Public Health Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT In the past few years, public health incidents have occurred that have caused some alarm in Canada. These include communicable disease outbreaks such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Influenza and Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI) and water-borne diseases such as Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (Ecoli) and gastroenteritis. There were also environment incidents that occurred such as those caused by Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, furans, and microcystine. On the global scen...


Adverse drug reactions (ADR) occur frequently and globally, accounting for a significant number of fatalities each year.1, 2 Drugs remain the most common medical interventions used to relieve sufferings, but could also prove fatal.  As the saying goes ‘‘Drugs are Double Edged Weapons’’ 1 and nearly all medicines are capable of causing injuries.


1.Anatomy and physiology of breast cancer 2.the lymphatic system of the breast 3.structure of the breast 4.Breast development 5.classification of breast cancer 6.Hormone status of breast cancer 7.Area of the breast where cancer grows

Theoretical Underpinning of Alcohol Use and Misuse in the UK

Abstract Alcohol use and misuse is one of the serious epidemics confronting public health institutions around the world, in recognition of its damaging effect to health. This study therefore considers the influence of alcohol in the UK. It uses three theories of addiction which include psychopathology theory, learning behaviour theory and WHO biopsychosocial theory to evaluate the impact of alcohol consumption. It finds that young adults in the UK are vulnerable to alcoholic consumption in...

A Critical Comparison of Depression Among Adolescents in Nigeria and the United Kingdom (UK)

Background According to the WHO (2014 d), depression is the number one cause of health problems and disability amongst adolescents (age 10-19 years). Furthermore, suicide which is the third leading cause of death amongst this age group is strongly associated with severe forms of depression (WHO 2014d). Evidence indicates that half of the mental health disorders in adulthood start during adolescence (WHO 2014d).Therefore, proper intervention and prevention of mental health problems amongst ad...

Malaria: A Public Health Menace in Nigeria

 BACKGROUND Nigeria has a tropical climate with temperatures ranging between 250C and 400 C. Average rainfall is about 2,650 millimetres in the southeast to less than 600 millimetres in some part of the north; with areas of mangrove swamps, tropical rain forests, coastal areas, open woodlands and Savannah. This climatic and geographic condition of Nigeria favours the transmission of malaria (Malaria Consortium, 2014), and is in keeping with the endemicity of the disease in the country. How...

The Menace of Poliomyelitis in Northern Nigeria

Background The poliovirus belongs to the enterovirus family and has three serotypes: serotype 1, 2 and 3. In addition, the 3 serotypes do not have cross immunity (Shors 2011). Therefore, immunity against one serotype does not provide immunity against another (WHO 2014c). It is noteworthy that Nigeria has not recorded any incidence of serotype 3 for about one year although the other serotypes still exist in the country (National Primary Healthcare Development Agency-NPHDA 2013). In addition,...

The Need for Sexual Health Education in Secondary Schools

There is increased problem in Nigeria today as to moral laxity, promiscuity, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), forced marriage, school dropout etc. among youths. The increase in these problems according to Orieh (1981, as cited in Nakpoda, 2012) has been attributed to ignorance of youth towards sexual health, confusion and frustration resulting from lack of awareness from both the home and the school on the need for sex education in the educational setting. ...

An Investigation on the Distribution of Mosquito Species in Guyuk L.G.A of Adamawa State

Mosquitoes are vectors of parasites causing diseases and are distributed in various ecological niches. This research work was set to determine the distribution and relative abundance of mosquito larvae in Guyuk Local Government Area of Adamawa State within the months of August 2014 and January 2015. Banjiram, Guyuk, Bobini and Chikila districts were surveyed using standard entomological procedures. Dipping Method was used in collecting larval samples from the field and reared to adult in inse...

Reflection on PEI activities

This is important summary of the work done by the Polio Partners in North Nigeria, to support in immunisation activities and  working towards polio free nation.


ABSTRACT: Globally there is a growing demand for governments and organizations to be more responsive to the desires of the stakeholders’ for delivery of tangible results. This implies that projects and programs of all kinds and anywhere now attract greater attention and scrutiny; thus the pressure to deliver results becomes more compelling. In order to become more effective and efficient, it becomes compelling to conduct a systematic monitoring of programs, especially to support politicia...

Distributing Misoprostol and 4% Chlorhexidine by Community Based Volunteers

Abstract: Childbirth is universally celebrated. For some, experience of childbirth is not joyful, but disappointment with fatal outcome; either the mother or the baby dies few days after delivery, or both the mother and the baby die during delivery. A mother’s death has profoundly bad consequences for her family, particularly for children left without a care giver. Overcoming the high burden of maternal and reproductive health needs remain a challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in ...

Data Quality Issues in a Sampling Survey

Abstract: Getting data that can be said to be simple, meaningful, accurate, reliable and timely (SMART) is the uphill task of a good population based researcher. How to get a smart, complete and unbiased data is a harder task to accomplish. The good news however, is that it is doable if the right techniques are applied. The right approach is to strictly adhere to the dos and don’ts rule governing the planning and fieldwork processes of data collection. In order to ensure that data has inte...

Prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) among pregnant women attending University Health Services (sick-bay) Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at determining the seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Virus carrier and infectivity status of carrier pregnant women attending University clinic. A total of 210 Blood samples were collected from pregnant women attending antenatal clinic, ABU Health Services and analysed for HBsAg using One step HBsAg diagnostic rapid test strip and the HBV profile determined by the One Step HBV Multi-5 Test kit.  The overall positive samples were 9 representing a prevalence of 4.3% fo...

Critical evaluation of Community participation approach in addressing maternal and child nutrition in Nigeria Nutritional Policy

Malnutrition is a global challenge especially in the developing countries. Nigeria is the tenth highest country with under-five mortalities globally and the third highest country with stunted growth among children (43%). In order to reduce the malnutrition rate, the National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition (NSPAN) was adopted in 2014. This article critically evaluated three delivery processes that may promote community participation in maternal and, infants, young child feeding nutriti...

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