Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Effect of genotype by environment interaction on tea (camellia sinensis l. (o.) Kuntze) yield and quality in selected areas of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The study on response of thirty-one (31) improved tea (Camellia sinensis L. (O). Kuntze) genotypes to environment variation and drip irrigation levels were conducted for tea yield and yield components. In same study, five genotypes were assessed on stability and adaptability for tea quality. A Complete Randomized Block Design with 3-replicates was adopted. Yield responses to drip irrigation were evaluated using five drip-irrigations (I0 to I4) levels. High genetic × enviro...

Gender Mainstreaming Strategies For Gender Equality By Local Government Authorities In Dodoma Municipality And Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Gender Mainstreaming Strategies (GMSs) have the potentiality for reducing gender gaps and hence enhancing gender equality in Local Government Authorities (LGAs). However, studies have not reached consensus on whether the internationally and nationally planned GMSs have significant effect on the intended achieved gender equality among LGA officials. This study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality and Mpwapwa District by capturing urban and rural settings respectively in Tanz...

Studies On Performance And Meat Quality Of Indigenous Cattle Finished On Agro Processing By Products

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The demand for quality meat is vastly increasing in Tanzania due to expanding market. The attempts to improve meat quality by finishing animals in feedlot using maize grain was unsuccessful due to strong competition with humans for the grains thus alternative feed resources were sought. This study was done with the objective of improving the quantity and quality of meat produced from Tanzania Shorthorn Zebu (TSZ) cattle using agro processing by products. Two experiments wer...

Development Of A Computer-Based Decision Support Tool For Selection Of Optimum Tractor-Plough System For Upland Farming In Tanzania: A Case Of Mvomero District

ABSTRACT  In Tanzania, farmers like others elsewhere, have to make informed choices of optimum and cost effective farm machinery. The level, appropriate choice and subsequent proper use of farm machinery has a direct and significant effect on productivity. Tanzanian farmers use traditional intuitive farm machinery selection methods which, in most cases, results in uneconomical investment. The overall objective of this study was to develop a computer-based decision support system tool for sel...

Growth Performance, Water Use And Wood Properties Of Eucalypt Clones In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine growth performance, water use and wood properties of Eucalypt clones in Tanzania. Eucalypt clones of Eucalyptus grandis x E. camaldulensis (GC), E. grandis x E. urophylla (GU), E. grandis x E. tereticornis (GT) growing in Lushoto, Kwamarukanga, Kibaha and Tabora sites were studied. Growth performance, water use and wood properties data were collected at the age of 8 to 10 years. Data on growth performance were analysed using SAS Software and sub...

Development Of Management Options For Optimizing Water And Nitrogen Utilization For Maize Production In Malawi

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Nitrogen and water management practices are key components in Crop production. Plants cannot grow in soil without water, so too when soil is saturated with water. Plants lacking N show stunted growth and yellowish leaves. Too much N can have negative environmental impacts such as contamination of water, pollution, and eutrophication. Leaching is the main vehicle through which applied nitrogen can contaminate groundwater. Identifying the most economic application rate of N f...

Coping Strategies And Household Resilience To Food Insecurity In Chamwino And Manyoni Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania’s agricultural system is rain-dependent and highly susceptible to climatic shocks, particularly in the semi-arid areas of Central Tanzania. Despite the government’s efforts to improve agricultural production, food insecurity has persisted. Thus, this study investigated coping strategies and household resilience to food insecurity in Chamwino and Manyoni districts in Tanzania. The objectives were to determine the perception of farmers on the extent of food insecurity, to...

An Examination Of The Concept Of Morality And Politics In Aristotle’s Philosophy.

ABSTRACT Morality entails everything about man's action, what he ought to do and what he ought not to do. Like moral standards and moral values, morality forms part and parcel of the life of every social group and civil society. Man as a social and rational being, is naturally moral and political. Politics on the other hand entails everything about the political life in the society. This includes who should, and how the ruler ought to rule. "The Concept of morality and politics in Aristotle...

Hans-Georg Gadamer On Prejudice And The Transmodern Project

ABSTRACT There is no doubt that there is an urgent need to imagine another world in the face of the fall outs of the current world order. The urgency of this need for ‘another world’ or ‘a world in which all worlds fit’ is the primary motivation for this research. In line with this motivation, this work is aimed at examining the concept of prejudice within Gadamer’s philosophy as well as the transmodern project with a view to constructing an understanding of cross-cultural cont...

Mobile Phone Use In Accessing Rice Information For Adaptation To Climate Change In Kilosa And Kilombero Districts, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study aimed at determining the use of mobile phones in accessing rice information for adaptation to climate change in Kilosa and Kilombero Districts in Morogoro Region. The study involved 400 rain fed-rice farmers owning mobile phones. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design to collect data using a semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and key informants interview. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in the data analysis. Quantita...

Foot-And-Mouth Disease Seroprevalence And Socioeconomic Impact In Relation To Animal Movements In Selected Wildlife-Livestock Interface And Non Interface Areas Of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals. In Tanzania the disease is known to be endemic with periodic outbreaks occurring in different geographical areas. This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and socio-economic impact of FMD in relation to livestock movements in a wildlife–livestock interface ecosystem (Serengeti and Bunda Districts) compared to a non-interface ecosystem (Ir...

Effectiveness Of Fortified Sunflower Oil On Retinol Status Of Underfive Children And Lactating Mothers In Manyara And Shinyanga Regions, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) continues to be a public health problem in low income countries including Tanzania. It affects the vulnerable social groups namely women of reproductive age (15-45 years) including pregnant women and lactating mothers; and children below five years. Despite the Government’s efforts to eliminate VAD among the lactating mothers and children below five years, the prevalence is still very high. Vitamin A deficiency in Tanzania accounts for approxima...

Influence Of Secondary School Students’ Gender, Academic Achievement And Chemistry Self-Concept On Scientific Creativity In Chemisty Education In Nairobi, Muranga, Kiambu And Kajiado Counties

ABSTRACT Education is the most critical ingredient in a country’s development process in the social, economic and political realms. Kenya in its vision 2030 hopes to be transformed into a newly- industrialised, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment by the year 2030.To realise this vision, the country needs to develop through its education system, manpower that is trained to think creatively. The role of Chemistry in the ...

Effects Of Eucalyptus Gall Wasp, Leptocybe Invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) On Growth And Wood Basic Density Of Some Eucalyptus Species, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), also known as Blue Gum Chalcid (BGC) is native to Australia. The pest was first recorded in the Mediterranean region in 2000 causing severe injury to young foliage of Eucalyptus camaldulensis by inducing galls mainly on growing shoots. The pest was first reported in Tanzania in 2005 and has recently become a problem by infesting a range of commercially grown Eucalyptus species. The purpose of this study was to de...

The Use Of Mobile Phones In Agricultural Extension In Southern Ethiopia

ABSTRACT  Information is one of the most valuable resources and potential ingredient for the advancement of agriculture. The introduction of mobile phones is believed to have the possibility to supply the required information to the rural community. Ethiopia, like many other developing countries, is adopting the use of mobile phones in many sectors including the agricultural sector. The overall objective of this study was to determine the potential of mobile phone usage in agricultural exten...

166 - 180 Of 571 Results