Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Women Involvement In Violent Crime: A Case Study Of Kayole, Nairobi County

Historically, the subject of women involvement in crime has been minimal in research. Similarly violent crimes have often been associated with the male gender. With changing gender roles and societal pressure on women however, the involvement of women in violent of women in crime has been on the increase. This study therefore set out to examine the effect of women involvement in violent crime in the Republic of Kenya with a key focus on Kayole area in Nairobi County and how this role has chan...

Economic Reform And National Development: A Comparative Analysis Of Nigeria And China, 1999 - 2010

ABSTRACT Economic reforms are the different macroeconomic and microeconomic policies designed by the government to redress the distortion in the economy of any nation. It is important to mention that Economic reform is not peculiar to Nigeria alone. Almost all countries the world over have undertaken different forms of economic reforms at one time of the other. The contents and strategy of reforms have varied from country to country depending on the circumstance of each country. One of the c...

African Growth And Opportunity Act And Politics Of Textile Production In Nigeria, 2000-2012.

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of the implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on the development of Nigeria’s textile industry, particularly the export of Nigerian textiles and apparels to United States of America. It adopted the qualitative descriptive research methodology for its data generation and analysis. It anchored analysis on the framework of complex interdependence which refers to the various, complex transnational connections and inter-dependenc...

International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) And Post Conflict Peace Building Process In Liberia 2003-2013

Abstract Liberia is a country located in West Africa, it has experienced two protracted civil wars, one from 1989 to 1996 and the second from 1999 to 2003. With the end of the first civil war, Charles Taylor emerged as the President of the country. His coming to power nevertheless came with lots of quagmire. However, after the first civil war, many peace building processes have been carried out to arrest the situation of incessant violence in the country, these processes to a relative ex...

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Illegal Immigrants On The National Security In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar Es Salaam Region

ABSTRACT The dissertation aims at the assessment of the impacts of illegal immigrants on the national security in Tanzania. The dissertation attempts to examine the impacts of illegal immigration and its associated threats. The specific objectives aimed to identify the nature and the types of illegal immigrants threats the security, the kinds of security threats illegal immigrants cause. Methods of data collection were interviews, questionnaire, and documentary review of relevant documents....

International Criminal Court Jurisdiction Influencing State Sovereignity In Kenya

ABSTRACT The international criminal court statute pledges that most serious crimes of concern to international community must not go unpunished. The novel mechanism to exert jurisdiction over state parties to the treaty intends to enforce international law to protect human rights. The ICC is a reflection of changing perceptions of how the rule of law relates to larger problems of global inequality. The court has been embroiled in criticism that it focuses on criminal cases in Africa and parti...

Security-Based Diplomacy Influencing Transnational Terrorism Management Between Kenya And Somalia

Abstract The shift from diplomacy-based security to security-based diplomacy has been attributed to the fact that generating a comprehensive response to transnational terrorism since September 11, 2001 has proven to be difficult. Multilateralism and bilateralism have been employed in security relations with regard to transnational terrorism. However, the increasing transnational terrorist attacks; particularly terrorist incidences in Kenya with attributes from Somalia have been increasing ove...

The Effect Of Counterterrorism On Domestic Security: A Study Of Kenya’s Military Operation In Somalia

ABSTRACT Globally, regionally and nationally states have used counterterrorism to end terrorism and enhance domestic security. Whereas some studies contend that counterterrorism ends or decreases terrorism, others argue it invites retaliations thus an upsurge in terrorism. Despite the debate, on 16th October 2011, Kenya launched “Operation Linda Nchi”, a preemptive military operation in Somalia to end Al Shabaab and bolster its domestic security. In June 2012 it terminated the operation a...

Contemporary Economic Growth Strategies In Creating Employment Opportunities: A Case Of Export Processing Zones (Epzs) In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  As a result of the insignificant number of employment the EPZs have so far been able to register on the ground, contrary to what was estimated by the government during its establishment on the one hand, and also contrary to the successful stories of such programme on the same elsewhere; this study was specifically set-out to inquire on the failure of EPZs in Tanzania in generating the same using three firms registered under EPZ programme. In its inquiry, the study used three import...

The Post-Colonial Challenges Of Nation -Building Through Internationa Engagement: An Analysis Of Zimbabwe’s International Relations From 1980 To 2016

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe inherited a strong, sophisticated and integrated economy on achieving independence in 1980 despite the existence of mandatory United Nations sanctions on the then Rhodesian Government. After independence, Zimbabwe went on to establish an international network of bilateral and multilateral relations with the global community which the previous racist regime of Rhodesia could not achieve. Zimbabwe was also embraced by both western and eastern bloc countries who mobilised inter...

Achieving A United States Of Africa: Practical Vision Or Utopian Ideal

ABSTRACT The end of the cold war ushered in an era of anticipation and hope in africa, a continent that still suffers the adverse effect of slavery 

The Role Of The United Nations Development Program In Promoting Good Governance: A Case Study Of Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study assessed the role of the United Nations Development Program in promoting good governance in Zanzibar. It examined the status of good governance in Zanzibar, found out the link between the United Nations Development Program on good governance programs to government and nongovernmental organisations, and evaluated the UNDP strategies used in achieving the goals of promoting good governance within Zanzibar. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze information by frequenci...

Examination Of The Impact Of Immigration Services On Foreing Direct Investment (Fdi) A Case Of Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The study examined the Impact of Immigration Services on Foreign Direct Investment in Zanzibar. In its insight, the study was enriched with the following objectives: To examine the enforcement of Laws, Regulations, Policies and Duties that govern towards issuing passes and permits to Foreign Direct Investors, to understand the processes and procedures through which Foreign Direct Investors are obliged to follow, to investigate the strategies and find out challenges that face Immigra...

The Potential Threats Of illegal Migrants Towards national Security: Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam Regionin Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study analyzed Illegal Migrant‟s Impacts on National Security using Dar es Salaam Region of Tanzania as a study area. Tanzania has been receiving migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia and beyond. Some of them have come to the country for the temporary stay while others have settled permanently in the country. While some have done so in accordance with the applicable laws, others have entered and settled in the country without following the applicable legal provisions. These are k...

Role Of The Zanzibar Commission Of Tourism In The Development Of Tourism In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Zanzibar and focused on the Commission for Tourism (ZCT). The objective of the study was to examine the contribution of ZCT to the development of tourism in Zanzibar. Primary and secondary data were collected using quantitative and qualitative methodology. Specific objectives included providing an overview of the state of tourism in Zanzibar, and to examine the role of The Zanzibar Commission for Tourism in the development of the tourist sector in Zanziba...

136 - 150 Of 224 Results