ABSTRACT This study introduces factors influencing Geography Grade 12 results at Rehoboth High School. The study concentrates on six factors, namely: Structure of the examination papers with special emphasis on the August 2000 Geography mock examination; Social-cultural factors; Resources; Teaching methods; Attitude towards Geography as a subject; School environment. Sixty-six learners responded to a questionnaire and interviews were conducted with 96 learners, two Geo...
ABSTRACT Since 2012, the Ministry of Education has made Mathematics a compulsory subject at senior secondary school level (Grade 11 and 12). The study investigated the Mathematics teachers’ views and challenges on the implementation of the compulsory Mathematics curriculum at senior secondary level in the Otjozondjupa region. In particular, the study addressed the following questions: 1) what are the Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics teachers’ views on the implementation of the compulsory Mathe...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the guidance and counselling services in senior secondary schools in Ohangwena region with the view to determine the teacher counsellors’ views on the factors impacting the implementation of guidance and counselling services. Literature shows that guidance and counselling plays a vital role in preventing educational, emotional, social, personal and other problems among learners. It was therefore important to the researcher to determine teacher counsellors’ vie...
ABSTRACT This qualitative research study was done to establish the quality of interaction that took place between Deaf learners and hearing learners in mainstream schools in Oshana and Khomas regions. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and observations, with the help of video camera recordings to capture the data. Five Deaf learners, ten teachers teaching in the classroom were Deaf learners are mainstreamed and 30 hearing learners were interviewed separately. The resear...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of novice teachers in their first year of teaching after the initial training in schools in Ompundja Circuit (OC), Oshana Educational Region (OER) of Namibia. Although there is available literature to support the link between novice teachers’ preparation in universities and colleges, and their effectiveness, there is dearth of literature that particularly focused on the Oshana Educational Region. It appears that there ha...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to make a critical and in-depth analysis of the cultural identity and the socio-cultural statements of transitional and post-independent indigenous Namibian visual art. It aims to investigate how transitional and post-independent indigenous Namibian visual art is different from visual art developed during the colonial period, by focusing on issues of cultural identity and socio-political statements. For this purpose, three indigenous Namibian visual arti...
ABSTRACT The study is based on the anthroponomastics approach and investigated the significance of Oshiwambo combat names for the People Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) freedom fighters during the armed liberation struggle for Namibia’s independence. There is no comprehensive study that focused on the origin and significance of Oshiwambo combat names, hence, this study was conducted to investigate the significance, origin and meanings of Oshiwambo combat names for the former PLAN combatan...
ABSTRACT During the transition from primary to secondary schooling, students experience changes within themselves as well as in their school environment. This study investigated the role of the Baseline Orientation Course (BOC) in enhancing learners‟ transition from primary to secondary education. The study addressed three specific objectives which were (1) To explore the implementation of the BOC in successful and unsuccessful secondary (2) To explore the challenges faced by teachers and s...
ABSTRACT This thesis is a formal analysis of beads from the two Zulu capitals of Mgungundlovu ( occupied by Dingane between 1829 and 1838) and Ondini (held by Cetshwayo between 1873 and 1879). It contains a set of procedures for producing a bead taxonomy, most of which has been adopted from work done in North America, bur some of which consists of analytical methods original to this study. The taxonomy is based on visual and physical screening of large collections, followed by chemical analys...
Abstract The researcher investigated the existence, prevalence and causes of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Namibia, as well as its impact and effects on both its victims and society as a whole. Due to the complexity and dangerous nature of her topic of study, she utilised a unique method in which she identifies and capacitates specific members of the study’s target group to lead her into areas that would otherwise be too difficult for her to reach and involving them in data collec...
Abstract This study is based mainly on quantitative data collected from 347 school children in grades 8, 9 and 10 from three high schools in Windhoek, Namibia. Three schools were randomly selected which represented different scales of fees - low, medium, high – which reflects the range of financial background of the pupils. The study also used qualitative data collected from seven counsellors and social workers from different government and NGOs in Windhoek. The major objective of the stud...
ABSTRACT This study titled Structural changes observed in the German language as used in Namibia: A study on the basis of texts from the Allgemeinen Zeitung analyses and examines the structural changes in German Language as it is used in Namibia. The German language found its way to Namibia during the German colonial times (1884 – 1915). After independence in 1990, English became the sole official language of Namibia. Nowadays, Namibia is a multilingual country, in which German, Afrikaans ...
ABSTRACT Increasing interests in comparative studies have led scholars to revisit the myth of the Great Goddess. While parallels of the Greek gods have been identified in Yorùbá mythology, there has not been a comparative study of the Great Goddesses. This study, therefore, examines the parallels between the Greek’s Great Goddess, Gaea, and Àtàgé, the Yorùbá Great Goddess of Ìbàdàn, to determine points of convergence between them in terms of origin, attributes, symbols and festiv...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the works of female sculptors in Ghana with particular emphasis on the philosophical significance and implications of their works. The first objective of the study sought to identify the works of contemporary sculptresses in Ghana. The second objective examined the philosophical implications of the works of contemporary sculptresses in Ghana while the third objective explored the forms of documentation of the works of contemporary sculptresses in Ghana. The stud...