Chemical Engineering Research Papers/Topics

The Destruction Of The Black Gold, Its Offspring And Human Development

INTRODUCTION. In its ordinary sense, the term destruction usually has the under current of sadness. Why then would destruction in this context be beneficial to the socio-economic well being of the human race? The reasons will crystallize out. I hope, as I discuss this topic. The black gold simply refers to crude oil or petroleum, its offspring are the products resulting from its destructive physical separation. One may then ask why the name “black gold”? Gold as we know is a very expensi...

“Mono-Metallic Reforming Catalyst Life And Mortality: A Replica Of Human Life And A Panacea To Better Health”

REACTIONS AND TYPES Reaction in chemistry has to do with a chemical transformation taking place with atoms or molecules (compounds) or their combinations. Since there is usually a change in energy level, reaction is usually accompanied by heat absorption (Endothermic Reactions) or heat evolution (Exothermic Reactions). On a daily basis, apart from reactions that are initiated by man, there are scores of natural reactions taking place on routine basis. The existence of man and other living th...

Construction and characterizations of solar energy water heater

Abstract Humans have been harnessing solar energy for thousands of years—to grow crops, stay warm, and dry foods. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year.” Today, we use the sun’s rays in many ways—to heat homes and businesses, to warm water, or power devices. Solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells are made from silicon or other materials that transform sunlight dir...


ABSTRACT The design and construction of s refrigerating unit is handled from the knowledge of the working principles of laws of thermodynamics. The size of the containing vessel i.e the case as established to be of 45cm by 32 cm in dimension. The Angle iron mild steel to used in the fabrication and welding. The box case of two layers are fabricated. Plastic (cooler) box is then  placed inside the upper part with the other parts of the refrigerator were brought in. they were all fixed onto a...

Construction Of A Simple Paint Mixer

ABSTRACTA paint mixer is defined as a pattern constructed for the production (mixing) of paint manually.  The method of fabrication of the paint mixer involved a preliminary computation of the dimensions of the standard mixer in relation to the dimension of the reacting vessel in which they will be used in marking out, cutting out to sizes, rolling, folding, welding, body-filling and painting.  The first step taken in the fabrication of this project work was the selection of material ...


The purpose of EOR is to increase oil production, primarily through an increase in temperature, pressure, or an enhancement of the oil’s ability to flow through the reservoir. This study focuses on which chemicals available to flow through the reservoir. This study focuses on which chemicals available in Nigeria are best suited for EOR in Nigeria. The challenge of EOR is that the remaining is located in regions of the reservoir that are difficult to access, and the oil is held in the pores ...


ABSTRACT  This seminar studied and analyzed Water Pollution, the causes, the effects, the sources, types and control of Water Pollution in the societies water pollution occurred when pollutants were discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds, Water Pollution affected plant, and organisms living in this bodies of water. Water pollution was known to be caused by the following factors, sewage and wastewater, marine dumping industri...


ABSTACT Most of the critical condition societal problem such as conversion, storage and transportation of energy resources, food processing, preservation and supply, natural resources, development and recovery, their processing to final product, environmental quality control etc.hinge or the creative application of che- ical engineering. This led to the question “The role of chemical engineers in the society  The net result is the persistent recruitment of other professionals by industries...


ABSTRACT The aim of this seminar is soap production. Due to societal demands on cleaning agent to promote her hygienic conditions leads to research on how to produce soap which is one of the cleaning agent to meet the demands. Also in order to earn living through the out-come (financially) from the soap produced , many life can be enriched in the society. The process of soap production include”: cold process and hot process. The cold process of soap production requires measurement of lye an...


ABSTRACT The  title  of this  research  work’s  industrial pollution  and  green  house  effect”  The  purity of the  atmosphere  and  the  environment  can  be  impaired  by  the  industrial  effluents  or  sewages.  Poisonous  compound  like  organic  and  inorganic material , the  consequence of  toxic  inhalants  such  as  nitrogen  oxides (NOx) carbonmonoxide  (COx),  Sulphur  oxides (OSx) and  particulater.  These  waste  tent  to  pollu...