ABSTRACT In Uganda, especially in Nakisunga Sub-county, the stone quarrying industry has grown rapidly in recent years due to the construction boom in urban areas. It is one of the sources of income as well as environmental problems. Even though a number of control measures were introduced, putting them into practice was far below expectations and stone quarrying activities continued to cause serious environmental problems in the area. This study was therefore carried out with the main objec...
ABSTRACT As urbanization continuous to grow rapidly, the management of solid wastes is becoming a major public health arid environmental concern in urban areas of many developing countries. People in Kahama Township generate solid wastes, and the way it is handled is not proper. It is on the view of the fact mentioned above, that this research was undertaken to investigate the impact of improper solid waste management on the community of Kahama Township. The researcher examined this by using...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in the two constituencies, Katerera and Bunyaruguru that make up Rubirizi district. An investigation was conducted to assess the role of government policy relating to soils, wetlands and forest conservation. The study executed six specific objectives but the general objective was to find out how the government has involved the local people at policy and decision making levels nsed in conservation of soils, wetlands, forests and to examine the importance of so...
ABSTRACT Rice, which is a new crop in Uganda, was introduced on a large scale in the 1960’s as a wetland based crop. The continued use of upland fields for farming has also resulted in loss of soil fertility due to erosion and over use, The rapid population growth and high demand for rice in Uganda, much pressure has been put on wetlands to increase production which has led to their degradation. The objectives of the study were to; establish the factors influencing rice cultivation in in Na...
ABSTRACT An investigation of the impact of unplanned settlements on efficiency of environmental sanitation management in Mwanza city was conducted in 6 wards of Mwanza city council. The variables considered include; forms of poor environmental sanitation in unplanned settlements, its effects on the environment and human beings and solutions being put in place. In order to investigate the above variables, a general survey research design was used. Methods used in data collection included; ora...
ABSTRACT The benefit of breastfeeding to mother and infant is replete in literature. This study investigated perinatal feeding practices in terms of initiation of breastfeeding, use of colostrum and prelacteal feeds among mothers attending Primary Health Care facilities in Isiuzo LGA. Specifically the objectives were to determine: (i) the timing of breastfeeding initiation among women in Isi-uzo Local Government Area. (ii) what women in Isi-uzo Local Government Area use colostrum for. (i...
ABSTRACT Men involvement in family planning would increase its recognition, acceptance and practice by people especially within the rural communities. This is because in rural communities in Nigeria including Enugu, men are still the gate keepers in our families who control power and major decision making. Some of them decide whether their wives will practice family planning or not and the methods to be adopted. This implies the men seem to have the finally say on the number of children the ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and utilization of post abortion care among women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The research utilized a descriptive survey design and a sample size of 350 women of reproductive age (15 – 49), selected from each of the 10 communities in the area. A structured questionnaire was used as instrument to collect data. Information obtained from the question...
ABSTRACT The management of hypertension is tripartite in nature: medication, physical exercise and dietary modification. While medication is curative, physical exercise and dietary modification are both preventive and curative. Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of health complications, although treatment with medication is still often necessary in people for whom lifestyle changes are not enough. Physical exercise regimes which are shown t...
Abstract Urban open spaces are an important component of any urban fabric, embracing the activities of different populations. It is one of the most visible elements of the relationship between man and the environment in which he lives, and reflects the general picture of any city. This paper examines the impact of parks and gardens on environmental sustainability in Khartoum city (C.B.D). Urban open spaces, especially parks and gardens, were chosen because they represent the basic elemen...
ABSTRACT The efficiency of the sewage works depends on the quality and quantity of the influent and the design of the sewage works. Inefficiency of the sewage work has adverse health impact to the aquatic ecosystem. Pollutants can bio-accumulate and bio-magnify in the food chain causing health impact to both human being and wildlife. The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of wastewater management system of Njoro industrial sewage works. This study used descriptive re...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to determine the effects of aerobic exercises on bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and pyridinoline among sedentary women at post-menopause. Menopause has been linked to increase bone turnover, which could lead to osteoporosis and consequently, bone fracture. However, exercises are more desirable in management and prevention of osteoporosis. This study was quasi-experimental involving 20 participants’ sedentary women at postmenopause selected using purpos...
ABSTRACT Solid waste management contributes tremendously in upholding public health by reducing the risk of diseases and environmental pollution. Despite the significance of this job, solid waste workers are exposed to a myriad of work related hazards. The objectives of the study were to identify the types of waste which are hazardous to solid waste workers, followed by examining the nature of hazards and to finally assess the effectiveness of the measures in place to combat the occupati...
ABSTRACT Purpose of the research: Research into Enterococci is increasingly important as Enterococci was classified as high priority bacteria regarding antimicrobial resistance. Improvements in medical care have also increased the chances of survival of infants with low birth weight. These infants have an increased chance of infection by antibiotic resistant Enterococcus species due to their low birth weight which is further increased by increased hospital stays. In developing countries neona...
ABSTRACT Purpose of the research: Malnutrition is a medical condition caused by an unbalanced diet, typically characterised by stunting, wasting and underweight in children. Worldwide, malnutrition causes approximately 45% of all deaths among children under 5 years of age. The largest number of global incidences of malnutrition is observed in developing countries. In Namibia, 24% of children within this age group are stunted while wasting is at 6.2%, (the highest in Southern Africa). The mai...