Translation Research Papers/Topics

2022 - Converting a Litigant Into a Court Interpreter

This study demonstrates that self-interpretation does indeed occur in Kenyan courtroom proceedings, a situation that necessitates the use of a language other than the regular and official languages of Kenyan courts. Such language use rendered mostly in terms of self-interpretation has far-reaching ramifications on the content, facts, style, and meaning predispositions of a witness’s testimony. Most studies in courtroom communicative interactions, language, and speech manifestations, have be...

Vitendo usemi na ulinganifu wa maana katika tafsiri_ mifano kutoka tafsiri za kazi mbili teule za Barbara Kimenye [Speech Acts and Equivalence in Translation: Examples from Two Selected Texts

IKISIRI Huu utafiti ulihusu matumizi ya nadharia ya vitendo usemi kusuluhisha tatizo la ulinganifu katika tafsiri. Msisitizo ulitiliwa kwenye ngazi ya ilokusheni ambapo swali kuu lililoongoza utafiti wenyewe ni kutatokea nini iwapo nadharia ya vitendo usemi (VU) itahuruhijwa na kutumiwa kama msingi wa kushughulikia tafsiri ya Kiswahili? Nadharia ya VU inaweza kuwa faafu, iwapo, mihimili yake itaeleweka na jinsi VU huibuliwa katika lugha lengwa (LL). Miundo ya kuibua VU ambavyo tumeainisha kwa...

Translation Into French Of Migration And Mobility In Ghana Trends, Issues, And Emerging Research Gaps

ABSTRACT It takes more than just knowledge of two or more languages to translate successfully because a word in one language seldom covers exactly the same ground as its equivalent, if there is such a thing, in another language. Often, the translator must choose from among several similar words, considering the subject, context, style and many other factors. Making the right choice could be crucial. That is why an in-depth understanding of the subject matter is required if one is to be a prof...

Issues Of Equivalence: A Translation Of « Les Banques Centrales Dans La Tempête Pour Un Nouveau Mandat De Stabilité Financière

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate issues of equivalence in translating the source text (ST) from French to English. The ST – Les banques centrales dans la tempête pour un nouveau mandat de stabilité financière was selected as a primary source material. The design in the work was primarily analytical and contrastive, as it analyzed issues of equivalence owing to linguistic and extralinguisitic factors, such as false friends, ambiguity, non-equivalence and context. Translation stra...

The Global Oil And Gas Bonanza; Africans Share.

ABSTRACT One of the major challenges in translation process is to find the most appropriate strategy to deal with texts from specific fields of specialty, hence the birth of terminologies according to the type of text that we are confronted with. Complex terms or multiword expressions are one of the key issues in translation process. This research aims to first investigate and identify obstacles encountered in translating texts with complex terms or multiword expressions, and then suggest st...

Translating The Meaning Of Hypernyms And Hyponyms: A Translation Into English Of “La Question Educative Au Burkina-Faso, Regards

ABSTRACT This work was done purposefully to concretely shed light on the translation of meaning of hyponyms and hyperonyms without compromising the quality of the translated text. The work was based on the theory of semantic relation based on the translation of “la Question Educative au Burkina-Faso, Regards Pluriels” and the analysis of the translated text. Sources consulted in writing this project were the Internet, Books, periodicals were referred to. Specialised and general online dic...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this dissertation is to bring to light some of the challenges faced in West Africa due to poor management of the transport sector. This translation would help authorities of Anglophone West African countries to gather some clues that would help improve the transport sector of their economies. The dissertation was done by translating from French into English, a thesis titled “ELABORATION D'UN PANEL DE LIGNES DU RESEAU DE LA SOTRA” (DEVELOPMENT OF SOTRA’S NETWORK O...