Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

History of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana

ABSTRACT The cocoa industry became the mainstay of Ghana’s economy since its introduction in the country in the late 19th century. The industry spread quickly from its original base at Akuapem through Akim to many parts of the country making Ghana the leading producer of cocoa by 1910. However, the industry was faced with a near collapse in the 1930s due to the emergence of the deadly swollen shoot disease that was fast destroying many farms. This compelled the colonial administration to e...

Determinatioh Of' Total Arsenic In Streams And Sediments From Obuasx Gold Mines

B A C K G R O U N D The exploration of natural resources is a means of enhancing man's standard of living from primitive life to a more advanced and enjoyable life. However, technological processes sometimes lead to adverse effects on the environment and human health. In the extraction of gold from its ore, as is done at Obuasi goldmines, the roasting process results in the expulsion of poisonous smoke of Brsenic oxides into the atmosphere. This hae lead to serious defoliation of the vegetat...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Road Runoffs To Surface Water Pollution In The New Juaben Municipality

ABSTRACT The focus of this research was based upon the contribution of road runoffs to environmental pollution in the New Juaben Municipality. Road runoffs were sampled from five highways and five urban roads during the late storm events in the month of November 2014 and early storm events in January 2015. The choice of these months was to determine the influence of the dry period on the pollutant loads in the road runoffs due to the antecedent dry weather condition. Control samples were also...


Cosmopolitan justice, the view that justice is a universal idea that should apply to all persons irrespective of nationality has generated a lot of debate among political philosophers. Earlier studies have conceived of justice either as a territorially-bounded concept or as a trans-territorial idea, which must apply globally but failed to provide a trans-culturally persuasive account of justice that would form the basis for regulating transnational relations. This study, therefore, devel...


Epistemic interactivism, an aspect of the epistemology of representation, is a cognitive intercourse between the subject and person-object of knowledge that underlies the conception of a person in Esan thought. Earlier studies separated the subject from the object of knowledge, and classified persons and non-persons as object of knowledge. This separation ignored the cognitive and moral values of persons, thereby creating a dehumanised relationship between the subject and person-object o...

Towards An Audience Development Plan For The National Theatre Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study explores the concept of audience development in an attempt to create an audience development plan for the National Theatre of Ghana. For the National Theatre of Ghana, the relationship and attendance of audience to its programmes and resident groups’ productions is an issue of concern. The management of the Theatre faces a problem in developing audiences as most performances they present including those of the resident groups are not well patronised as against private th...

Studies Into The Performance Of Solar Stills"

ABSTRACT iii This research was aimed at improving on distilled water production in the basin-type solar stills. Four similar stills were built with local materials.Results from this work indicated that for good performance of the basin-type solar still, a depth of 3.0cm should not be exceeded. The still, when covered throughout the night and put into operation the following day, increases the yield. Furthermore, sawdust has been found to be a good substitude for the traditional urethane foam ...


Ak[nauche, an ontological and intelligent component of the human person capable of mediating and unifying the individual‘s facets of existence, is central in maintaining social order in Igbo culture. Existing studies have addressed the idea of ak[nauche mainly from scientific and aesthetic perspectives, without adequate analysis of the concept in relation to the unity of the individual as a being of many parts, significant to the attainment of social order. This study, therefore, inves...

Comparison Of Relative Dose Factors Of A 6 Mv Beam Measured With Diode, Radiochromic Film And Ionization Chambers In Different Orientations

ABSTRACT In this research study the output factors of a 6 MV beam were measured by using Razor diode, Gafchromic EBT-3 film and small volume ionization chambers 0.13 cc ionization chamber, 0.01 cc Razor ionization chamber from IBA – dosimetry, BahnhofstraBe, Germany. Both perpendicular and parallel orientations of ionization chambers relative to the propagation of radiation beam were considered. Varian Unique medical system Linac was used to deliver a 6 MV beam. Detectors were placed at the...

Is Non-Reductive Physicalism A Plausible Theory Of Consciousness?

ABSTRACT According to the non-reductive physicalist, mental properties are not identical to physical properties. In order to distinguish non-reductive physicalism from epiphenomenalism, the non-reductive physicalist considers mental properties as not just a by-product of physical processes but posits that mental properties can cause physical events thereby violating the principle of the causal closure of the physical domain. The problem which this thesis seeks to investigate, therefore, is th...

Remittance Use And Wellbeing: Evidence From Ghana’s Experience

ABSTRACT Research into the developmental impact of remittances in developing countries suggests that remittances play an important role in alleviating poverty and improving households’ consumption welfare. Notwithstanding, some scholars are of the view that much of the impetus behind the significant contributions remittances make to wellbeing hinge on the uses to which remittances are put by households. Drawing on data from the 2012/13 Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS VI), this study emp...

Theatre And Cultural Development: A Focus On Efua T. Sutherland’s Edufa And Zulu Sofola’s Wedlock Of The Gods

ABSTRACT Over the years, African writers have contributed immensely to the development of culture. Their contributions are made possible by the fact that, culture has become the main source of material for their creative works. Consequently, their works have become a documentation of their culture. There is therefore much evidence to support the assertion that theatre is a very important medium for cultural transformation and development. The study established the fact that colonialism and it...

Dose Assessment Of Radon Levels In The South-Dayi District Of The Volta Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background to the study Radon is a globally present and known radioactive gas with its ability to cause lung cancer as its major health implication. Ghana currently lacks national policies on radon gas and substantive radon vulnerability map largely due to lack of adequate baseline radon concentration data for the entire country. This thesis thus seeks to provide baseline radon data for the South-Dayi District, the effective dose assessment due to inhalation of the measured in-door c...

Nadph Dependent Cytoghbdme P-450 Reactions = Mode Oe Inhibition By The N—Butanol Fraction Of Desmodium Adscendens

ABSTRACT The n-butanol fraction (nBF) of Desmodium adscendens , a plant used for the management of asthma, is' an inhibitor of NADFH-dependent cytochrcme P-450 (CYP) reactions. Its mechanism of action as an inhibitor is hcwever not kncwn. In this stud/, flavoprotein reductase activity, spectral changes associated with binding and spectral prcperties of reduced cytochrcme c and CYP were used to investigate the mode of inhibition. nBF reduced cytochrome c but not CYP directly. In the presence o...

Studies On Various Treatment Conditions Affecting Urea-Ammoniated Rice Straw In Ghana

A B S T R A C T Four experiments were undertaken to evaluate the e f fe c t of various treatment conditions on the nu tr itiv e value of urea-ammoniated r ic e straw. Experiment 1 was carried out to determine the optimum condtions necessary fo r ammoniating r ic e straw with urea. The factors investigated included urea concentration (3 .5 , 4.0, 6.5 and 8.0% W/w), treatment period (7, 14 and 21 days) and moisture le v e l (40, 50 and 60%), in a 4 x 3 x 3 fa c to r ia l experiment. Samples wer...

451 - 465 Of 571 Results