Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

School Feeding Programmes And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Siongiroi Zone, Siongiroi Division, Bomet District, Kenya

ABSTRACT For a number of years pnmary schools in Siongiroi zone have not been performing very well. The researcher wanted to investigate if school feeding programmes will improve pupil's academic performance. In the study, the researcher employed descriptive design. Therefore simple survey or poll for the purpose of describing attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of the study population were used. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. The raw data was then analyzed, presented in p...

Emerging Issue Of Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Its Effects On Early Childhood Development Education Centres Of Bugar Zone, Kamariny Division Of Keiyo District

ABSTRACT A qualitative study was undertaken to establish the effects of alcoholism on child abuse. In early childhood development centers. The following objectives were used to guide the stud~· To identify causes of alcoholism among parents. To establish the effects of alcoholism on early childhood education. To find out the transferred effects of alcoholism on early childhood education. A sample of 60 respondents was selected and it included teachers parents and ECDE officers. Findin...

Family Characteristics Influencing Reading Readiness Of Pupils In Pre-Primary Schools In Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Extensive researches are available on school factors influencing reading ability of the pre-primary school Pupils are available. However, there are relatively few studies on the family characteristics influencing reading readiness of pre-primary school pupils. Moreover, the family characteristics‟ role in reading readiness of the children cannot be underestimated. Reading incompetency has always been assumed to be as a result of school related factors and many attempts have been m...

Poverty And Cidldren Academic Progress: A Case Study Of Jera Zone, Siha Y Division Ugenya District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to examine the effect of poverty on the academic progress of children in Jera Zone, Sihay Division, Ugenya district Kenya. Some schools in Jera Zone were selected for this research and some children from these schools were sampled and given questionnaires to fill. The researcher based his selection on the previous examination done by these children in each class, four pupils were chosen among the top five and fur from among the bottom five in the exam....

The Relationship Between Nutrition And Performance Of Pre-School Children In Rabuor Zone Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Growth and development occurs more during the early childhood. It is imperative that children get proper nutrition both at home and in school. To support this, the government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Education has constantly advocated for the provision of centralized feeding programme in every pre-school. However, this has not been the case in Rabuor Zone where only about 18% of the pre-schools offer feeding programmes. Furthermore, statistics at the District Education offi...

Individualized Child Rearing And Development In African Modern Societies (A Case Study Of Pakwach Town Council Jqnam County- Nebbi District).

ABSTRACT The trend of Child rearing are changing or have changed today. It is no longer a community concern and its an individualized process. These has brought a number of problems in African modern societies. The change in the trend of child rearing with its problem will greatly affect the child in his future life.

The Impact of Free Primary Education on Academic Performance of Primary Pupil’s in Nyeri District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Iriaini Zone, Nyeri District Kenya. This was to find out the impact of free primary education on pupils performance. Consequently research questions were designed so as to guide in the research work. It also used qualitative and quantitative methods by use of probability proportion to size. 200 respondents were purposively selected. The target populations were the children, teachers, head teachers and school inspector. Oral interviews and observation ...

Factors influencing gender disparities among preschool teachers in thika district of central province, kenya.

ABSTRACT Parents are the main care givers and socializing agents of their children. They provide for their basic needs in terms of nutrition, health, care, love and affection, among others. In the process of development mothers provide warmth and tender touches to children while fathers are symbols of authority, strength and security. Early Childhood Development Centres (E.C.D.C.) are accepted the world over as alternatives to traditional childcare systems. Children start going to preschools...

Causes Of Girl Child Drop Out From School Inyatta District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The causes of school drop out in any populat'ion are manifold and complex. The economic and social consequences of dropping out of school cause global concern, as they affect not only the individual who abandons school, but also his/her family and friends as well as the wider community and society. Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out of schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to complac...

The Role Of Head Teachers In Guidance And Counselling On Early Childhood Development Programmes In Langata Road Primary School, Nairobi West Disrtict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of free primary education on early childhood education. The research study was conducted between April 2009 and August 2009. The study was carried in Langata road primary school, Nairobi west district. The study benefits the early childhood pupils...

School Feeding Programme And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Kyuso Division, Kyuso District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was intended to determine the effect of free feeding programme on the academic performance of pupils in Kyuso, zone, Kyuso division, Kyuso District, Kenya The study adopted a descriptive research design which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questionnaires and interview guides were used in the collection of data after which it had to be coded and presented in percentag...

A Study Of Factors Influencing The Introduction And Implementation Of Pre-Primary School Life Skills Curriculum In Ainamoi Division, Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT One of the most important objectives of education is the socialization of the individual. The school is a socializing agency, while curriculum is a tool used to address emerging concerns of society hence constant effort is needed to make this tool useful and to evaluate its effectiveness. Kenyan children face challenges that include gender bias, early sexual debut, drug and substance abuse, rape and exposure to Human Immunodeficiency Virus leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndro...

The Impact Of Balanced Diet On Child Growth And Development

ABSTRACT i study was carried out in 30 pre-schools in Homa Bay district in Kenya in )tember 2009. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of lanced diet in mental growth and development of a child below six years. The 1ya Ministry of Education records show that, Homa Bay district had a total of l Early Childhood Education Centres (DICECE). Most of the centres were ached to public primary schools. Others were privately owned. The pre-school led represent 20 percent of the schoo...

Importance Of Early Childhood Education To The Disadvantaged Children, Kira Town Council, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The study is centered on the importance of the provision of early childhood education to the disadvantaged children in Kira Town Council, Wakiso District. It thought to determine the trends in enrolment of disadvantaged children in various early childhood education centers. To find out the benefits of early childhood education program to the disadvantaged children. To find out the challenges faced by disadvantaged children in ECE centers and finally to suggest possible interventions ...

The Contribution of Skifties to School Aftendance among Pre-School Children A Case Study of Nyalenda Estate, Kisumu City - Kenya

Abstract The study was carried out in Nyalenda estate in Kisumu to find out the contribution of skittles to pre-school attendance by children. The issues raised were availability of physical facilities, Gender parity in the game, inadequate learning and play equipment, feeding programmes in the centers and school fees cost. The researcher used questionnaires for teachers and pupils to obtain information, focus group discussions with parents of pre-school children and review of written materia...

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