TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ······································�...
The purpose of this study was to establish the causes of drop out among pupils in Kibwezi zone, Kibwezi district. The specific objectives of the study were to explore academic-oriented parenting practices, find out School-participation parenting practices find out high aspirations and grade expectations by parents and to find out the level of autonomy and emotional support parents give to the children. The study employed a descriptive research design and the instruments used for data collecti...
ABSTRACT The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating Impact on free primary education on early childhood development centers in Waa- Ngo'mbeni zone in Kwale County (Kenya). The objectives of the study were; to find out impact on free primary education on early childhood development centers, to identify the impacts of free primary education on early childhood in W aa - Ngo'mbeni Zone, Kwale county in Kenya to determine whether free education influences education and illiteracy in ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out in the Masinga division in the Yatta district with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya while reflecting some selected government-aided primary schools in the Masinga division, Yatta district as an illustrative example. On this note, all other authors' works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed the basis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descri...
ABSTRACT The education system in Kenya has undergone various major changes in the curriculum since independence. The curriculum formulated has not solved students' problems, especially in academic performance. From the literature reviewed in Diani Zone, Msambweni District Kenya reveals that variety of students have a negative attitude toward English. The literature review did it also reveals that the majority of people believed that English is a Whiteman's language. Hence learners and teache...
ABSTRACT One of the goals of millennium development goals is to ensure that there is gender parity in access to education. Education for All (EFA) has indeed brought the girl child education to another level where the government of Kenya has laid down strategies aimed at improving girl child enrolment and transition to higher levels. This study, therefore, looked at the challenges faced by the girl child in pursuit of education. The study was carried out at Primary data was sourced through t...
ABSTRACT The study of this report is about the effect of corporal punishment on the schools' performance. It is directed by three objectives and these include: Forms of corporal punishment, other forms of punishments and impact of corporal Punishment on pupil's performance. The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select population. It employed a total sample of 50 respondents as indicated in chapter four. Data were analyzed and presented using statistical methods of da...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: ............................................................................................................... .I APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... II DEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................................
Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on Early Childhood Education. The research study was conducted between January 2010 and November 2010. The study was carried in Waberi Zone, Garissa District. The study benefits the early childhood pupils since their well being is...
The study involved both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in which questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussions were used to collect the data from the respondents. The first research question sought to find out the types of motivation needed for better performance in early childhood education centres. The study discovered that; Gifts, promises, appreciations, courage, and awards were the factors given by the respondents. The second research question sough...
A study on Gender and Academic performance in science was carried out in Githumu Zone with the purpose of investigating and establishing the factors influencing Gender and academic performance in the science subject in Githumu Zone. The specific objective of the study were/ to compare out the boys/girls attitude towards the study of science. To identify some cultural practices that affect the performance of learners in the science. To establish whether both sexes participate fully in the scie...
ABSTRACT Despite the importance oi'pre-school as afbundationfiw the countrv 'sjimnal education. the Ministrr of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The CJI'neral objective of' the study was to determine the impact offi'ee prinWIJ-' education on early childhood education. The study employed a descriptive design and interview guides and questionnaires were used in the co/lee/ion of di!la. The findings of'! he stu
Abstract More recent studies or the effects or school inputs on student outcomes include Case and Deaton (1999); Angrist and Lavy (1999); 1-Ianushek, Kain, and Rivkin (1999); Betts and Morell (1999); 1-Ianushck ct. al. (1996); Kingdon (1996a); and Glcwwe and Jacoby (1994). Some of these studies have investigated the illlpacl or motivation on student outcomes, with mixed results. Loeb and Page (2000) locus on explaining why several studies have failed to discover a positive relation between mo...
ABSTRACT For a number of years primary schools in Central Division of Moyale District, Kenya have not been performing very well. The researcher wanted to investigate if school feeding programmes will improve pupil's academic performance. In the study, the researcher employed descriptive design. Therefore simple survey or poll for the purpose of describing attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of the study population were used. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. The raw data was ...
ABSTRACT My purpose of the study was to find out absenteeism and academic performance of pupils in ECDE (age 6-8 years) in Chilchila Division, Kericho District The division is situated in the pockets of white highlands once colonized by British in Kericho district, faced with adverse weather condition usually very hot, dry and hilly. The area also faces a lot of economic, social and cultural problems. The general performance of the leamers in primary and secondary schools is not pleasing. T...