Computer and Information Science Research Papers/Topics


Currently social networks are the pulse of humanity. For there are the platforms on which people share content and form links among themselves for various purposes The traditional social networks that were formed by human relationships or activities have been supplanted with the online social networks (OSNs). And due to the availability of affordable and portable digital devices and also the emergence of the Internet and services offered by the Web 2.0, there have been a tremendous amount of ...

Sentiment analysis of social media data using Supervised learning and Ekman’s basic emotions theory

Abstract: Social media has emerged as an effective source to investigate people’s opinions in the context of a variety of topics and situations, including crime. Crime solving can be a difficult task hence requiring human intelligence together with experience. Crime data is usually big and full of noise; hence manual analysis of this data is tedious and sometimes impossible to do. Data mining techniques such as Sentiment Analysis can help in analysing such big data. In Sentiment Analysis, ...

Security Concerns in Electronic Files Authenticated Systems

Traditional file management systems and manual processes have presented a number of difficulties and restrictions, such as difficult administration, inadequate security, and restricted data sharing options for users and organizations. After overcoming these obstacles, file management systems have typically moved to the more advanced models of today, which offer better features and benefits, particularly in critical areas where their applications cannot be compromised. The primary goal of this...

Online Learning compared to Face-to-face Learning

online learning has become widespread; COVID-19 forced the world to apply the online learning system at all levels for more than two years. It has become an important alternative to face-to-face education, even after returning to face-to-face learning, online learning has remained alongside online learning and become an approved method for learning in most countries even after the COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning was welcomed and comfortable for some students and was efficient in some cases...

An Online Web Basei) E-billing Water System Case Study: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Nwsc)

ABSTRACT Along with the changes in the world’s technology. Water became the backbone of industrialization and almost all the activities we carry out rely on Water supply and demands of customers also change as well which has become more demanding and knowledgeable than ever before.’Water is life’S. Consumers ~sho consume Waler units and Water senices today are aeti~e and more critical in Water sen ice deli~ery. ihis in turn made the management to shill their focus on the clients or cust...


The project deals with automating different task of HR department. These tasks include:  On-Boarding process , Off-Boarding process , Payroll cycle. Thus, allowing the members of the department to focus on more strategic initiatives for the betterment and growth of the organization. The technologies that are used in the project are:  UI-Path Studio ,Orange HRM , Microsoft Excel , Microsoft Word . AbstractRPA(Robotic  process  automation)  is  software bot  that  automate  processes ...

News Aggregator Web Application

Abstract News Aggregator is a web app that collects and displays all of the latest news stories and events happening around the world in one place. It helps reduce time consumption. One other thing to do is to provide a few lines of text to summarize the article. This paper presents a system that collects news from various electronic publishers and distributors.

A Blockchain Based E-Wallet 2020

Abstract— Payment methods using digital currencies are increasing in the current period, and it is considered one of the fastest and safest ways to manage the financial system around the world. Therefore, e-wallets have become an integral part of individuals' lives in many societies, because the user does not have to use credit card numbers or bank accounts in An unknown commercial platform, it is possible to deposit from a credit card or bank account to the e-wallet, which in turn will ...

Assesment of Science Teachers’ Level of use of ICT in Some Selected Secondary School in Osun West Educational District Office

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study           Science education is the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individuals not traditionally considered part of the scientific community (Wikipedia, 2013). Science education in Nigeria concentrates on the teaching of science concepts, method of teaching and addressing misconceptions held by learners regarding science concepts (Aina, 2013).  Science education is very important to the development...


This paper proposes an Embedded Arduino Automatic Irrigation-Control System (EAAICS), which monitors and maintains the desired soil moisture content via automatic watering using embedded technology. The methodology employed in this paper is solely based on the integration of both hardware and software components to design and implement an App-controlled irrigation system, which solely depends on the soil moisture content. Input to the system was derived from soil samples with the aid of a soi...

Fully Automated Bank Management System

A fully automated basic Bank Management System built using Python and MySQL. Python shell provides the user interface while MySQL acts as the database.

Design of an IoT Based Smart Switch to Control Home Appliance

Abstract Technology is a never-ending process. This paper presents a low-cost flexible and reliable home automation system with additional security using ESP32 Development Board, with IP connectivity through local Wi-Fi for accessing and controlling devices by authorized user remotely using Android Smartphone application. The proposed  system is server independent and uses Internet of things to control human desired appliances starting from industrial machine to co...

Are The Crypto Wars Over? Encryption, Internet Governance, And The Internet Society Action Plan 2021

In the 21st Century, security and privacy threats extend the physical into the Internet, and as a result, create the need for Internet security and /privacy. One of the ways Internet security and privacy can be achieved is through a cryptographic methodknownas Encryption - commonlyusedbypersons and governments to secure data on Internet - accessible systems against unauthorised access. Yet, Encryption technologies face certain threats and challenges. Private firms and go...

Design and Implementation of an Automated Navy Recruitment System

Web based recruitment portal is a web based application that monitors the recruitment process of any organization online.  It has the features that allow the user to apply for job online.  When application is sent through the web portal, based on the requirement of the said job description, the portal screens the candidate and determines whether or not the applicant is qualified.  If the applicant is not qualified, the portal rejects the application and returns a feedback to the user, else...

Design and Implementation of Fingerprint Based Automated Teller Machine (ATM) System

The advancement in banking efficiency has brought about the invention of the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) which make financial transaction easy and faster. Notwithstanding, the current trend of Cybercrime facilitate the need for an enhanced fingerprint application on ATM machine which will decrease the rate of financial frauds and theft. The mechanism is intended to enable assigned fingerprint authentication of customers with quick code and secret code. The study aims at enhancing the secur...

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