This paper will aim at shedding light on the efficiency of zif-8 nano-particles. It will show that zif-8 can be a leading tool in water treatment having a large surface area, high adsorption capacity and thermal stability. Zif-8 was also used to enhance characteristics of several materials such as MF-ZIF-8 sponge composite to enhance hydrophobicity for the selective sorption of oil. Also, its treatment was studied on electrospun nylon 6,6 NFM to enhance oil spill adsorption and we compared Ni...
INTRODUCTION Excessive water production as result of coning and cresting has been a serious problem in the oil and gas industry. Coning or cresting are used to describe the mechanism underlying the upward movement of water and/or the downward movement of gas into the perforations of a producing well. Efforts have been directed at understanding the mechanism of water coning/cresting in vertical and horizontal wells. These efforts have led to the development of correlations for estimating cri...
This paper will aim at investigating effect of permeability on selecting best diverter in carbonate matrix acidizing. Two types of diverters were used, 15% HCl Gelled Acid and Slickwater+15% HCl. Permeability varied from 50md, 100 and 300md. Results showed that 15% HCl Gelled Acid gave better results than VDA where it had lower skin value and better invasion depth.
ABSTRACT Estimating the gas/VOC emissions from oil and gas producing equipments has been a goal which the industry and regulatory agencies have spent a great deal of study and effort to contend with. This research estimated the flashing losses of gas/VOC emission from conventional atmospheric storage tanks to the atmosphere using Vasquez-Beggs Equation (VBE). Using VBE confirmed observed losses experienced in the industry as is represented in a graph showing the losses. It went further to q...
ABSTRACT This study conducted within southern parts of Rufiji Trough include Lukuliro area which has been potential target for oil and gas exploration since 1980’s years. Within Rufiji trough, the discovery of Wingayongo seeps (onshore) and SongoSongo gas (offshore) attract attention on exploration activities within Rufiji trough. The previous works conducted within Lukuliro area failed to establish traps which are well demonstrated in this study. The structural and sequence stratigraphy f...
Abstract In this study, sodium cyanide leaching technology has been used to recover gold from tailings that are used by Mawelo small scale miners, located in Chunya district, Mbeya region, Tanzania. The sample collected was sent for analysis of mineralogical composition and average particle size. The fractions retained on each sieve, which ranged 180 – 500 μm were used in the leaching experiments. The leaching was implemented using sodium cyanide with concentration in the range of 500 – ...
Abstract A gas-fired oven for commercial production of bread was designed and constructed using locally available material, and was subjected to various'tests to come out with its performance characteristics. Itsperformance was evaluated and then compared withsrespect to the total time required to bake a specified mass of white flour dough using the gas oven with that used by clay wood fired oven for the same mass of white flour dough. ., The outcome of the test result indicated that the ni&x...
Abstract: Fiscal regimes are very important in the global Petroleum Exploration and Production (E&P) industry. They sharpen policies, management strategies and revenue (take) by governments while defining the attractiveness of the industry to investors. One of the major parameters in fiscal regimes is royalty oil, which could be fixed or adjustable on a sliding scale. Nigeria, which has used fixed royalty scale since the first oil in 1958, is now proposing a change to the sliding royalty scal...
AUST.RACT An -elnpTricaZ'-eq"uarlon that could be used for predicting the viscosity of Nigerian crudes is presented in this paper. The correlation uses oil specific gravity as the main correlating parameter, and also incorporates the effects of reservoir pressure, temperature and oil formation volume factor. ' i 'i _. . Dcua from well over 400 samples of Nigerian crudes wae used for developing the correlation, with most samples however, from reservoirs alar above saturation pressure. The resu...
Abstract The capture and storage 0/ carbo II dioxide (eeS) produced durtng the combusuon of fossil fuels 110· offers one option/or attaming large scale reductions in the enusstons of greenhouse gases and thus. promote a clean environment. It IS 1101l' becoming clear that ees technologies could promote the use or consumption of fossilfuels than otherwise previouslv thought. Tills paper presents an OI'er,lel" of the techniques Involved 111 the capture and sequestration of carbondioxideic'Oi)....
A,s i.mpI e correlation has been .developed for estimating primary "recovery facto;rs for Niger Deltaoil reservoirs~The correlation ,. which was developed, from data collected across the Niger Delta, 'is valid for reservoirs with strong, wa~ter d'r Lves. .. " I~ , ' , Only two major parameters are r equi r-ed ,for 'the recovery factor "calculations . in this" work, ',unlike other multi-parameter correlations. This 'makes t.hLs rco.rr'eLat.Lonvery easy to apply. An expression has also beeri in...
Abstract Heptanes plus fractions have strong effects on the physical properties and phase behaviour of petroleum fluids. It is therefore very important to properly characterize plus fractions. A step to achieving improved characterization is to obtain more realistic molecular weights. Most of the current methods of heptanes plus characterization assume their molecular weights are accurate. However, what is commonly measured in the laboratory is the molecular weight of the complete fluid; the ...
Abstract Subsurface oil viscosity data are usually 110t readily available for most reservoirs, as they are expensive to acquire. On the other hand, surface oil viscosity is routinely measured and therefore readily available for all producing wells. A method has been developed for converting the surface viscosity to reservoir viscosity data, using SPDC's "Field A" as a case study. Surface oil viscosity data from all producing wells in "Field A" where collected from SPDC-West Production Chemist...
ABSTRACT Sand production is a major issue during oil and gas production from unconsolidated reservoirs. In predicting the onset of sand production. it is important to accurately determine the failure mechanism and the contributing parameters. The aim of this study wa to determine sand failure mechanism in the Niger-Delta. identify the major contributing parameters and evaluate their effects on sanding. Completion and production data from 78 strings completed on 22 reservoirs in a Niger Delta ...
Abstract Effects of liquid holdup on hydrocarbon production in tapered tubing string using Niger Delta fluid properties was undertaken in this work. Oil reservoir fluids flow to the surface as a multicomponent fluid in pipes during production. Multiphase flow occurs due to the density of different phases involved in reservoir fluid and each fluid phase flow at different velocity. In this study, analytically developed equations and existing fluid correlations were used for determination of pr...