Zoology Research Papers/Topics

Inter-Population Craniometrics of Adult Male Subantarctic fur Seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis)

Abstract: Craniometrics is a very reliable and effective tool for studying the difference in animal morphology. Previously, traditional craniometrics were conducted with the aid of calipers in two dimensional format (2D). Such discounting of actual three-dimensional 3D form may result in loss of some relevant and critical information leading to compromised and unreliable results for studies such as population variation analysis of morphology. The employment of 3D photogrammetry allows a clos...

The effects of rainfall and sociality on host-parasite dynamics in the common mole-rat, Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus (Lesson 1812)

Abstract: There are many factors which may influence the distribution of parasites and often parasites are not evenly distributed amongst their hosts. The development and survival of ectoparasites is usually dependent on abiotic factors such as temperature and rainfall. Therefore differences in ectoparasite load between host populations and seasonal fluctuations in abundance are often found to be associated with climatic variations. However, biotic (host-related) factors have also been found...

Evaporative cooling capacity and heat tolerance on Kalahari Desert birds : effects of body mass and phylogeny

Abstract: The roles of phylogeny and body size in avian heat stress physiology, and how they interact to set the upper limits to heat dissipation capacity, are largely unexplored. Determining thermal end points and maximum capacity for evaporative heat dissipation in species from diverse ecological guilds and evolutionary clades is vital for understanding species-specific vulnerability to future climatic scenarios. I measured evaporative water loss (EWL), resting metabolic rate (RMR) and bod...

Personality, Hormonal Correlates and Parasite load in the Eastern Rock Elephant Shrew

Abstract: Inter-individual variation in behaviour, or as it has now come to be known, personality, has been shown to affect many different components of fitness in animals. A concept that used to be thought of as background ‘noise’ has come to explain much of the variation we observe within populations and between individuals. The personality of an animal can affect how an animal utilises its environment. In a heterogeneous environment this may increase the potential to find limiting res...

The Distribution, Nesting Habits and Activity Pattern of CAMPONOTUS ACVAPIMENSIS MAYR (Riyi Iet'ioptera PORI'UCIDAE) In Savanna Areas of Southern Ghana.

Abstract  The distribution, nesting habits and activity as well as seasonal population pattern of Camponotus acvapimensis Mayr were studied in a savanna area of Ghana* The ants were distributed in the poor shaded areas of the savanna grassland* Type of soil, light and food availability were found to influence the nesting and anti’s distribution. Analysis for preference of nesting sites indicated that the ants nest in the soil or grass roots but where wood is available, the bark formed a ve...


ABSTRACT  Poecilia reticulata (guppy) a common ornamental tropical fish is found in many wastewater drains in Nigeria. Guppies feed on copepods which are intermediate hosts of some nematode parasites of culturable fish species. The restriction on the importation of ornamental fishes into Nigeria has enhanced the demand for local species, usually sourced from the wild. There is dearth of information on the parasites of ornamental fishes in Nigeria. This study was aimed at determining prevale...

Investigating The Aquatic Weeds On The Westlake Wetland: Detrimental Effects And Management Options

ABSTRACT The aquatic weeds on the Westlake wetland at Zandvlei (Cape Town, South Africa) were investigated in terms of their detrimental effects, and the biotic and abiotic conditions associated with their nuisance growth. Eichhornia crassipes was the most problematic of the weeds, both from a human perspective and in its effect on the system, and it appears to out-compete the initially more abundant Ceratophyllum demersum and Azolla filiculoides after disturbances such as clearing and floo...

Relationships Between Invertebrate Detritivores And Gut Bacteria In Marine Systems •

ABSTRACT Aspects of the feeding strategies and digestive invertebrate-microbial interactions of two saltmarsh thalassinid detritivores, the mudprawn Upogebia africana (Ortmann) and the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi Stebbing were examined. Resources available in their respective habitats were investigated together with the feeding apparatus, diet and digestive enzymes necessary for hydrolysis of refractory compounds of detritus. U. africana inhabits the upper reaches of Langebaan lagoon (Geel...

Studies On The Abundance And Distribution Of Mosquitoes And Prevalence Of Malaria In Yabo Local Government Area Of Sokoto State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Study was conducted to determine the abundance and distribution of mosquitoes and the prevalence of malaria parasites in Yabo Local Government Area. Mosquito breeding sites identification employed the use of a digital camera to snap pictures of areas where mosquitoes were observed. Mosquitoes eggs, larvae, pupa were collected and identified using the dipping method while indoor mosquitoes were caught from rooms,/toilets between the hours of 8 - 10pm using insecticide spray. A to...

Bionomics Of The M Illet Stem Borer Coniesta Ignefusalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

ABSTRACT Study conducted from 1993 through 1996 at the ICRISAT Sahelian Centre, Niger, on the millet stem borer Coniesta ignefusalis were designed to address larval instar determination and life-fertility table construction, damage and yield loss assessment on pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown, and oviposition preference and larval development on two wild hosts, Andropogon gayanus Kunth and Pennisetum pedicellatum (Trin.). Biological control studies investigated the suitability o...

Epidemiology Of Lymphatic Filariasis In Adoodo /Ota Local Government Area Of Ogun State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Lymphatic filariasis, caused by Wuchereria bancrofti is a public health problem with high morbidity. The Global Progamme for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis has targeted its eradication by 2020. Available information showed that the disease is endemic in Ogun State, Nigeria. However, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area has never been part of any known intervention for control of the disease despite the reported cases in the area. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence o...

Morphometric Description And Behavioural Ecology Of Analeptes Trifasciata Fabricius 1775 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) On Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale Linnaeus 1753) In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The infestation of cashew by Analeptes trifasciata is on the increase and this poses serious threat to cashew cultivation in Nigeria. Base-line information on the distribution and behavioural ecology of A. trifasciata in Nigeria is needed for its control. This study was conducted to provide more information on the morphology, distribution and behavioural ecology of A. trifasciata in Nigeria. A survey of the geographical spread of A. trifasciata infestation was conducted in 25 cashew ...

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