ABSTRACT The study area which is the Niger Delta Province is predominantly an unconsolidated sandstone terrain, the sand grains are friable suggesting the expectation of some geomechanical problems while developing hydrocarbon reserves in such terrain. In this study, the geomechanical property used to measure rock strength (i.e. unconfined compressive strength) was evaluated by using three principal methods. Critical drawdown pressure (CDP) and sand production rate were also evaluated. First...
ABSTRACT Niger Delta Province is predominantly a friable, unconsolidated sandstone terrain suggesting the expectation of sand production while developing hydrocarbon reserves in such terrain. In this study, a simple and easy-to-use mechanistic model for predicting sand production rate (SPR) in Niger-Delta wells was developed by coupling the static sanding criteria and the dynamic requirement for fluidization of the produced sand. A generic mechanistic model that incorporates the concept of d...
ABSTRACT The concept of dumpflooding is to flow water from a high pressure aquifer zone to a low pressure oil producing zone by natural force of gravity through a well connecting the two zones to enhance oil sweep into a producing well. The research described is aimed to find solutions to one of the flaws in dumpflooding that is, the inability to quantify the rate of water injection from a high pressure aquifer zone to a low pressure oil producing zone. Theoretical dumpflood equations were d...
ABSTRACT New equations for bilinear, formation linear and pseudo-radial flow regimes in an infinite commingled fractured multilayered reservoir have been developed. The equations have been extended to Tiab’s Direct Synthesis Technique that makes it easy to estimate the individual layer properties without type curve matching. Regardless of the flow regime, the rate normalized pressure derivative with respect to the appropriate time function has been found analytically to be constant, which ...
ABSTRACT Increasing oil recovery has been one of the issues enlisted for attention in oil producing countries around the world for past decades. So many forms of oil recovery techniques have been considered; infill drilling of new wells, production and injection control, pressure control, water flooding and other methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), most of which have been implemented in other parts of the world. Nigeria as an oil producing country has not taken interest in EOR techniques ...
ABSTRACT The use of horizontal wells with zonal isolations is a common completion practice in the oil and gas industry to check for very significant production challenges such as wellbore damage/skin, early water breakthrough and gas coning, rapid pressure depletion, dampened recovery efficiency and overall well productivity. Notwithstanding, the use of zonal isolators invariably alters the transient pressure response of horizontal wells. In this research, the use of well test analysis has b...
ABSTRACT A major drawback of directional and horizontal well drilling is the numerous complex computations required to be done while planning a well. These computations are very stressful and time consuming especially when done manually. One of the objectives of this study was to develop a user friendly Excel Spreadsheet program that would make the computations of these well trajectory parameters easier, faster and accurate. An Excel Spreadsheet program was developed employing the Minimum Cu...
ABSTRACT This study investigated transient flow response of heavy oil that exhibit Bingham fluid characteristics. Four wellbore conditions in naturally fractured reservoirs were considered which include horizontal well, hydraulically fractured well, partially penetrating and fully penetrating vertical wells. Physical models were established and corresponding mathematical models were presented taking cognisance of minimum threshold pressure,𝜆𝐵. The model was solved analytically by succe...
ABSTRACT Waterflooding is one of the most common secondary recovery mechanisms available for improving oil recovery from known accumulations. Due to the limitation of available water for injection, there's a need to optimize the use of this limited resource. To this end, a methodology has been developed to allocate injection water to more efficient wells than to those of lower efficiency. Streamline simulation is a complementary tool to conventional finite difference simulation, provides a q...
ABSTRACT Pipes that make up oil and gas wells are not vertical but could be inclined at any angle between vertical and the horizontal which is a significant technology of modern drillingExperimental data on time varying liquid holdup for and pipe inclination angles were analyzed and interpreted. Parameters such as void fraction, slug frequency, lengths of liquid slug, Taylor bubble and slug unit, structure velocity and pressure drop were calculated from the experimental data. It was observed...
ABSTRACT Cuttings transportation during in non-vertical boreholes is necessary for oil and gas wells. Adequate cuttings removal from a well in drilling is critical for cost-effective drilling as high annular cuttings buildup often leads to high risk of stuck pipe, reduced rate of penetration and other impediments to standard drilling and completion procedures. This study investigates how rheological parameters influence the removal of cuttings in non-vertical boreholes. It contributes to wor...
ABSTRACT Upstream petroleum industry remains one of the most prolific industries in terms of technology and risk capital transfer. Consequently, governments all over the world try to formulate political as well as economic structures that could favourably attract investments to their petroleum provinces. These structures are spelt out in their petroleum fiscal systems. A good fiscal system tends to find a common ground for both government and the contractor by way of optimizing both efforts ...
ABSTRACT Down-hole temperature and pressure data are important information needed to understand flowing conditions and production optimization. For example, knowing the wellbore temperature profile is useful in predicting the wax formation in the tubing, which is important in flow assurance. While gas production usually causes a temperature decrease due to Joule Thomson effect, water entry results in warming of the wellbore. Warmer water entry is as a result of inflow from a warmer aquifer z...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to develop an innovative technique for optimized gas lift design for marginal fields of the Niger Delta. This study used well data from mature fields located southwest of the Niger Delta to develop optimized gas lift design techniques using the single point continuous gas lift approach. A total of fifty-nine (59) wells from the fields were selected for preliminary screening as potential gas lift candidates. The screening process involved; reviewing w...
Abstract Globally, 30–50% of hydrocarbon volumes in silici-clastic reservoirs are contained within the thin-bedded pay. In the Niger Delta deep water assets, over 30% of in-place volumes are found within the complex turbidites. The presence of multi-pore architecture within such facies makes their description from petrophysics very complex. With the quest for hydrocarbon prospects in frontier deep water settings characterized by such complex rock fabric, detailed reservoir characterization...