Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Guidance And Counselling On Academic Perfromance Of Visually Impaired Children In Chogoria/ Murugi Zone Maara District Kenya

ABSTRACT The putpose of the study was to investigate the Influence of Guidance and Counseling on Academic Performance of Visually Impaired Children in Chogoria/ Murugi Zone in Maara District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to; identify the causes of visual impairment Children in Chogoria/ Murugi Zone in Maara district Kenya, , Identify the methods of counseling that are effective on visually impaired Children and Investigate the impact of guidance and counseling on academic ...

Teacher's Attitudes Towards Leaners With Mental Retardation In Regular Primary Schools In Wote Zone Makueni Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to understand the Teacher's Attitude towards Learners with Mental Retardation. The study centers on the categories of Mental Retardation to measure Learners Retardation. The study has three objectives which were to describe systematically the Teacher's attitude towards Learners with Mental Retardation in Wote Zone Makueni District. It was to find out whether there are learners with Mental Retardation in regular Primary school and which category of Retardati...

Social And Institutional Variables Of Pupils' Retention In Selected Primary Schools In Mtito- Andel Division Kibwezi District - Kenya

ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to examine the causes of school dropouts in Mtito- Andei Division, Kibwezi district, Kenya. The study was conducted in Mtito- Andei Division Kibwezi district Kenya. A total of 60 respondents were chosen; 10 politicians, 10 religious leaders, 10 political leaders, and 30 parents consulted during the study. The study findings were collected in line with the research questions of the study. The first research question sought to find out the causes o...

Visual Impairment And Academic Performance Of Learners. A Case Of Turkana Integrated Primarykatilu Zone Turkana South District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine visual impairment and the academic performance of learners in Turkana integrated primary School, Katilu Zone, Katilu division, Turkana South District, Rift Valley province Kenya. The objectives of the study was; to establish the relationship between visual impairment and academic performance of learners in Turkana integrated primary school, to find out causes of poor performance and to establish measures put in place to assist children with...

Teachers Support And The Challenges Faced By Teachers Who Handle The Intellectually Challenged In West Tigania, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers are faced by challenges as they handle the intellectually challenged. Some of the challenges include lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching instruments, lack of references, inadequate personnel as well as undefined curriculum. They also need support from parents, stakeholders and also the community. Support may be financial as well as~the moraksq~p~irt. The researcher used the questionnaire method and with permission she distributed all the questionnaires to different units...

Effects Of Learners With Hearing Impairement Learning With Normal Learners In Kabasis Zone Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined th e barriers that hinder inclusive education of hearing impaired children in the selected schools of Kabasis Zone, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the relevance of pnmary education currently offered to children who are hearing impaired; explore the disability specific challenges of children with h earing impairments and also to investigate the constraints to the provision of educational service for children with hearing impairments. Qualitative...

Problems encountered by physically handicapped childrenof st. Joseph, primary school in egojidivision, meru centraldistrict kenya

ABSTRACT The research carried out was on the problems encountered by physically handicapped children of St. Joseph Primary School in Egoji Division, Meru Central District, Kenya. The researcher who is more knowledgeable on the problems of physically handicapped children failed to understand why the number of physically children in school is few in comparison with the normal children, hence the researcher wanted to investigate the problems encountered and address the problem. The study employ...

Implication Of Behavioral Problems On Learners In Public Primary Schools In Mombasa District Coast Province

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study is the major causes of behavioral problems among learners in Public Primary Schools in Mombasa District. A student behavioral is quite dismal. Root cause of indiscipline in these learners are several of them such as family, school environment, biological causes and inherited traits, psychological or emotional problems, conflicts, social and cultural influences. Due to the above factors the emotional and behavioral problem in public schools is increas...

Factors Hindering Job Opportunities For The Physically And Hearing Impaired Persons In The Clothing Industries In Nairobi Industrial Area.

ABSTRACT Study on the factors hindering job opportunities for the physically and the Hearing impaired persons in Textile industries was carried out in Nairobi industries Ares, with the purpose of investigating and identifying factors that hinder the disabled from securing employment in the Textile industries. Th e specific objectives of -the study were to identify barriers to the employment of the physically and Hearing impaired persons in rextile industries. To access the productivit...

Total Communication Philosophy And Performance Of Students With Mental Retardation In Wajir County A Case Study Of Wajir School Of Mentally Retarded.

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the impact of total communication Philosophy in teaching learners with mental impairment. A case study of Wajir School for the Mentally Retarded in Wajir County was taken. The findings of this study are expected to assist the curriculum developers and teachers of special needs in strategising teaching of the mentally impaired.The study was guided by the following objectives; To examine the impact of total Communication Philosophy in teaching the ...

Academic Performance Among Students Of Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Wakiso Secondary School For The Deaf

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that determine the academic performance of students with hearing impairment. Student class reports were studied for term one and term two of 2008. And multiple observation sessions were carried out during the same period. The research questions were: 1. What is the nature of H.I. suffered by H.L Students? 2. What difficulties do students of H.I. face with academic learning? 3. What are the teacher’s qualifications and training? T...

Factors Affecting Acquisition Of Adaptive Behavior Skills Among Learners With Intellectual Disabilities In Selected Primary Special Schools And Units In Thika Subcounty, Kiambu County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting acquisition of adaptive behavior skills among learners with intellectual disabilities in selected primary special schools and units in Thika Sub-County, Kiambu, Kenya.Learners with intellectual disability have a low IQ (below 70) and cannot cope with the regular curriculum. They need a specialized curriculum that includes skills meant to help them cope with day to day activities. However, teaching of these skills is faced by m...

Role Of Dyslexia On English Performance Among Standard Seven Learners In Selected Public Schools In Kasarani Sub County, Nairobi County.

Dyslexia contributes to poor performance and low participation of a learner in reading. Reading in English is an essential feature of Kenya’s education trajectory. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the role of dyslexia in learners’ performances in English, with specific references to standard seven learners in public primary schools the sub county of Kasarani. The decision to study performance in English and not any other language was deemed necessary for besides being ...

Challenges Facing Teachers in Teaching Students with Visual Impairment in an Integrated School: A Study of Moi Girls’ School, Nairobi.

This study investigated the problems the teachers encountered in integrating students with visual impairment. The study sought to find out whether teachers were adequately trained to teach students with visual impairment. It also investigated the problems the teachers faced in adopting the syllabus for students with visual impairment. It investigated whether teachers were guided on how to teach students with visual impairment. The study also sought to find out the opinion of teachers tow...

Impact Of Counseling On Compliance On Use Of Hearing Aids By Learners With Hearing Impairment In Primary Schools In Ruiru, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of counseling on compliance on use of hearing aids by learners with hearing impairment in public primary schools in Ruiru, Kiambu County, Kenya. The study objectives were: to determine the influence of guidance and counseling on retention of learners with hearing impairment in the four selected public primary schools, to establish the availability of professionally trained teachers in guidance and counseling, to promote compli...

61 - 75 Of 277 Results