ABSTRACTThis study established credit policy and customer satisfaction in Cairo international bank Ugandaltd in Kampala. The study was based on the following objectives and these are, to establish theprofile of the respondents in financial institutions, to establish the key elements of credit policyfor Cairo bank and to examine the relationship between credit policy and customer satisfaction.The study employed descriptive correlation design; data was collected using researcher devisedquestion...
ABSTRACT The study is an exploratory research design which sought to determine the factors relied upon by microfinance institutions while charging interest; finding out the effect of interest on the performance of microfinance institutions and suggesting possible alternatives to control this effect. The study relied on qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis and data was gathered from PRIDE Microfinance in Kabalagala. The study also relied on secondary data upon w...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study aims at investigating factors that can improve multinationalcompanies performance regardless of the host country constraints.The researcher applied longitudinal design in the collection of data out of population of40 respondents, a sample size of 36 respondents was used.The research findings show that there are many constraints that affect the performance ofmultinational companies and they include political, economic, socio, cultural, legal,technological and ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to establish the impact of the use of ATM system of banking on customer satisfaction in equity bank Hoima district. The study was based on three specific objectives; to examine the impact of ATM on the banking performance in Equity bank Hoima branch, to establish factors that lead customer satisfaction in Equity bank Hoima branch and to establish the relationship between ATM and customer satisfaction in Equity bank Hoima branc...
ABSTRACTThe study was aimed at assessing the effects of credit policy on the performance of commercial banks in Equity bank of Kenya taking case study to be Kisumu branch. The study was mainly to look at credit risk policy and the performance of the Equity bank and if this had been effective to the bank. For the effectiveness of the research, the researcher used research design, data collection and analysis was used to arrange the information in such a way that enable...
ABSTRACTThe study on Non monetary rewards and labour mobility was guided by fourresearch objectives that were set to :(a) To establish the level of non-monetaryRewards used in Equity Bank Kabalagala branch, (b) To establish factor thatinfluence employee mobility in Equity bank Kabalagala branch. And lastly (c) Toestablishes the relationship between non-monetary rewards and employees mobilityin the Equity Bank Kabalagala branch.The results indicated that Non monetary rewards have a great impac...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ivDECLARATION ·············································································································· V...
AbstractThe study set out to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the marketing staffin industries taking a case study of Mukwano group of industries. The inquiry wasfocused on areas of motivation, remuneration and reward administration, training andappraisals and performance review. Using analytical design, information was got from asample of 60 marketers through interviews and self administered questionnaires.Quantitative data was analyzed using tables and tests were employed ...
ABSTRACTThe study examined the relationship between marketing research and new product developmenttaking Mukwano Group of Companies as a case study. The research also capitalized on threeobjectives which required determining the effect that customer analysis contributes to new productdevelopment, determining the effect of market segmentation on new product development, andestablish the relationship between marketing strategy and new product development. The studyemployed stratified, simple ra...
ABSTRACTThe study sought to establish the "the role of microfinance banks on povertyeradication" with a case study of Centenary bank-Arua branch and was drivenby mainly three objectives. These objectives included; the need to identify thepolicies used by the Microfinance Ins titutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch in a dministering loans. The need to determine the effectiveness of theabove policies used by Microfinance Institutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch towards poverty eradi...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between access o micro creditand the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Uganda.The study was guided by the following research objectives; to examine access to microcredit and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Uganda, to examine the rate ofgrowth of SMEs accusing micro credit facilities in Uganda and to establish the relationshipbetween access to micro credit and growth of SMEs in Uganda.The study was a...
ABSTRACTThe report has been written as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of thedegree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Kampala international university.As a pre-requisite for the award of the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, onehas to present a written and acceptable piece of research report. In compliance with theregulation, the author has carried out a piece research a study of effectiveness of fmancial,··"accountability in local government in Maki...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of internal audit system in theperformance of local governments in Uganda. The following were the objectives of the Studyto establish how internal auditing helps TCaliro Local Government can improve on the controlenvironment for better financial performance; to establish any information andcommunication system that helps to improve the performance of Kaliro Local Governmentand to identify the risks faced by internal audit un...
ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to examine the impact of packaging of soft drinks oncustomer satisfaction. The study was carried out in Crown Beverages Company inKampala Uganda. It is franchise of PepsiCo with it's headquartered in New York.Having been in existence since the early 1980's it is known to be producing threedifferent types of soft drinks, which are Pepsi-cola, Mirinda Fruity and Mirinda Orange. Thestudy used a descriptive research on effects of packaging on customer satisfaction...
TABLE OF CONTENTTitle pageApproval SheetDedicationAcknowledgementTable of contentCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction/ background1.1 Statement of research problem1.2 Research question1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Research hypothesis1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Scope and limitation of the study1.7 Definition of the terms1.8 Organization/ plan of the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Literature review2.1 Desirable types of credit facilities by oceanic bank international plc.2.2 Pr...