Abstract Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which has no cure, is a viral disease which weakens the body immune system. The most disturbing fact is that the disease continues to spread, hampering and reversing development by destroying the productive capacity of a nation and is widening the gap between the rich and the poor. It wipes out decades of investment in education which enhances human development, retarding economic and social growth UNAIDS (2004). The researcher aimed at fi...
ABSTRACT The tropical forest loss is increasing by 2,101 km2 per year. The factors causing the increasing tropical forest loss include agro-industrial development and exploitation of fuelwood by many countries. The role of human involvement in the deforestation situation in Africa cannot be understated. Studies carried out in Kenya show that most of the Tea factories rely on fuelwood for their energy requirements. This forces them to heavily contribute to the felling down of trees in the que...
ABSTRACT Laboratories are of utmost importance in the teaching and learning of science subjects, Chemistry included. A Chemistry laboratory offers the environment and resources for teaching practical Chemistry skills which help students handle examination and the day to day affairs of their lives. This study was premised on establishing the extent of utilization of Chemistry laboratories in teaching and learning the subject. It was mainly concerned with availability of Chemistry laboratories...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate determinants of pre-school teachers’ attitudes towards teaching in Thika Municipality, Kenya. The concern to stakeholders has been the negative attitudes of the pre-school teachers towards teaching. Such a concern called for investigation. To accomplish this task, a descriptive survey design was used. The justification for using this design was that it enabled the researcher to collect data from a wide area within a short time. Ex-post facto design...
ABSTRACT For centuries, a woman marrying another woman has globally been practiced. This study has focused on woman to woman marriage among the Akamba Christian of Kangundo district, Machakos County. This form of marriage is referred to as Iweto marriage, (plural Maweto). It is observed that Iweto marriage is contrary to Christian teaching where marriage is between man and woman thus exclusively monogamous. The purpose of the study was to establish the factors behind the persistence of the I...
ABSTRACT Every community has certain kind of mathematical knowledge which can be used in the formal mathematics curriculum. This study sought to investigate the application of Abagusii cultural practices into the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Masaba North Sub-County, Kenya. The main objectives of the study were; to identify areas in Abagusii culture which use mathematical concepts, to find out whether both teachers and learners are aware of the applications of m...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the status of inclusive education and provision of quality education in public primary schools in Bauchi state. The study was conducted in eight public primary schools in Bauchi. The study was based on the Social Model of Disability Theory as discussed by Mike Oliver (1983). This study adopted the mixed method approach. The study targeted the population of general education teachers in all the 8 public primary schools, children with special...
ABSTRACT The study focuses on the historical trends, causes, effects and interventions to inter-ethnic conflicts in Rumuruti Division of Laikipia County, Kenya between 1963 and 2010. The objectives of study included: tracing the historical trends, investigating the causes of inter-ethnic conflicts; examining their effects on food security as well as the intervention measures. The study is significant because inter-ethnic conflicts impact on the communities’ livelihoods as well as national s...
ABSTRACT In this study the researcher studied the relationship between the HIV Status and pupils‟ self-concept, behavioral attitudes and progress in academic performance. The main aim was to investigate how the self-concept, behavioral attitudes and academic performance may interact with each other in the face of HIV/AIDS scourge and the likely outcomes. The researcher has also studied the inherent sex differences in both the behavioral attitudes and self-concept as an antecedent variable. ...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken with the aim of providing information on the levels of ability of the students of secondary schools on reading comprehension in English language in Vihiga District in Western Province of Kenya. It was meant to determine the factors that influence reading comprehension, the knowledge they have about reading comprehension skills, reading activities organized for their own reading development and problems they encounter in reading and answering questions in rea...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the contributions of Health Education (HE) to Oral Health Practices (OHP) among the Physically Challenged Pupils (PCPs) in Public Special Primary Schools (PSPS) in Kisumu County, Kenya. The objectives were to; determine oral health practices among the PCPs who study HE in PSPS, establish contributions of HE to Oral Health Practices among PCPs in PSPS, identify Oral Health (OH) challenges faced by PCPs who study HE in PSPS and to determine HE...
ABSTRACT Most pupils with physical disabilities enrolled in special primary schools for the physically disabled in Kenya perform below average in total score of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination (KCPE). The purpose of this study was to find out factors affecting performance of pupils with physical disabilities in the KCPE. The research design used was survey design. The population of this study was drawn from the five available special primary schools for the physically disabled in...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed at establishing the pedagogic strategies influencing pupils’ learning of algebraic concepts in upper primary school classes in Laikipia West sub-County, Kenya. The three objectives of the study were to establish; (i) the widely used pedagogic strategies in teaching algebra; (ii) the factors influencing the teachers’ choice of pedagogic strategies in learning of algebra; and (iii) the pedagogic strategy that contributes most to pupils’ learning of algebra in...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the impacts of phonological disorders on English language learning of learners with DS. The main objectives of the study were: to identify the types of phonological disorders in language learning of learners with DS; to analyse the patterns of phonological errors made by learners with DS, to establish how the presence of phonological errors affect English language learning of learners with DS and; to establish possible ways of correcting...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the professional qualifications of teachers educating learners with learning disabilities. It also intended to investigate whether teachers in regular public schools are able to identify and assess learners with learning disabilities. Another aim was to establish the teaching, learning strategies and materials used by teachers when educating learners with LD. Finally, the study intended to find out whether there were collaborative structures and suppor...