Biological Science Research Papers/Topics

Bacteriological Quality Of Bottled Drinking Water Versus Municipality Tap Water In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The most important characteristics of drinking water that have to be assured, monitored and conserved are its safety. Water safety is a growing concern as its quality is not thoroughly monitored especially in third world countries due to lack of proper labs and funding. Unsafe water contains a lot of microorganisms that are a threat to health, most of which contain faecal coliforms that cause serious illnesses like gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the present Zimbabwe water status, ...

Genetic Diversity Of Ganoderma Species In The North-Eastern Parts Of Namibia

Abstract The genus Ganoderma Karst. (1881) is the largest and most complex genus of polypore fungi, characterized by the presence of pores instead of the gills on the lower side of the fruiting body. The colonisation of Ganoderma species on trees is noticed by the appearance of their cap shaped, hard, crusty and shiny fruiting bodies. Ganoderma extract have been used for centuries in Asia’s traditional medicine and to date Ganoderma mushrooms are an important source of modern medicinal and ...

A Taxonomic, Ecological And Nutritional Study Of Porphyra Capensis Kützing Populations From The Namibian Coast

ABSTRACT The Namibian Porphyra capensis Kützing was studied as very little was known of its taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny or nutritional status. It was hypothesized that it was phlogenetically related to the South African P. capensis as they share common ancestry. DNA was extracted from thalli and partial sequences obtained from their 18SrDNA and ITS regions. GenBank sequences of interest were incorporated, alignments made and phylogenetic trees were generated using MEGA 5.1. The results show...

Evaluation Of Selected Namibian Ethno-Medicinal Plants For Anti-HIV Properties

ABSTRACT Namibian ethno-medicinal plants have not yet been evaluated for their efficacy in inhibiting the activities of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase (RT) and their toxicological effects to mammalian cells have not yet been reported. Hence the aims of this study were: (1) to evaluate selected Namibian plants for their biological activities against RT; (2) to evaluate their toxicity to mammalian cells, and (3) to isolate and characterize the active compounds from se...

Lack of polymorphism suggests a recent bottleneck of Aloidendron pillansii

Abstract The Karoo-Namib is a species rich region in which many iconic and keystone species are found, such as Aloe pillansii. The recent population history of A.pillansii is poorly understood. However the suggested climatic shifts that occurred throughout the Holocene era may have affected its distribution, demographics and gene flow. The glacial/interglacial refugia hypothesis predicts that the southernmost population served as a refuge population and that the subsequent expansion of the po...

A Study Of The Nutrition And Health Of Children In The Gold Coast A Field And Laboratory Study

INTRODUCTION Despite wide interest in the nutrition and health of children in underdeveloped areas of the world, countries in Africa have been neglected by individuals and groups in the United States as sites for dietary and health studies. Reasons for this doubtless lie elsewhere than in a lack of interest. Such study not only offers the possibility of providing information needed by the indigenous population, but also information concerning the nutritive needs of children in relation to con...


ABSTRACT Malaria is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in children under 5 years and pregnant women. The use of Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), which is a combination of a fast-acting artemisinin derivative and a relatively slow-acting partner drug, is used for malaria treatment in disease-endemic areas. The ACT partner drugs in Ghana are lumefantrine (LUM), amodiaquine (AQ), and piperaquine (PQ). Plasmodium falciparum isolates wi...

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