ABSTRACT. It's an intricate issue among the intemational conununity once the Darfur is mentioned. Many have either suppmied argument that there exists an humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of westem Sudan and it requires attention to address it then it being given empty promises by the intemational community or on the other hand, a gnmp led by the Sudan Govemment claiming the problem in Darfur has not reached the crisis propotiions the westem countries would want the world to believe. ...
ABSTRACT This research thesis is intended to analyze to what extent the legal requirements providing for children rights have been enforced in the rural areas. The historical genesis and development of the children's rights provisions will generally be reviewed under literature review, but much emphasis will be on the post period from 1990 to date when Uganda started ratifYing the international conventions This research is geographically centred on Kamwenge district as a case study. T...
ABSTRACT Throughout independence, there was civil war between North and South because among others. the legal system under Islamic laws declared by President Gafar Nimeri in 1983 was also equally applicable to the non-Muslims in Sudan. South Sudan became independence on the 9th July 20 I 1 as a result of Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Naivasha Kenya on the 9th January 2005. South Sudan then have to reconstruct and build the legislative vacuum which was absent for the last 50 y...
ABSTRACT Disputes are inevitable in human affairs and activities. This is a common phenomenon particularly in modern societies. In as much as disputes are part and parcel of people's daily lives, they need to be resolved in an orderly manner. The orderly mechanism of resolving disputes creates social harmony on one hand and economic development on the other hand. Because of this reason, societies need proper and effective means of resolving disputes. Courts litigation is the most common way o...
TABLE OF CONTENT 2.3 NATO INTERVENTION IN LIBYA ................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER THREE ....................................................................................................... 34 3.0 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................... 34 3.1 The Law on the Use of Force ....................................................................................... 35 3...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. .iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................
ABSTRACT The study was centered to focus on the women and their property rights clearly looking at one District in Uganda. In this study I was guided by the following objectives; to ascertain the extent women enjoy the rights to property, if the national legislation in Uganda recognizes these rights, to find out the relationship between customary and statutory law in Uganda. Looking at those objectives closely and getting the findings then I analyze and discuss them as represented accor...
TABLE OF CONTENTS D ECLARA TI ON ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................................... i i DEDI CA TI 0 N ............................................................................................................................... iii A CKN 0 WLEDG EM ENT .................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to look at combating tenorism and the legal issues it gives rise to with a critical look at the laws and policies In East Africa. The research is also aimed at finding out the success or achievements of the cunent existing laws and policies in East Africa in combating tenorism and what can be done to enhance this laws in the event that they do not have adequate provisions to effectively combat tenorism in their execution The study was guided by research ...
ABSTRACT With the passing of time and the advent of technology, the world has become a global village. There have been increased needs by states and its citizens to do business in a foreign country. Furthermore, the government of Uganda, like many other third world countries rely on investments from other nationalities to help in achieving their millennium development goals especially that of poverty eradication. This whole endeavor is governed by the international investment law principles t...
ABSTRACT With the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002, the call for International Criminal Justice has intensified. There has been prosecution of individuals who are suspected of committing genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The referral of cases from Sudan to the ICC have tested its credibility. The most prominent case involves Omar AI Bashir the current president of Sudan. This case has led most African leaders to general consensus of rejecting th...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEGMENT ............
ABSTRACT Radicalization has become a major problem resulting to a more unstable and conflict prone world. Radicalization leads to violent extremism and the final stage is terrorism. The ease to radicalize people is as a result of marginalization in areas such as economic, social and political exclusion, fight for religious ideologies as well as human rights violations. Kenya is experiencing the major challenge of being primarily a soft target or a source of terrorism in the Horn of Africa. F...
ABSTRACT This research addresses torture and other lc,rms or ill-treatment under treaty-based, international. regional. and national Im,-: crimes or torture and duties o!' states to either initiate prosecution or extradite all persons ol' any status who arc reasonably accused: the definition or torture and related criteria; types or unlawful tactics and serial torture criminality Torture has regained currency and has been subject of' scholarly debates. "Prohibition of"tor/ure · is recognize...