Abstract This research was concerned with review of the impact of training on the effective perfonnance of an organization. The focus was on training of the workers and fi.mctional managers. Different scholars have defined the term training differently in different ways but with one concept of getting skills and knowledge to perform a job. Training therefore cuts across from workers to top-level managers, from new corners to incumbents of the job. Flippo (1984) suggests that, "Training is the...
Almost every business has a trading name, from the smallest market trader to the largest multinational corporation which is used to distinguish the company's themselves and their products. Brand is a distinctive symbol or name created with the intention to identify and recognize the goods or services of one seller or a particular group of sellers. Another purpose is to differentiate such goods or services from its competitors. As such a brand signals to its customers the specific source of ...
ABSTRACT Secondary schools have experienced problems due to lack of adequate trained teaching staff, undisciplined students, inadequate physical facilities and failure to set educational objectives in curriculum and instruction delivery. These problems have jeopardized the head teacher‟s instructional supervision programmes in the concerned schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the constraints faced by head teachers in instructional supervision in Matungulu, Machakos County...
ABSTRACT Commercial banks in Kenya and especially Mombasa County are facing firm rivalry demanding the use of competitive strategies so as to pledge their performance. As such, most of the commercial banks are deliberating on ways, with competitive strategies being one of them to arrive a market and afterwards make sense of and ensure its aggressive position. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing the effect of competitive strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Mombasa Co...
ABSTRACT The government of Kenya is committed to the goal of Education for All. However, the problem of access to Primary school education undermines this achievement. Any factor that interferes with the learning not only undermines the education goal but also hampers the growth and development of children. For this reason, there is a need to identify the factors that contribute to low enrolment in Primary schools in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of urbanization...
ABSTRACT The transformational aspect of an ERP entails the re-engineering of the organizational business process and the influence of necessary critical factors for the radical transformation. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between ERP Transformation and Employee Productivity in Geothermal Development Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the effect of business process re-engineering on employee product...
ABSTRACT The coffee sector plays a significant role to Kenya‟s economy. The sector contributes to foreign exchange earnings, household incomes, employment and food security. The industry supports about 700,000 households comprising of 535 coffee cooperative societies for the development and marketing of coffee. A new concept in marketing all over the world has been the adoption of certification standards which are becoming increasingly popular in Kenya; currently there are about four cert...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to explore the factors that influence Nigerian online consumer purchase behavior. After a detailed relevant literature and theoretical framework on factors influencing Nigerian online consumer purchase behavior, researcher framed a well-structured questionnaire for collecting required information from a sample of 300 Nigerian customers out of which 217 valid responses received. The collected data were summarized, coded, and controlled by using SPSS 21...
ABSTRACT The sole purpose of this research is to determine the effect of product packaging on Nigerian consumers. The knowledge derived from relevant literature was used to draft out organized questionnaires to be filled by respondents residing in Yola and Jimeta towns, Adamawa State, Nigeria. A total of 270 questionnaires were distributed to respondents but only 222 questionnaires turned out valid. With the information gathered, it underwent analysis with the help of SPSS 21.0 and Microsoft...
The county governments continue to face challenges around the world. In the County Government of Nakuru, the auditor general continues to document diverse financial performance challenges. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect offinancial management practices on the financial performance of county governments in Kenya. This study was guided by the following specific objectives; to examine the role of internal auditing on the financial performance of County Government of�...
The emergence of underground economy which majorly deals with cash has led to the evolution of another category of tax fraud method because this kind of businesses does not leave a trail of any transaction making it easy to evade tax and conceal the practice. Underground economies are reluctant to transact using electronic funds transfer, credit and debit cards, does not issue invoices or cheques. Tax fraudsters manage to remain one step ahead also by using services of well-heeled lawyers and...
Introduction This study attempts to examine the relationship between workforce diversity (Independent variable) and performance of public sector organizations (Dependent variable) within the context of Uganda. In its own usage, diversity as a concept furnishes organizations of all types’ access to a pool of knowledge, skills, and abilities which when effectively harnessed help in the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Workforce diversity has been described as an imperative for or...
ABSTRACT The research sought to analyse mobile banking as a strategy to curb cash shortages in the Zimbabwe Banking Industry with specific emphasis on Agribank. Banks in Zimbabwe were experiencing cash shortages as evidenced by long queues as well as continuous reduction of daily cash withdrawal limits. Mobile banking is one of the many strategies implemented to curb cash shortages. In August 2016 Agribank introduced mobile banking to its customers. In this research, data was collected throu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find the causes of student poor performance in A‟ level Business Studies at two selected high schools, which are in Chimanimani District of Manicaland province. The study sought to explore the challenges faced by both students and educators in the teaching and learning of Business Studies at A‟ level which results in poor student‟s performance. Both home environmental factors and the school environmental factors were looked upon as target areas...
ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of the impact of brand equity on company performance a case of Tristar Insurance Company. The company is facing a lot of challenges given the fact that its clientele mainly comprised of corporate customers who are struggling under the current economic conditions. Also competition is intensifying in the industry. Tristar Insurance Company is now turning its focus on individual customers. The study focuses on examining whether the strengthening of Trista...