Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers' Perception Of Pupils With Low Vision And The Performance Of Learners In Kenyan Primary Schools A Case Study Of Chavakali North Zone, Vihiga District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Chavakali North Zone, Vihiga District, Kenya, and is used both qualitative and quantitative collection methods. The research was conducted in line with the research questions of the study that guided the researcher effectively. The first research question was "What is the depth of teachers' knowledge on handicapped pupils?" The findings revealed that many teachers had deeper understanding of children with low vision. The second research question was "Wh...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools In Nandi Central District - Kenya. A Case Study Of: Emgwen Division

The research was carried out in Emgwen division, Nandi central district Kenya with an aim of determining the factors affecting the academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. All relevant Primary sources were visited in the process of gathering Primary information. A descriptive design was employed and in this case, questionnaires and interview guides were used in the process of data collection. The study findings revealed the following: that the majority of teach...

Academic Performance Of The Hearing Impaired Learners In An Inclusive School Setting: A Case Study Of Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District.

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the academic performance of the Hearing impaired learners in an inclusive setting (regular schools). The study took Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of factors ranging from the lack of audiological equipment, negative attitude of teachers towards the hearing impaired learners are among the many forces behind their poor academic performance in regular primary sc...

Schools Influence On Learning With Hearing Impairment In Selected Primary Schools Of Shinyalu Division, Kakamega East District - Kenya

ABSTRACT  A qualitative study to investigate the school influence on learners with hearing impairments was carried amongst primary school teachers Shinyalu division, Kakamega East district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; to identify the number of learners with hearing impairments who are currently in regular schools. To establish the teachers attitude towards learners with hearing Impairments, to establish whether the teachers teaching learners with hearing impairments i...

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Teaching Children With Hearing Impairment Under Inclusive Setting In Makindye Division, Kampala District-Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out challenges encountered in teaching learners with hearing impairment. The researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of children with hearing im[airment in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. The researcher chose Head teachers, teachers, parents and children with hearing impairment as sample population because through them relevant and appropriate information wo...

The Academic And Social Challenges Affecting Learners With Epilepsy In Inclusive Setting In Nthongoni Zone, Kibwezi District Kenya

The central problem of the study was born out of the fact that despite epilepsy being a disease like others and that an epileptic child may have normal intelligence, many teachers and society know little or nothing about it and therefore have negative attitude towards these children Factors leading to negative perception and discrimination of epileptic children have not been fully investigated and understood. The purpose of this study was therefore out the teachers' understanding of epile...

Effects Of Visual Impairment On Student's Perfomance

Table of Contents DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................

Teaching Methods And Academic Performance Of Visually Impaired Learners In Inclusive Setting In Chepterwai Zone Kipkaren Division, Nandi North District -kenya

The study was carried out in Chepterwai zone of Kipkaren division Nandi North district-Kenya. The main purpose of the study was to find out challenges of inclusion of visual impaired learners in regular schools. The sample population was composed of respondents who included selected teachers and learners in the school. The research instruments that were used to collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The findings of the study generally showed that there are some negative att...

Challenges Faced By Teachers Of Pupils With Hearing Impairements In Kaitheri Primary School, Kirinyaga District, Kenya.

Deaf education in Kenya falls under the ministry of education, special education division. This section of the ministry deals with the administration of education of persons with special educational needs, deaf education being one ofthem. History of deaf education in Kenya dates back to the founding of Kenya Society for Deaf Children (KSDC) in 1958 and the subsequent establishment of the first two schools for the deaf, Nyangoma and Mumias primary schools for the deaf in western Kenya in...

Learning Conditions Of Pupils With Mental Disabilities In Regular Primary Schools In Amukura Zone, Amukura Division Teso District Kenya

The study sought to investigate the challenges facing inclusion of learners with mental impairments in regular public primary schools m Amukura zone, Teso District Kenya. The major variables identified were effects of curriculum content, the learning resources, teacher's attitude and effects of peer attitude on the inclusion of learners with mental impairments in public primary schools The researcher used quantitative approach to collect and analyze the data. She used the survey researc...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Retarded In An Inclusive Setting In Mukuru Slums Viwanda Zone Makadara Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the challenges Faced by lvfentally Retarded in an Inclusive Setting in lvfukuru Slums Viwanda Zone lvfakadara division, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to investigate the challenges faced by children with mental retardation in an inclusive setting, to determine the causes of mental retardation and to identify the advantages (Jf inclusive learning for children with mental retardation. The methods used for data collection wer...

Effects Of Teacher Training And Academic Performance Of The Hearing Impaired Children In Inclusive

ABSTRACT The researcher investigated the educational challenges facing the hearing impaired pupils in selected primary school in Leseru Location. The purpose of the study was to investigate education provision for hearing impaired children in the approaches of teaching resources used in teaching the number of trained personnel handling the hearing impaired learners, the attitudes expressed b~ parents, enlightening the general public about the needs of hearing impaired and then make recomm...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In A Wendo Division, Rongo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the challenges of inclusion of children of children with physical Disabilities (handicapped in regular primary schools in Awendo division, Rongo district, Kenya. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the physically disabled learners in Awendo division, Rongo District Kenya. The method...

Challenges Faced By Teachers Handling Ll~Tellectually Challenged Learners Integratedin Regular School In Gatanga Division Trika District, Kenya

Abstract One of the biggest problems that people with disabilities have to bear is to live with able group special education have brought a lot of development although problems have cropped in positive altitude to these groups should be evitable. This is the only recipe that can salvage learners with intellectual impairments from the scorn ofthose who do not see them like other human beings Therefore this special study paper will enlighten the people on who a learners with intellectual impair...

Attitudes Of Regular School Teachers Towards Inclusion Of The Physically Handicapped Learners In Regular Schools In Elangata Wuas Zone Kajiado District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the role of attitudes of teachers towards the education of physical handicap children in Elangata -Wuas Zone, Kenya. The spec~fic objectives of the study were to investigate the teachers’ knowledge on physical handicap in Elangata Wuas zone. Establish the acceptance of the physically handicap by regular school teachers in Elangata Wuas zone, and to investigate the effects of teachers’ attitudes on the physically handicap learners in Ela...

271 - 285 Of 610 Results