ABSTRACT Demulsification (emulsion breaking) is necessary in many practical applications such as the petroleum industry, painting and waste-water treatment in environmental technology. Chemical demulsification is the most widely applied method of treating water-in-crude oil emulsions and involves the use of chemical additives to accelerate the emulsion breaking process. The effect of chemical demulsification operations on the stability and properties of water-in-crude oil emulsions was as...
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to evaluate the laboratory analysis of pipeline products marketing company (PPMC) depot operations. In the course of the research many scholarly articles on the subject matter were reviewed from which the researcher got lot information concerning the topic at hand. Thus making the research work a reliable source of information as far as facts about petroleum products marketing company (PPMC) is concerned. The Pipeline Inspectorate is charged wit...
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to evaluate the different methods of corrosion prevention, control and monitoring. In the course of the research many scholarly articles on the subject matter were reviewed from which the researcher got lot information concerning the topic at hand. Thus making the research work a reliable source of information as far as facts about corrosion is concerned. To ensure this work satisfies the quality expected of it, an experiment was carried out by ...