Petroleum Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Production forecast for niger delta oil rim synthetic reservoirs

The data sets in this article are related to a Placket Burman (PB)design of experiment (DOE) made on a wider range of uncertainties such as: reservoir, operational and reservoir architectureparameters that affect oil rim productivities. The design was basedon a 2 level PB-DOE to create oil rim models which were developed into reservoir models using the Eclipse software and configured under the best depletion strategy of concurrent oil and gasproduction. Approximate solutions to the models was...

Dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian bentonite clay mineral for drilling mud formulation

This paper presents dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian claymineral for drilling mud application. The experimental designapplied used a Response Surface Design (RSM), which involved 24(2-Level, 4-Factors) to generate statistical models, and analyze thedataset. The independent variables were (Bentonite; X1), (Polymer;X2), (Sodium Carbonate, X3) and (Aging Time; X4). The rheologicalproperties of interest, which forms the response variables, wereselected based on the API specification 13-...

Effect of foam and WAG (water alternating gas) injection on performance of thin oil rim reservoirs

A design of experiment was used to create oil rim models from a wider range of reservoir, operational andreservoir architecture parameters. A response surface model was generated based on a concurrent oil and gasproduction and a Pareto analysis was conducted to ascertain the significance of the parameters. The models wereclassified based on the Pareto analysis and due to the low oil recoveries arising from the complexity of oil rims, aseries of secondary injection schemes were instigated. The...

Effect of Horizontal Well Length Variation on Productivity of Gas Condensate Well

The development of gas reservoirs and the key decisions to bemade concerning gas reservoirs such as the number of wells todrill, well fracturing and capacity of the surface processingfacilities are dependent on its productivity. Condensateblockage caused by liquid build up is difficult to control in theaforementioned reservoirs thereby affecting production. In thiswork, production is optimized from gas condensate reservoirsusing horizontal wells. This is to demonstrate the performanceof horiz...

Optimal sidetrack time evaluation by segmented proxy model

Sidetrack operations which involves accessing a new zone and commingling production gives rise touncertainties and proxy models have shown to be able to incorporate uncertainties and mimic real-lifescenarios to an acceptable degree of accuracy. In this paper, a time-based proxy model which integrates the uncertainties that emerge as a result of several reservoir parameters was developed usingNPV as the objective function. A black oil simulator was used to generate the production profile andNP...

Predicting the Effect of Well Trajectory and Production Rates on Concurrent Oil and Gas Recovery from Thin Oil Rims.

Thin oil rim reservoirs are those with less than a 100 ft. of oil thickness underlain andoverlain by an aquifer and gas cap respectively. Irrespective of the sizes of the aquifer or gas cap,oil rims productivity is usually low due to excessive coning of water and gas. Productionoptimizations are usually carried out before recovery schemes are initiated. One of such is aconcurrent oil and gas production which is used in comparison with sequential production in thisstudy in conjunction with pro...


Water coning is a serious issue for the oil and gas industry. This poses a bigconcern regarding the costs that to be incurred for separation and equipmentcapacity. Coning is the production of an unwanted phase with a desired phase. Overthe years, many techniques and control methods has been birthed, however, the issueof coning can only be mitigated and not completely discharged. Reservoir andproduction engineers need to understand the basic framework; the parameters thatgreatly influence coni...

Nano Augumented Biosurfactant Formulation for Oil Recovery in Medium Oil Reservoirs

Production from most oil field using waterflooding has proven not to produce residual oil due to numerous factors. Several recovery mechanisms have been applied which to an extent has its own influence both on the environment, percentage recovery and also the cost of purchase. In this blending process the bio-surfactant derived from jatropha oil at different concentrations were augmented with nanoparticles for core flooding experiment. A blend of Bio-surfactant and nanoparticles (B-NPs) is a ...

Natural Gas Flaring—Alternative Solutions

Gas flaring is one of the major problems in the world. It consumes useful natural resources and produces harmful wastes, which have negative impacts on society. It is one of the most tedious energy and environmental problems facing the world today. It is a multi-billion dollar waste, a local environmentalcatastrophe and environmental problem which has persisted for decades. From the year 1996-2010, in Nigeria, 12,602,480.25 million ft 3 of natural gas was flared (NNPC). This is equivalent to ...

Gas Hydrate—Properties, Formation and Benefits

There are numerous gas hydrate reserves all over the world, especially in permafrost regions and ocean environments. The abundance of gas hydrate reserves is estimated to be more than twice of the combined carbon of coal, conventional gas, and petroleum reserves. These hydrate deposits hold a significant amount of energy which can make hydrate a sustainable energy resource. The comprehensive research on the properties and formation of methane hydrates is paramount to ensure efficient and effe...

A Generalized Correlation for Predicting Ethane, Propane, and Isobutane Hydrates Equilibrium Data in Pure Water and Aqueous Salt Solutions

Hydrate formation can cause serious problems in hydrocarbon exploration, production, and transportation, especially in deepwater environments. Hydrate-related problems affect the integrity of the deepwater platforms, leads to equipment blockages, and also increases operational costs. In order to solve these problems, salts are used as thermodynamic inhibitors and also mixed with the drilling fluids in most drilling processes. A comprehensive understanding of hydrate formation in aqueous salt ...

Methane Hydrate Dissociation Conditions in High-Concentration NaCl/KCl/CaCl 2 Aqueous Solution: Experiment and Correlation

The dissociation conditions of methane hydrate in high concentration aqueous solutions of NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2 are reported in this work. A total of 80 sets of H−L−V equilibrium data of methane hydrate in aqueous solutions of NaCl (9.45−23.71 wt %), KCl (13.93−21.88 wt %), and CaCl2 (13.78−35.50 wt %) were measured at the temperature range of (273.65−291.85) K and the pressure range of (5.43−65.12) MPa. A modified step-heating method with high efficiency was employed in the meas...


This study investigated the concentration of heavy metals in oil field produced water from Niger Delta, before and after treatment with locally sourced agricultural wastes. Two produced water samples were investigated for different metal ions such as; Lead, Nickel, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Chromium, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium, Arsenic, Boron, Tin and Barium. The produced water samples were treated with four different adsorbents which are; Orange peels, Banana peels, Palm Kernel Fiber a...


For  a  volumetric  gas  reservoir,  gas  expansion  (the  most  significant  source  of  energy)  dominates  depletion  behavior,  and  the  general gas  MBE  is  a  very  simple  yet  powerful  tool  for  interpretation.  However,  in  cases  where other  source  of  energy  are  significant  enough  to  cause deviation  from  the linear  behavior  of  the  P/Z  plot,  a more  sophisticated tool  is  required.  For  this,  a more advance...

Use of Smart Controls in Intelligent Well Completion to Optimize Oil and Gas Recovery.

ABSTRACT    For the past few years, the oil and gas industry has faced several economic, geographic and technical challenges largely due to decline in crude oil prices and market volatility.    In the quest to address some of these challenges to accelerate production and subsequently maximize ultimate recovery, operators are limited to remote hydraulic and electro-hydraulic monitoring and control of safety valves providing the means of obtaining downhole production data which demands peri...

166 - 180 Of 198 Results