Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors That Affect Academic Performance Of The Mentally Challenged Learners In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of El-\1/Ak Zone, Mandera Central District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was intended to determine factors affecting academic performance of!earners with mental deficits in regular schools within El-wak zone, Mandera Central district, Kenya. This study involved gathering relevant information from all sources as secondary information and this helped the researcher get a clear picture of all that was to be entailed in this study. A descriptive design was employee! and in this case, a bigger part of the study employed qualitative techniques but th...

Teaching Methods And Academic Performance Of Mildly Retarded Pupils In Galbet Zone Central Division, Garissa District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the effects of teaching methods on academic performance of mildly retarded pupils in Galbet Zone, Central division Garissa district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the relationship between visual aids and performance of mildly retarded children, to determine the relationship between motivation and performance of mildly retarded children, to determine the relationship between demonstrating and performance of mildly...

Visual Impairment And Academic Performance Of Learners. A Case Of Turkana Integrated Primarykatilu Zone Turkana South District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine visual impairment and the academic performance of learners in Turkana integrated primary School, Katilu Zone, Katilu division, Turkana South District, Rift Valley province Kenya. The objectives of the study was; to establish the relationship between visual impairment and academic performance of learners in Turkana integrated primary school, to find out causes of poor performance and to establish measures put in place to assist children with...

An Assesment Of The Kenyan Policy On The Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Public Primary Schools; A Case Of Selected Schools In Nyangeta Zone, West Kisumu District, Nyanza Province

ABSTRACT A study on Assessment of the Kenyan policy on the implementation of inclusive education in publlc primary schools was carried out in Nyangeta zone, was carried out with the purpose of assessing process and progress indusive education in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study to establish whether the school facilities and curriculum have been modified to accommodate the special needs learners. To find out if indeed the stakeholders in the implementation ofindusive education ...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Learners With Low Vision In An Inclusive Setting In Chuka Division Meru-South District-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out factors affecting the education of children with low vision in the Chuka division of Meru South district. The researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of children with low vision in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. The researcher chose Head teachers, teachers, parents and visually impaired children as sample population because through them relevant and app...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challanges Facing Learners In Secondary Education; A Case Study Of Wangirabose Mixed Secondary Schoo~ Kuria East District Kenya

Abstract Since 1940s when the main course of education was started in Kenya with the rehabilitation of victims of the Second World War, there have been a lot of changes in education policies. The initial concern was to provide health and social rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. These facilities later changed their concern and became custodial care centers following models seen in Europe at that time. Programmes were also started for those with sensory and intellectual chall...

Teaching Performance Of The Mathematics Teachers Of Kwihota Primary School In Thika District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study determined the teaching performance of the mathematics teachers of Kwihota Primary School in Thika District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the pupils as to age, gender and class and it determined the level of teaching performance. Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of investigation. Environment: This study was conducted in Kwihota Primary School of Thika District in Kenya.The school is located in Thika Distric...

Challenges That Hinder The Academic Performance Of Learners With Physical Handicaps In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of Tuny Al Zone, Tharaka District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the challenges faced and academic performance of learners with physical handicaps in regular schools. The study took Tunyai zone, Tharaka District, as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of factors ranging from the lack of learning/teaching equipment, negative attitude of teachers towards the physically impaired learners are among the many forces behind their poor academic performance in regular primary...

Teachers Support And The Challenges Faced By Teachers Who Handle The Intellectually Challenged In West Tigania, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers are faced by challenges as they handle the intellectually challenged. Some of the challenges include lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching instruments, lack of references, inadequate personnel as well as undefined curriculum. They also need support from parents, stakeholders and also the community. Support may be financial as well as~the moraksq~p~irt. The researcher used the questionnaire method and with permission she distributed all the questionnaires to different units...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Learners With Mental Deficit In Regular Schools Embu Municipality Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. The study had the following objectives. To find out whether there are teachers in regular schools with appropriate skills to handle learners with mental retardation. To find out the attitudes of teachers towards inclusion of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. The other objective was to find out the existence of learners with mental reta...

Effects Of Learners With Hearing Impairement Learning With Normal Learners In Kabasis Zone Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined th e barriers that hinder inclusive education of hearing impaired children in the selected schools of Kabasis Zone, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the relevance of pnmary education currently offered to children who are hearing impaired; explore the disability specific challenges of children with h earing impairments and also to investigate the constraints to the provision of educational service for children with hearing impairments. Qualitative...

Educational Challenges Of Double Orphan Learners, Kiganjo Zone, Thika District - Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was about educational challenges facing double orphans in Kiganjo Zone, Thika district. There are many double orphan learners in the zone whose parents could have died due to accidents or diseases like HIV/AIDS. cancer and others. The method used in the study to collect data was qualitative approach, The research design was survey method. The targeted population was teachers and double orphan learners in the zone. The zone had twenty schools. The researcher sampled five sch...

Problems encountered by physically handicapped childrenof st. Joseph, primary school in egojidivision, meru centraldistrict kenya

ABSTRACT The research carried out was on the problems encountered by physically handicapped children of St. Joseph Primary School in Egoji Division, Meru Central District, Kenya. The researcher who is more knowledgeable on the problems of physically handicapped children failed to understand why the number of physically children in school is few in comparison with the normal children, hence the researcher wanted to investigate the problems encountered and address the problem. The study employ...

Implication Of Behavioral Problems On Learners In Public Primary Schools In Mombasa District Coast Province

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study is the major causes of behavioral problems among learners in Public Primary Schools in Mombasa District. A student behavioral is quite dismal. Root cause of indiscipline in these learners are several of them such as family, school environment, biological causes and inherited traits, psychological or emotional problems, conflicts, social and cultural influences. Due to the above factors the emotional and behavioral problem in public schools is increas...

Factors Hindering Job Opportunities For The Physically And Hearing Impaired Persons In The Clothing Industries In Nairobi Industrial Area.

ABSTRACT Study on the factors hindering job opportunities for the physically and the Hearing impaired persons in Textile industries was carried out in Nairobi industries Ares, with the purpose of investigating and identifying factors that hinder the disabled from securing employment in the Textile industries. Th e specific objectives of -the study were to identify barriers to the employment of the physically and Hearing impaired persons in rextile industries. To access the productivit...

316 - 330 Of 610 Results