Parasitology Research Papers/Topics

Endothelial Biomarkers and The Pathogenesis of Cerebral Malaria

ABSTRACT Cerebral malaria occurs due to abnormality in the function of the brain endothelium. This signifies that the brain endothelium plays a crucial role in the outcome of malaria in children. Regulated balance between angiopoietin-1 and angiopoeitin-2 is responsible for the control of normal endothelial cell function. The angiopoietin-Tie-2 system has been shown to regulate endothelial cell function and vascular integrity. Endothelial Protein C Receptor (EPCR) and Thrombomodulin (TM) are...

Faecal Analysis of Domestic Dogs For Zoonotic Helminthes in Bwari Area Council, F.C.T Abuja.

Dogs are the most common pet animals worldwide, providing companionship, security and a source of dietary protein. Zoonotic helminthes of dogs is a global problem particularly in the developing countries and these dogs, regardless of their benefits, pose a public health risk as they are potential carriers of some pathogens. This study attempted to bridge the dearth of information on the prevalence of zoonotic helminthes of domestic dogs in Bwari Area Council and to establish some of the risk ...