Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Condition on Single Parent Learners With Their Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Schools in Meteitei Zone, Tindiret District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was about condition of Single Parent Learners on their emotional and behavioral difficulties in schools in Meteitei Zone, Tindiret District Kenya. It was based on the following objectives which were; to investigate the learning conditions of single parent learners in Meteitei zone, Tinderet district Kenya, to determine the level of emotional and behavioral difficulties in Meteitei Zone, Tinderet district, Kenya, to establish if there was a relationship between the extent of...

Learning Environment and Social Adaptation of Learners in Special Institutions in Nyamira District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study surveyed on learning environment and social adaptation of learners with special needs in special schools/units in Nyamira District Kenya. This research determined further the following (1) profile of respondents (teachers) as to age, gender, academic qualifications and teaching experience (2) the level of conduciveness of learning environment (3) the level of social adaptation (4) the significant relationship between the level of conduciveness of leaning environment and lev...

An Empirical Validation of Beginning Reading Skills for Nigerian Primary Schools Using Three Structured Methodologies

ABSTRACT  This study examined the empirical validation of beginning reading skills for Nigerian primary schools using three structured methodologies. Specifically, the study was designed to find out whether there would be reading gains on the part of the pupils following the application of the three methods and their levels of effectiveness including which one would be discovered most effective following the pupils’ performance on test. The sample was made up of two hundred and seventy pup...

An Empirical Validation of Beginning Reading Skills for Nigerian Primary Schools using Three Structured Methodologies

ABSTRACT  This study examined the empirical validation of beginning reading skills for Nigerian primary schools using three structured methodologies. Specifically the study was designed to find out whether there would be reading gains on the part of the pupils following the application of the three methods and their levels of effectiveness including which one would be discovered most effective following the pupils’ performance on test.  The sample was made up of two hundred and seventy pu...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools In Nandi Central District - Kenya. A Case Study Of: Emgwen Division.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out in Emgwen division, Nandi central district Kenya with an aim of determining the factors affecting the academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. All relevant Primary sources were visited in the process of gathering Primary information. A descriptive design was employed and in this case, questionnaires and interview guides were used in the process of data collection. The study findings revealed the following: that the maj...

\Iodfs Of Communication And Academic Performance Of Lk~Arners With Hearing Impairements In Mbeere District, Kenya. A Case Study Of St. Luke’s School For The Deaf.

Abstract This study investigated the impact of modes of communication on academic performance of learners with hearing impairments. The paper is made up of five chapters. Chapter one: The researcher has looked at the background of the problem, statement of the problem, the theory, objectives, research questions set to investigate more on the problem and the significance of the study. Chapter two: The researcher looked at what others have researched on ~o come up with the literature i.e., cate...

Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Children In Central Zone, Central Division, Mandera District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out the factors affecting academic perfonnance of leamers with mental deficits in regular schools; the study will look into attitude of teachers towards inclusion of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. In review of related infonnation, all secondary sources viewed relevant were consulted and made use of. A descriptive design was employed since the entire study was about explaining a scenario. Questionnaires were used in the collection of d...

Effects Of Nutrition On Growth And Development Of Children. Marafa Division, Marafa Village, In Magarini District Of Coast Province-kenya. A Case Study Of Marafa Division

The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children of ages between infancy and 15 years of age in MARAF A Division Magarini District Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to find out factors that lead to malnutrition in the division, identify the correct nutritional requirements for children and to examine the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children. A sample of 13 head teachers, 50 parents and 10 pupils...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of Muthambi Zone, Meru South District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iv TABL...

Teachers' Attitude Towards Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulties In Kibwezi Division Kibwezi District Kenya

ABSTRACT It is apparently true that learners with learning difficulties range for mild to profound levels. The later is highly noticeable because of the extreme poor performance in exams, however, majority of the learners with learning difficulties drop out from school as a result of pressure from their peer groups aggressive parents and more so adamant teachers who humiliate and force them to repeat same class year after the other. Since this has been the trend in most of the primary schools...

Auto Ma Tic Teller Machines (Atm) And Service Delivery. A Case Study Of Crane Bank Kampala - Uganda

This research examined the financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and give loans to customers. In Uganda, commercial banks have increased their services by introducing automated teller machines (ATMs). Automated Teller Machine (ATM) banking system is the latest system adopted by bank world wide to foster and improve on service delivery within the banking industry. Crane Bank has installed these machines in order to serve its customers very effectively and efficiently and t...

The Effects Of Teachers’ Attitudes On Education Of Learners With Hearing Impairement In Regular Schools In Kabarnet Division, Baringo District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out on the attitude of teachers towards the inclusion of learners with hearing impairment in regular primary schools, This was because the feelings of most regular primary school teachers that these learners affect and lower the academic performance of their schools. Therefore these learners are forced to repeat classes or dropout of school. It is due to this that the learners with hearing impairment do not perform well in regular schools. The researcher used...

Socio-Economic Factors And Pupils Academic Perfomance In Kianjai Zone, Tigania District Kenya

ABSTRACT the issue of how socio-economic factors affect pupil's performance is vital to a public policy. The researcher wanted to find out whether socio-economic factors effect pupil's performance and to what extent. in order to do this study, the researcher embarked on descriptive survey kind of research. The method allowed a collection of comprehensive intensive data and provided an in-depth study on how past initiative have not produced the desired products. By stratified sampling, 50 pup...

An Investigation On The Effects Of Low Vision On The Academic Performance Of Primary School Children In Mazeras Zone, Kasemeni Division, Kinango District, Kenya

This research was on an investigation on the effects of low vision on the academic performance of regular primary school children of Mazeras zone, Kasemeni Division, Kinango District, promptly the investigation to find a solution to help improve performance. To conduct the study the researcher used a survey method of research design targeting all the regular primary schools but managed 12 schools and 48 teachers from the twelve schools of Mazeras zone; Mpirani, Mazeras, Bonje, Fulugani, Mgand...

Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In An Intergrated Setting In Kapchorwa Town Council Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT This study set out to determine the impact of integration on the academic performance of learners with hearing impairment using three primary schools of Kapcharwa demonstration school, Kpchorwa primary school and Elgon primary school, all in Kapchorwa Town Council Schools. The study employed a descriptive comparative research design. Random sampling was used to select 99 pupils and the student's samples t-test was used to compare test results of the learners with HI and those who we...

31 - 45 Of 277 Results