Biological Science Research Papers/Topics

Contribution of Indigenous Innovations for Mitigating Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) among Maize Farmers for Improved Food Security

Abstract/Overview Fall armyworm (FAW) is a new invasive pest that causes economic damage to a wide variety of crops. This pest is estimated to reduce maize yields by about 60%. FAW could cause crop losses of up to US$13 billion annually across sub- Saharan Africa, threatening the livelihoods of millions of resource-poor farmers worldwide. Governments have warned against the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides that could undermine pest control strategies for smallholder farmers who r...

Artisanal Fishing Supports Breeding of Malaria Mosquitoes in Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background: Everyday hundreds of people, mainly men, set out to take part in a vibrant artisanal capture fshing (ACF) industry on Lake Victoria. It is not known whether actions of artisanal fshers, in their unrelenting quest for exist ence, surpass ecosystems’ sustainability thresholds with potentially negative repercussions on human health with respect to malaria transmission potential. This article sought to fll this information gap. Methods: This study used an ecosy...

Short communication: Efficacy of two commercial disinfectants on Paenibacillus larvae spores

Abstract Paenibacillus larvae is a spore-forming bacterium causing American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bee larvae. The remains of a diseased larva contains billions of extremely resilient P. larvae spores viable for decades. Burning clinically symptomatic colonies is widely considered the only workable strategy to prevent further spread of the disease, and the management practices used for decontamination requires high concentrations of chemicals or special equipment. The aim of this study was...

Soil fertility dynamics in Bambara groundnuts (Vigna Subterranea) and Nerica rice (Oryza Sativa) intercrop system in small holder farms in Western Kenya.

Abstract/Overview Agricultural production in Kenya has stagnated since 1980s resulting in malnutrition in over 89% of Kenya’s population. Food insecurity has been identified as the prime cause of malnutrition. Low agricultural productivity due to declining soil fertile from poor cropping systems and use of non adapted exotic crop species has worsened this situation. Intercropping offers advantages if well planned including improved soil fertility and yields. Bambara groundnuts have show...

Characterization of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins family and their role in drought stress tolerance in upland cotton

Abstract/Overview Background: Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are large groups of hydrophilic proteins with major role in drought and other abiotic stresses tolerance in plants. In-depth study and characterization of LEA protein families have been carried out in other plants, but not in upland cotton. The main aim of this research work was to characterize the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein families and to carry out gene expression analysis to determine their potentia...


Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Haramaya University Beef fattening station, to evaluate the effect of maize silage inclusion at different levels on feed intake, growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. Twelve castrated Harar oxen of average age 6 years with the initial body weight of 229±1.18 kg (mean+SE) were used for the experiment. The animals were randomly distributed to four treatments each with three replications in a completely randomized design. The d...

Isolation of serotype-specific antibodies against Dengue virus non-structural protein 1 using phage display and application in a multiplexed serotyping assay

Abstract: The multidimensional nature of dengue virus (DENV) infections, which can be caused by four distinct serotypes of the virus, complicates the sensitivity of assays designed for the diagnosis of infection. Different viral markers can be optimally detected at different stages of infection. Of particular clinical importance is the early identification of infection, which is pivotal for disease management and the development of blood screening assays. Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) is an...

Microbial and chemical diversity of traditional non-cereal based alcoholic beverages of Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: Fermentation remains an important food preparation technique of health, cultural and economic importance throughout the world. In Sub-Saharan Africa, traditional alcoholic fermentation of cereal and non-cereal based substrates into alcoholic beverages is deeply rooted in the society. Although a multitude of traditional alcoholic beverages from cereal substrates are well researched and documented, their non-cereal based counterparts, mostly produced from indigenous, inexpensive subs...

Biology of Bactrocera dorsalis (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE): implications on population dynamics and pest management

Abstract: Fruit production is one of the fastest growing sectors in Botswana. As one of the agricultural sectors, fruit production is very crucial as it contributes immensely towards income generation and employment opportunities, especially for vulnerable rural livelihoods. Despite all the benefits, one of the biggest hurdles in the fruit production industry is disease and insect pests. Chief among these insect pests is the Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Bactrocera dor...

Diversity and distribution of Lepidopteran Stemborers and their natural enemies in Botswana

Abstract: Botswana is a country which depends mainly on cereal agriculture, done mostly by rural farmers as their major income stream. However, lepidopteran stemborers are a major constraint in the rural farmers’ cultivation of cereal crops. Species diversity and distribution of these insects of economic concern is currently unknown in Botswana. Through a survey, I catalogued the diversity of stemborers, host plant interactions and their associated parasitoids across Botswana. A total of 1...

Dynamics of mosquito species (diptera: culicidae): implications on vector management and malaria prevalence under globalclimate change

Abstract: Malaria is considered the main cause of morbidity and mortality in most countries of the sub- Saharan Africa. Though elimination of the disease is a priority in some African countries such as Botswana, there are bottlenecks that make it difficult to achieve such target. Factors associated with the environment and mosquito-vector capacity for disease transmission have contributions towards challenges affecting disease elimination. These are dynamics which have not been explored in t...

Assessment of airborne bacterial diversity and antibiotic resistance patterns in hospitals, public transport and wastewater treatment plants in Botswana

Abstract: There is presently insufficient information on the atmospheric microbial level in Botswana, the occurrence and diversity of airborne microbes in Botswana is not well understood. In addition, there is also growing concern in the global spread of antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens that continue to emerge and pose a huge challenge to human health. This study, being the first of its kind in the country was aimed at understanding the occurrence, distribution and relative divers...

Assessing the impact of wastewater irrigation on the dynamics of antibiotic resistance in agricultural setting

Abstract: Water scarcity is one of the main challenges in sustainable development particularly in developing countries. The use of wastewater effluent for irrigation of crops is common in most water-stressed countries as this alleviates pressure on fresh water supply. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are regarded as hotspots for antibiotic resistance determinants; antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic elements (e.g. plasmids). These ant...

Microbiological and physico-chemical characterization of khadi, a traditional non-cereal based alcoholic beverage of Botswana

Abstract: Khadi is a traditional fermented alcoholic beverage popular in Botswana. There is little documented information about the brewing processes, the microorganisms responsible for fermentation as well as the safety despite its popularity in local markets. Such information is vital for production of a standardized beverage with a consistent quality to aid its entrance into the modern commercial markets. This thesis explored the brewing processes, microbiological quality and safety, as i...

Dung beetles’ responses to changing environments; implications on ecosystem service delivery

Abstract: Dung beetles are coprophagous insects belonging to the families Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae. They are a very important insects’ group, acting as significant ecosystem engineers through dung burial, decomposition, nutrient cycling, bioturbation and seed dispersal in natural and human managed systems. Despite these benefits, most essential ecosystem services are not economically quantified and as such, their roles as natural capital in natural and human managed systems have la...

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