ABSTRACT Human resources management remains indispensable in engendering competitive advantage of any firm in this era of tense global business competition. If the Nigerian public service must keep pace with competition, which a globalized world has made more complex, they must properly manage their key area of comparative resource strength, which is human resource. Globalization has made the business world highly competitive. Productivity and competitiveness of firms is dependent on their ab...
ABSTRACT Introduction This study on "Training and Employee Productivity" was carried out in Kakira Sugar Limited, Jinja District. In Kakira sugar limited there seemed to be no training of employees so the study was to establish the relationship between training and productivity. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between training and employee productivity and the objectives were; identification of forms of training, establishment of the effects of training on employe...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of compensation on employee's motivation in war child Holland Uganda. The study sought to establish the effect of benefits on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to examine the effect to pay on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to establish the relationship between incentives and motivation of employees in War Child Holland. The literature review was conducted with the aim of establishing and shading mo...
Abstract This examined the relationship between job opportunities and women performance In the selected NGO’s and It was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents In terms & age, gender, educational qualifications, and years in the present position; (b) to determine the current extent & job opportunities of the NGO’s; Cc) to determine the level of women performance; and Cd) to establish if there is a significant relationship bet...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between the impacts of reward system on employee performance at work. The objectives of the study were to establish the different systems of reward in Smart Telecom, to find factors responsible for employee performance at work and to assess the effects resulting from the systems used by the company when rewarding employees. The study used a quantitative and research design for the purpose of making valid conclusion. Quantitative design which i...
ABSTRACT Shortage of human resource for health poses a major challenge to achieving the Millenium Development Goals. Uganda is among the 57 countlies with human resource shortage reaching critical level. But the situation is even worse at micro-levels. The Private-Not-For-Profit (PNFP) health sub-sectors complements govemment efforts to achieve the MDGs, the health stratetgic plan II (HSSPII) and the health related poverty eradication plan (PEAP) indicators. Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UC...
ABSTRACTThe study was to assess the effect of training on employee retention in Kampalacentral police stations. The objectives of the study were; I to determine the types oftraining offered at Uganda police, 2 to assess the effect of training on retention atUganda police, 3 to establish the relationship between training and employeeretention. The research design was descriptive in nature and based on primary datacollection at different police stations in Kampala. The study population involved...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was about absenteeism making original performance the problem may decline of employee performance which may be due to absenteeism. The purpose of the study is establishing relationship between absenteeism and organizational performance in ministry of agriculture, food and cooperation. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the causes of absenteeism on employee performance, to examine the effect of absenteeism on employee performance, to ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................ : ............................................ iiAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................................................. ivACKNOW...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) along Morogoro Road, Dar -es -Salaam, Tanzania. The study focused on career development and organizational performance. The study was limited to career development which was characterized by management styles, succession planning, and training and organizational performance which were characterized by improved Quality of work lives, attraction of talent individuals, motivation and satisfaction basing on the perio...
ABSTRACT The study was to find out the effect of safety and health to employee performance. At mirerani mbuguni mine. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between health and safety on employee performance at Mirerani Mbunguni objectives were, to investigate the cause of accident in organization in mirerani mbuguni,to investigate the effect of accident on productive on performance, to examine the measures to organization accident. The study used survey design with both qu...
ABSTRACT Staff turnover greatly impacts on the performance of any given organization. This research aimed at finding out the impact of staff turnover on the performance of AIC in health service delivery in Mbale. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data which minimized the level of biasness from the respondents from the researcher and thus coming up with more sounding responses. Upon analysis of data, the following results and conclusions were made; Finding out caus...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between rewards and performance of employees at international care and relief. The objective of the study was to establish different forms of rewards and to examine the impact ofrewards on employee performance. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews, as research tools. The data comprised of both primary and secondary data. Random sampling was also used. The findings indicated that employees are rewarded in terms of...
ABSTRACT The report is a result of research conducted on performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. Thus the objectives of the study were; to examine the types of performance appraisal, to establish the roles of performance appraisal, to examine factors affecting employee productivity, to determine the relationship between performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. To achieve these objectives the researcher mainly read and analysed the already exi...
ABSTRACT This study investigated internal communication and employee retention at ENHAS. The following objectives guided the study: i) to determine the effectiveness of internal communication at Entebbe Handling Services Limited; ii)to establish the level of employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited; and iii)to find out the relationship between internal communication and employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited. The study used descriptive survey design with a targ...