Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Guidance and Counseling Services and Professional Ethics among Teachers in Selected Primary Schools in Nyamira North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study sought to establish the relationship between guidance and counseling services and professional ethics among teachers in Nyamira North District, Kenya. It was guided by the following objectives: (1) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, academic qualification and number of years of teaching experience; (2) to determine the level of guidance and counseling services in schools; (3) to determine the level of professional ethics a...

Guidance and Counselling on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Ndia Division, Kirinyaga District Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study was specifically designed and conducted to investigate the relationship between guidance and counseling and academic performance of secondary school students in Ndia Division, Kirinyaga District. The study focused on examining the level of guidance and counseling, level of students’ academic achievement and the relationship between guidance and counseling and students’ academic performance in Secondary schools in Ndia Division. The researcher applied a co relational ...

Leadership Styles and Teacher Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools of Burera District, Rwanda.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between Head teachers’ leadership style and teacher performance. The study sought to investigate and establish the extent to which leadership sty~es contribute to teacher performance in selected public secondary schools in Burera District, Rwanda. The study was conducted by cross sectional survey design, data being collected during the month of August 2011 using questionnaires from 15 administrative staff (Head teachers and deputies) and 164...

Government Education Policies and Socio-Economic Development in Mandera District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to establish why there is a poor standard of living in Mandera district Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to investigate the relationship between Government education policy on universal education and standards of living in Mandera district Kenya. To establish the relationship between Government education policy on gender equity and standards of living in Mandera district Kenya. To establish the relationship between Government education policy on...

Community Participation and Teacher Motivation in Primary Schools in Minakulu Sub County, Oyam District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  This thesis is entitled “Community participation and Teacher motivation in selected primary schools. It is presented as a result of a research that was carried out in selected primary schools in Minakulu Sub County, Oyam district. The study was carried out basing on three specific objectives, i.e.; to determine the level of community participation in primary schools Minakulu Sub County in Oyam District in Northern Uganda, to establish the level of teacher motivation in primary sc...

Instructional Supervision and Teacher Performance in Selected Primary Schools in Butaleja District

ABSTRACT  The study examined the relationship between instructional inspection and teacher performance in Butaleja Sub County in Butaleja district. Three major objectives were pursued and they included; establishing the level of instructional supervision in selected primary schools in Butaleja district, establish the level of teacher performance in selected primary schools in Butaleja district and establishing the relationship between instructional supervision and teacher performance in sele...

Second Language Development of Learners and Teacher Performance in Selected Public Primary Schools in Tigania East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT  The study on second Language development and teacher performance in selected public primary schools in Tigania East district Kenya was guided by four research objectives that were oriented towards determining profile of the respondent’s in terms of gender, age, marital status, level of education and place of work, the level of second language development, level of teacher performance and the relationship between second language development and teacher performance in selected publ...

Local Language Policy Implementation and Assessment of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Kyaka County Kyegegwa District Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study investigated local language policy implementation and assessment of pupils in lower primary classes in Kyaka county, Kyegegwa district Uganda. The study was based on the following objectives: to establish the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of gender, age, educational qualification, position held and number of years teaching experience; to find out the level of local language policy implementation in lower primary classes; to establish the level o...

An Exploration into the Relationship between Schools Factors and Students Academic Performance in K.C.S.E in Mombasa District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION jjj ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENT A LIST OF ACRONYMS vii CHARPTER ONE 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Objectives 4 Research questions 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 5 Introduction 5 Head teachers’ professional instructional skills 5 Teachers present challenges 8 School Environment 9 Home environment 12 Social-economic Statuses 14 Lack of Government to Introduce School Mapping and Facilities Analysis ...

Parents Perception and Universal Primary Education Policy Implementation in Rusizi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study is entitled Parents’ perception and Universal Primary Education policy implementation in Rusizi District, Rwanda. It was carried out to correlate parents’ perception and UPE policy implementation in Rusizi District in Rwanda. The objectives were(1) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, level of education and type of stakeholder; (2) to determine the level of parents’ perception on UPE;(3) to determine the extent of Universal Primary E...

Community Participation and Teacher Motivation in Primary Schools in Minakulu Sub County, Oyam District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This thesis Is entitled “Community participation and Teacher motivation in selected primary schoois. It Is presented as a result of a research that was carried out In selected primary schools in Minakulu Sub County, Oyam district The study was carried out basing on three specific objectives, i.e.; to determine the level of community participation in primary schools Minakulu Sub County in Oyam District in Northern Uganda, to establish the level of teacher motivation in primary schoo...

Management Styles and Teachers Citizenship Work Behavior in Selected Secondary Schools in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study determined the relationship between management styles and teachers’ citizenship work behavior in secondary schools in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda. To achieve this main purpose of the study, four research objectives were set and these included: to determine the management styles in secondary schools in Nyartuguru district; to determine the level of citizenship work behavior in secondary schools in Nyartuguru District; to find out if there is significant difference in: (a...

Social Factors and Students Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Serere County, Serere District, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the influence of social factors on students’ discipline in selected secondary schools in Serere County, Serere District. To achieve the purpose of the study, three research objectives were set and these included: to ascertain the influence of social factors in secondary schools; to assess students discipline in secondary schools; to establish the relationship between the influence of social factors on students discipline in secondary schools. The design us...

Leadership Styles of Administrators in Inclusive Schools and Adaptation of the Learners in Selected Primary Schools in Kendu Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT  With the inception of inclusive education in Kenya, leadership and management have to be changed in inclusive schools to suit the societal interests and need of learners. With this problem in mind, it was inevitable to determine what the profile of the respondents was, leadership styles of administrators; the level of adaptation of learners: and finally if there was any significant relationship between leadership styles and level of adaptation. Descriptive correlation survey method...

Political, Economic Factors and the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy in Private Institutions in Lilongwe, Malawi

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the political, economic factors and the implementation of inclusive education policy in private institutions in Lilongwe, Malawi. The study was guided by the following objectives: (i) to assess the political and economic factors that affect implementation inclusive education policy in private universities in Malawi; (ii) to assess the level to which private universities are committed to implement inclusive education policy in Malawi; (iii) to determine the r...

16 - 30 Of 155 Results