ABSTRACT Sand production, which is predominant in the Niger Delta, is a growing concern in the petroleum industry because of the associated technical, operational and economic challenges. The development of sanding predictive tools and effective management strategies has received much attention in literature. However, most of the published theoretical models have been validated with laboratory or data obtained from petroleum provinces other than the Niger Delta. This work developed a simple ...
ABSTRACT Nigerian gas reserves is currently characterised by high production/reserves ratio due to increasing demand from liquefied natural gas, power generation plants and other industrial users. There has been increasing efforts at identifying new opportunities for conventional and/or nonconventional gas reserves. The Campano-Maastrichtian Nkporo shale is one of the potential sources of non-conventional gas reserves in Nigeria. Despite geological, geophysical and geochemical evaluations th...
ABSTRACT Contamination of cement slurries during oil well cementing distorts their designed properties and leads ultimately to poor cement jobs. To promote best practices and enhance cementing successes, it is always desirable to understand slurry response under different conditions such as contamination. Appropriate corrective measures can then be undertaken where necessary. This study carried out complete rheological experimental characterization of oil well cement slurries contaminated by ...
ABSTRACT Sand produced along with oil and gas causes operational, safety, environmental and severe economic challenges. The cost of installing sand control facilities which may not really be needed could also be substantial. Therefore, determining the critical flow rate for the onset of sand production is very important. There are several published studies on sanding in vertical wells, but few on horizontal wells, which have now become very prominent in the industry. The aim of this study was...
ABSTRACT Qualitative description of reservoir fluids is normally based on such parameters as saturation pressure, gas in solution, viscosity and density. Most Engineers ignore compositional data unless when phase behavior predictions or compositional simulation are to be undertaken. This work describes a simple, quick method of qualitative reservoir crude assessment, using the well known Type Curve matching techniques with fluid compositional data. The method is demonstrated for some Niger De...
ABSTRACT Accurate molecular weights of pure compounds are available and can be readily obtained in the literature. However. those of binary and multi-component mixtures are not readily available and are usually obtained from pure components by applying mixing rules. which may not be very accurate. The molecular weights of n-Nonane+n-Tetradecane. nc;exane+n-Nonane. n-Hexane+Toluene, Toluene+n-Tetradecane and some petroleum liquids were experimental I: determined using a cryoscope. The results...
In order to monitor and control the properties of drilling fluids, measurements are routinely made at the surface. However. these surface measurements may not be representative of down-hole properties where the desired functions of hole cleaning and other related issues are critical to the success of the drilling operations. Consequently, it is important to make necessary adjustments of the fluid properties obtained at ambient conditions to give estimate of properties at high tempera...
This study identified and correlated hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs, interpreted geological structures and petrophysical parameters and described facies and environment of deposition using seismic and well log data. These were with a view to assessing the impact of reservoir heterogeneity on petrophysical parameters and to determine the hydrocarbon potential of “Devo” Field, Niger Delta. Po...
In low oil price regimes, oil and gas companies explores several options to remain profitable in the short run. The traditional response has been to shelf all projects until the price of oil rebound or carryout workover operations, but this might not be the best option for these companies. This study discussed how Shell Petroleum Development Company significantly reduced the cost of its workover operations using effective planning and project management. This study then showed how the GE/McKi...
The goals of this research are to determine how the Nigeria oil and gas industry has impacted the actualization of the sustainable development goals and how the Nigeria oil and gas industry overcome its present challenges to achieve sustainability. This paper found out that Nigeria oil and gas industry has not significantly contributed to the actualization of the sustainable development goals and Nigeria is at danger of not meeting the 2030 deadline for their actualization. In fact, the oil a...
The goal of this paper is to determine the most suitable source of energy for the future between the Renewables and LNG. The paper found that the Renewables are the fastest growing energy source, followed by gas; and transporting gas as LNG is the fastest growing method of transporting gas. Furthermore, the paper found out that for large-scale deployment of the renewables, energy storage is vital, but the cost of storage is high, the material for storage are non-renewable, and there are geopo...
Abstract—Drilling fluid is a mixture of chemicals used in the drilling operation and it is re-circulated within the well. It function as lubricating agents to keep the drilling tools in good condition, maintain the temperature and pressure, as well as prevent well damage. The drilling fluid may lost in circulation due to the pressure differences because of formation fractures; crevices within the formation. Lost Circulation Material (LCM) is substances that added into the drilling fluid fun...
Recovery from thin oil rims are generally affected by the depletion strategies, reservoirarchitecture, operational and reservoir uncertainties. Irrespective of the oil rim thickness,size of the gas cap and aquifer, recoveries are generally low because of pressure depletionrates. Oil recoveries during gas and water injections are also often low due to ineffectivestudy of uncertainties in reservoir parameters. Previous studies on Water Alternating Gas(WAG) injection were based on less profitabl...
The primary objective of this project is to extend the conveniences ofdeconvolution to non-linear problems of fluid flow in porous media. Unlikeconventional approaches, which are based on an approximate linearization of theproblem, here the solution of the non-linear problem is linearized by a perturbationapproach, which permits term-by-term application of deconvolution. Because theproposed perturbation solution is more conveniently evaluated in the Laplacetransform domain and the standard de...
The aim of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is to influence thefluid-fluid properties and fluid-rock properties between theinjected fluid and the residual oil phase to improve recoveryefficiency. New methods of improving recoveries have beeninvestigated since they provide lower risks, costs anduncertainty as compared to exploring for new reserves. Waterenhanced with nanoparticles (nano-fluid) has recently gainedresearch interest for enhanced oil recovery because of thepossible physical and chemica...