s concept of Right, that is, the entire normative structure of social life. However, Hegel’s concept of State as an end in itself betrays the dialectical element in his thought, thereby posing the question of the relation of the individual to the state. The study attempts to establish that individual and society are here reconciled through perfecting each other. The study therefore examines the concept of right as this pertains to some...
Abstract In Heidegger’s conception of time, Dasein temporalises its own Being and as such constitutes time. Temporality here is the temporality of Dasein. But the question of Dasein is the question concerning the meaning of Being in general. Heidegger holds that for the question of the meaning of Being to be answered, Dasein must be interpreted in connection with the phenomenon of time. The interpretation of time Heidegger gives in response to the question of the meaning of Being gives ti...
ABSTRACT Cultural diversity is increasingly becoming an inevitable feature of most modern states. This is because trade, tourism, international dialogue amongst scholars, scientists and artists and the movement of skilled labour as well as migration have ensured that few countries do not contain within them significant numbers of peoples from other cultures. A likely consequence of this diversity is clash of cultural interests, especially between minority and majority cultural groups, in re...
ABSTRACT The measure of self-centeredness with which political actors operate at the international level is the primary motivation for this research. The research explores Karl Marx’s conception of human nature within the context of his conception of socialism as an alternative to the excessive self-centeredness with which actors operate at the international level. Marx regards the human person as a unique, productive and natural being. In addition, he conceives the human individual as soci...
ABSTRACT There is a dialectical relationship between theory and practice, which finds expression in Kant’s philosophy. From the Socratic era to the modern period of Philosophy, philosophers were preoccupied with the investigation into the nature, scope, and limits of human knowledge, an enterprise that culminated in the emergence of the rationalist and the empiricist schools of thought. As an attempt to mediate between these traditions, Kant’s critical method in philosophy aims primarily ...
ABSTRACT The predominant opinion that science has the explanation and solution to natural and social problems can be summed in the words of Mel Thompson that ‘science is a massive problem-solving and information gathering enterprise’. Thoughts such as this relegate other forms of knowledge and the benefits therein to the background or sometimes dismissing them as primitive myths or traditional gibberish. However, Karl Popper believes that myths and traditions are essential component of mo...
ABSTRACT Labour is primarily human effort applied in production for the provision of food for the sustenance of his being. Human labour is also used to make tools which make for the creation and recreation of his economic and other material conditions.For Claude Ake, man creates cultures, history and civilization which affect his overall consciousness through labour. It is therefore most important to man. However, Ake notes that studies reveal that as societies develop and owing to the comple...
ABSTRACT There is no doubt that there is an urgent need to imagine another world in the face of the fall outs of the current world order. The urgency of this need for ‘another world’ or ‘a world in which all worlds fit’ is the primary motivation for this research. In line with this motivation, this work is aimed at examining the concept of prejudice within Gadamer’s philosophy as well as the transmodern project with a view to constructing an understanding of crosscultural contact th...