Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

Is Foreign Military Intervention Disadvantageous? : Assessing the Relationship between Peacekeeping Forces and Sex Trafficking in Conflict Zones in West Africa

This is an excerpt from a dissertation titled ‘Is Foreign Military Intervention Disadvantageous? : Assessing the Relationship between Peacekeeping Forces and Sex Trafficking in Conflict Zones in West Africa’. It explores and establishes, through secondary research, the connection of the introduction of peace keeping forces in a conflict zone to the phenomenon of sex trafficking. It comprehensively investigates and illustrates the common dimensions used in the study of trafficking of perso...

International Organizations And Promotion Of Children's Rights In South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study investigated about international organizations and promotions of children's rights in Afiica with a case study of UNICEF in South Sudan. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to assess children's rights abuses in South Sudan, ii) to analyze the role of UNICEF in promoting and protecting children's rights in South Sudan, iii) to identify the challenges faced by UNICEF in promoting and protecting children's rights in South Sudan, and iv) to assess South Sudan...

Security Sector Reforms And Their Implication In Fighting Against Terrorism In Kenya (1998-2015)

ABSTRACT  The growing threat of global terrorism to various countries’ national security prompted most governments such as Kenya to make reforms in the security sector to mitigate the vice. The study explored security sector reforms and their implication in the fight against terrorism in Kenya between 1998 and 2015. The study sought to realize the following objectives: examine the conceptual issues and origin of global terrorism; explore the trends of terrorism in Kenya (1998-2015); analys...

The United Nations And Country Level Development. A Case Of United Nations Development Programme Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................... .. .................... ... ................................................................ 2 APPROVAL ...... .... ... ................. ..................... ........ ........... ... ... ............ ........................................... 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............. ......... ....................... ... .. ...................... .. ...................... .. .............. 4 LIST OF TABLES ...... .... .................

Digital Diplomacy: The Integration Of Information Communication Technologies In Kenya’s Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, 1963-2014

ABSTRACT This study delves into the implementation ofdigital diplomacy in Kenya’sMinistry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Digital diplomacy is a relatively new concept that is widely rolled out and researched in the developed countries. Developing countries are however still in the processof integrating ICTs in the conductof public service. This study explored the integration process in Kenya’s Ministry of Foreign affairs and International Trade but with a bias to the sphere ...

Child Labour In International Human Rights Law: The Case Of Mathira Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya, 1979-2015

ABSTRACT Kenya has ratified and domesticated international human rights instruments on elimination of child labour by enacting local laws, drafting policies and launching programmes to reduce the phenomenon. Empirical data shows that children in Kenya and most countries around the world engage in child labour. This study set out by questioning why child labour continues despite the existence of international human rights instruments, local laws, policies and programmes in Kenya. As such, the ...

The Impact Of Small Arms On Children’s Wellbeing: A Case Of Mandera County, Kenya (1967-2014)

ABSTRACT Small arms have devastating effects on children either directly or indirectly, which not only occur during conflict or war but may have long lasting impacts even after the war. Research on the impacts of small arms has shown that children affected by small arms require much attention and support to put their lives back to normalcy and integrate them into the society. In Kenya, the proliferation of small arms in the Northern parts of the Country is an issue of serious concern for the ...

Participation Of Women In Implementation Of Foreign Policy: Case Of Kenya From 2010 – 2017

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the participation of women in implementation of foreign policy in Kenya. Implementation of foreign policy is a critical component internationally and is achieved through diplomacy, ware, foreign sanctions, and alliances. The role of women in the implementation of foreign policy has raised research interest over time. The study’s objectives were: to establish how women participate in decision making in the implementation of Kenya’s foreign p...

Foreign Electronic Donations And Environmental Sustainabilty In Kenya

A dominant and current assumption is that, if Africa is to develop, it should incorporate ICT strategies such as e-commerce, e-governance, e-health, e-education, e-gender, e-agriculture, e-commerce as part of its development strategies. Accordingly, ICT has become an essential global resource in Kenyan development. However, Kenya is experiencing digital gap in terms of affordably, accessibility and usage. As such, computers have been donated from global North to South to fill this gap. T...

Dynamics Of Parliamentary Diplomacy And Kenya’s Foreign Policy; 1963 – 2014

ABSTRACT Globally, parliaments have a lot of influence not only on national legislation but also in shaping foreign policies of states. However, there is scarcity of studies interrogating the role of the Kenyan parliament in influencing foreign policy since independence in 1963. Therefore, the main objectives of the study were to interrogate the extent to which the National Assembly influence Kenya’s foreign policy from 1963 to 1978, analyze the mechanisms that have been used by National A...

Analysis Of Hate Speech In Promoting Inter-Ethnic Conflict In Nairobi County And Uasin Gishu County After General Elections In 2007/8 In Kenya

ABSTRACT Hate speech became the common method adopted by politicians from different ethnic groups in Kenya for gaining support and sympathy for their candidature during the previous elections in 1992, 1997 and 2007. In Uasin Gishu County and Nairobi County, this method worked very effectively in 2007, as it created ethnic tensions eventually and resulted in causing violent conflicts in Nairobi City and Uasin Gishu County. This study analysed the influence of hate speech in inciting ethnic hos...

International Environmental Legislations And Their Impact On Conservation In Kakamega County, Kenya; 1992-2015

ABSTRACT Environmental conservation is currently an issue in international relations as well as a global concern since the negative impact of activities in one country is felt in other countries. The global need for cooperation in environmental conservation has seen the enactment of many environmental agreements and treaties. Kenya being part of the global world has highlighted the need for effective environmental legislations to conserve its environment. This study investigated environmenta...

Kenya And Britain Diplomatic Relations, 1963 To 2017

ABSTRACT Countries across the world establish diplomatic relations as a means of maintaining essential ties. The concept of diplomacy entails the employment of tact in order to gain a strategic benefit and find a suitable solution to a common challenge which is shared in a mutually and acceptable manner. This study sought to establish the continuity and change in the diplomatic relations between Kenya and Britain from 1963 to 2017. Specifically, the study examined the factors that motivated B...

Eu-Malawi Relations, 1985-2010: Aid And Trade (Tobacco Exports)

ABSTRACT This study explored, from the recipient-point of view, the European Union and Malawi relations, from 1985 to 2010, focusing on aid and trade commitments by the former to the latter, using the case of tobacco, which is a major Malawi export to the European Union market. The objectives of the study were to examine European Union aid and trade commitments in Malawi; to assess the performance of tobacco exports within the context of European Union trade commitments to Malawi; and to expl...

The Role Of United States Agency For International Development In Promoting Womens’ Peace Building Activities: A Case Of Nakuru County, 1991-2013.

ABSTRACT Conflict in Nakuru has been studied throughout the years. It has attracted the attention of several international and local scholars. However most studies have focused on general factors that have contributed to the conflict and few studies have looked at the role of international agencies in promoting women peace building activities. Consequently, the study examined the response of international agencies to conflict in Nakuru County. Specifically, it integrated the role of USAID in...

91 - 105 Of 224 Results