ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of job satisfaction among teachers of learners with special educational needs in integrated public primary schools in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling technique was used. A sample of 33 teachers, 11 male and 22 female, participated in the study. The main instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed by the use of Statistical Pack...
ABSTRACT The many investigations made into the nature of man have resul ter1 in some definite findings; one of them is that his visible appear-ance has the shape of a functioning organism. This part is called the hOdy of man. How this body appeared on e ar-Ll , how it reached its present harmonious development, hoy: lone man has existed, these and other Queries it is not the l'urpose of this thesis to answer- or «ven to consider.In this work man Vin: he dealt with as he is known to-day: that...
ABSTRACT The responsibility for planning of school physical facilities should involve all stake-holders in the school, to ensure that every child has a favorable learning environment for quality education. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of planning of physical facilities on the quality of learning environment provided by secondary schools in Narok North Sub-County. The study objectives were to determine whether secondary schools use government provided guidelines on c...
ABSTRACT Prefects are student leaders elected or appointed and assigned administrative duties in schools. Besides their school responsibilities, prefects are expected to perform well and attain good grades in class tests and national examinations like other students. According to reports in Nakuru District Education Office, students in public secondary school decline academically when they take up prefects’ responsibilities. Several factors have been put forward that include influence of n...
ABSTRACT This study attempts to use oral sources to reconstruct the pre-colonial history of the Yakurr of Southeastern Nigeria. The Yakurr now inhabit the territory located between latitude 5040' and 6°10 North and longitude 8°50' East. This area is about 140 kilometres north-west of Calabar - capital of the Cross River State. The focus of the research is on Yakurr Migration and settlement and the economic, political and social effects of the migration. The original home of the Yakurr was ...
ABSTRACT The need to explore the Vakwangali traditional clothing as an inspiration for designing fashion clothing arose from acquired knowledge and understanding that intersections exist between traditional clothing and fashion design. It also began from observations that while such intersections seem to have resulted in the development of fashion clothing from traditional clothing among, for example, Ovaherero and Aawambo of Namibia, it is puzzling as to why the same have not occurred among...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the administration of the School Feeding Programme at two primary schools in Windhoek, Namibia. The study aimed at finding out how administration is being carried out, the attitudes of the teachers towards the School Feeding Programme and the challenges that the schools are facing with the implementation of the programme. In addition, the study looked at how the schools are coping with their challenges and the suggestions they had towards pro...
CT This study investigated the specific literacy difficulties experienced by fourth graders who previously received instruction in the mother tongue (Otjiherero) at the lower primary phase and at the time of the study, had transitioned to the upper primary phase where they receive instruction in English. The mixed method design was used to collect data. Teachers’ data were collected through open-ended questionnaires, establishing the kinds of reading instructional methods they are familiar ...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by senior secondary school learners when preparing science fair projects in the Omusati educational region, Namibia. The study provided answers to the following research questions:1). What are the challenges faced by secondary school learners in the Omusati Educational Region when preparing science fair projects? 2). what are the science teachers’ perceptions of the challenges faced by learners when preparing sc...
Abstract This study investigated the Namibian learners and teachers’ perceptions regarding the English Second Language (ESL) writing activities in selected schools of the Windhoek. It aimed at addressing seven major questions that were pertinent in understanding the significance of ESL writing activities in the lives of the participants. These questions looked at the perceptions of ESL learners and teachers regarding the level of enjoyment and usefulness of ESL writing activities, competenc...
Abstract Sexual abuse amongst learners with hearing impairment should be a matter of great concern to all those who are involved in working with the hearing impaired. This study aimed at finding preventive strategies to protect learners with hearing impairments from sexual abuse. The results showed that such strategies were lacking at home, at school, at the hostel as well as in the larger society. Data collected through questionnaires showed that parents were unable to discuss sexual matters...
Abstract This research study is a content analysis of the sections on Namibian history of the Namibian Secondary School History Textbooks that were prescribed for use in schools for the period 1991 – 2008. Altogether eleven textbooks were studied. The study sought to establish the relevance of the textbooks in how far they promote reconciliation, inclusiveness and respect for diverse views in terms of their pedagogy and the way they portray Namibian history. A brief historical background on...
ABSTRACT It is believed that “those who master English are likely to reap many academic, social and professional benefits” (Tella, Indoshi & Othuan, 2011, p. 809). Conversely, poor performance of learners in some countries, including Namibia, where English is the medium of instruction, has been attributed to low proficiency in English. Studies have also shown that there is often misalignment between what is intended to be taught in the classroom and what is actually taught. Therefore, the...
ABSTRACT Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) is basically the surgical removal of foreskin of the penis. This is done for many reasons. However, cultural, religious and medical reasons are the most paramount for Male Circumcision (MC) around the world today. Needless to say, since the three randomized controlled trials on male circumcision in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa proved that VMMC can reduce the HIV transmission by at least 60%, this has become the main reason for MC, especial...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the relationship between social factors and crime (armed robbery) in Windhoek from 1997-2000. More specifically it aimed at investigating ways socio-demographic and socio-economic factors such as age, sex, residential area, employment, education, etc influence armed robbery in Windhoek. This study also reviewed literature and relevant biological, psychological and sociological theories pertinent to crime and armed robbery. The study used qualitative ...