Natural Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Willingness To Pay For Watershed Services By Downstream Water Users In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study was done to determine the willingness to pay (WTP) for improved watershed services by downstream water users in Babati District using contingent valuation method in the form of close and open-ended WTP questions. Specific objectives were (i) to assess the level of awareness of the downstream water users on the importance of watershed in the provision of sustainable water supply (ii) to estimate willingness to pay for watershed services by the downstream users (iii) to ana...

Factors Influencing Adoption Of Soil Conservation Measures, Sustainability And Socio-Economic Impacts Among Small-Holder Farmers In Mbeya Rural District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Soil degradation attributed by erosion threatens agriculture production in many regions of Tanzania, consequently food insecurity and drawback poverty reduction efforts. Though various soil conservation measures (SCM) have been introduced and practiced by farmers, the extent of their adoption and sustainability are not clear. The objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing adoption of soil conservation measures, their sustainability, and socio-economic impacts amon...

Roles Of Information Provision On Bottled Mineral Water And Beverages In Environmental Management In Kinondoni Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. The aim of the study was to explore the potentials on provision of information on bottled mineral water and other beverages in order to improve its effective use in environmental management The specific objectives of the study were (i)To identify the existing information provided on the bottled mineral water and plastic bottled beverages (ii) to evaluate society’s awareness on the information provisio...

Economic analysis of alternative sources of energy for tobacco curing in tabora urban district, tabora region.

ABSTRACT The growth of tobacco production in Tanzania has become a threat to the woodlands due to the amount of firewood used for curing the crop. The overall objective of the research was to assess the economic feasibility of substituting firewood with sawdust and/or rice husks in curing tobacco. The specific objectives were to: (1) determine calorific values of sawdust briquettes, rice husk briquettes and firewood, (2) examine quality of tobacco cured by sawdust briquettes, rice husk briqu...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Conseqrvation And Development Trade-Offs On Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Given the reality that trade-offs are rules rather than exceptions, there is a need to acknowledge them and assess how different groups of people influence conservation and development choices. This study was conducted on the Uluguru Mountains to assess the socio-economic factors influencing conservation and development trade-offs. Specifically, the study aimed to identify the major conservation and development trade-offs existing on the Uluguru Mountains, assess the socio-economic ...

Economic Valuation Of Non-Timber Forest Products Under The Changing Climate Around Iyondo Forest Reserve In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on the economic valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and its implication for adaptation to climate change was conducted in four villages surrounding Iyondo Forest Reserve (IFR). The study specifically aimed at identifying and quantifying NTFPs for subsistence use and trade, examining factors influencing supply and demand of NTFPs, examining the total economic value of NTFPs and determining profit margin between different actors along the NTFPs market value chain...

Socio-Economic Effects Of Pangani River Basin On Community`S Livelihoods In Korogwe Town Council, Tanga Region

ABSTRACT  River basin`s resources are vital to basic livelihoods improvement and to the economy growth of the World. Despite the significant role played by river basins to Tanzania`s economic growth, little information is known on the socio-economic effects of river basin in urban areas than in rural areas. To address the information gap, this study was conducted purposely to: identify socio-economic activities undertaken by urban community along Pangani river basin, analyse gross profit fro...

Institutional And Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture With Trees In Karatu And Mwanga Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess institutional and socio-economic factors influencing adoption of Conservation Agriculture with Trees (CAWT) in Karatu and Mwanga districts in Tanzania. Ten (10) villages practicing CAWT were purposively sampled 5 from each district and a total of 100 respondents were randomly selected for household survey from village register. In addition Focus Group Discussions in PRA and desk reviewing of major policies related to CAWT were employed. Logistic reg...

Adoption Status And Management Of Agroforestry Systems And Technologies By Communities: A Case Study Of Kasulu District, Kigoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was done to assess and document the adoption status of Agroforestry systems and technologies in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study determined the current status of Agroforestry adoption by the communities in the district, identified agroforestry systems and technologies practiced, determined the factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry and the measures that would be required to improve its adoption in the district. Data collection me...

Value Chain Analysis Of Sclerocarya Birrea Products In Tanzania: Case Studies Of Uyui And Kilosa Districts

ABSTRACT This study analyzed the Sclerocarya birrea products value chain. In this study, 90 respondents were drawn from Kilosa district and 68 from Uyui district: 60 being processing group members and 8 collectors. Data were collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews and household surveys by use of semistructured questionnaires and interview schedules. The Sub- sector mapping analysis revealed that S. birrea products value chain comprised of collectors, processors an...

Ecological Effects And Community Perception Of Cattle Grazing In Miombo Woodlands In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study was conducted in Kilosa District to assess ecological effects and community perception of cattle grazing in Miombo woodlands. The ecological study conducted within Ihombwe village Community Based Forest Management (CBFM). Soil samples collected for analysis of soil physical and chemical properties before and after cattle grazing within 30 plots. Circular plots design used for inventories and all plants, trees with height ≥ 1cm, coppices and root sprouts were identified ...

Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation Strategies Of Small Scale Agriculture Production In Micheweni District Pemba, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in three Shehias within Micheweni district, Pemba to assess the extent of climate change impacts and crop yields. Specifically, the study aimed to identify and assess climate change impacts to small scale farmers, assess the link between precipitation, temperature, sea level rise, crop/fish production, identify and assess climate change adaptation strategies by small-scale farmers in the District. Primary data were obtained through focus group discussions, k...

Potentials of acacia Senegal (l.) Wild as fodder in livestock production in bukombe district, shinyanga, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Bukombe District which is one of the eight districts of Shinyanga Region, in Tanzania. The research was done in Mbogwe, Ushirombo and Runzewe forest reserves in the district. The aim was to assess the potentials of Acacia senegal as a source of fodder for livestock production. Sixty-nine circular plots with radius of 15 m, sampling intensity of 0.01% and sample size of 0.071 ha were used for determining the population and distribution of Acacia senegal tr...

Impacts Of Mining Activities On Land Cover And Forest Stock In Mbozi District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in three villages of Nanyala ward in Mbozi District to assess the impact of mining activities on land cover and forest stock. Landsat images of 1991, 2000 and 2011 were used to assess the trend of land cover changes. The Forest was stratified into mined and un-mined forest area. A concentric circular shaped sample plot with sampling intensity of 0.19 % was used. 70 sample plots were laid and measurements were taken for estimation of stocking, basal area, volume...

Attitudes And Perceptions Towards Ecotourism Among Pastoral Communities In Laikipia County Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya rangelands are characterized by low income, poverty, low and unreliable rainfall and conflicts. Pastoral communities in these areas have developed land use diversification and livelihoods mechanisms to help them cope with these challenges. Ecotourism is one of the strategies these communities engage in with the aim of conserving the environment as well as generate income. However, there has been no empirical study done on issues about attitudes and perceptions of local comm...

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